Social Question

Kraigmo's avatar

If you were a cop, would you give more lenience to people who have the Organ Donor stamp on their driver license?

Asked by Kraigmo (9521points) September 12th, 2009

For minor crimes like speeding, would you give more lenience to drivers with the Organ Donor stamp? Seeing as how they are more thoughtful people n all that?

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26 Answers

Zen's avatar

I am and I do not. What’s the connection?

marinelife's avatar

No. A criminal is a criminal whether they are an organ donor or not.

Fred931's avatar

Nah, too many reasons that could mean too many different things about the person are in that sticker; i.e. maybe he was thinking about Halo 3 when he made that decision, thinking “bloody gore, bloody gore.”

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

that’s like letting a coke dealer off because he’s just a super swell guy….

Fred931's avatar

…Or because me makes really good cookies for the local department.

Zen's avatar

@Fred931 Really special cookies.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

They’re more likely to give you a break if you have a sticker on your car that indicates you donate to the local police department though if you’ve committed a serious crime, they’re going to bring you in.

Darwin's avatar

Why give more lenience to organ donors? Are you hoping they will keep on driving stupidly so the chance that they will actually donate organs will be greater?

markyy's avatar

Yes, but than I would look at you and probably notice you have red hair, or blue jeans, maybe you wear a cologne that I dislike. And bam! I would double fine you for having busted tail lights! Good thing I’m not a cop huh?

I guess what I’m trying to say is that when you meet a crooked cop, it could be any number of things that work against/for you.

Buttonstc's avatar

I think the best insurance that you will be treated FAIRLY (not with favoritism but as much leeway as the situation will allow) is to be very courteous to the officer. Don’t insult their intelligence by trying some wild story or excuse. And whatever you do, don’t be truculent about it. They are just doing their job, albeit sometimes an unpleasant one.

If you know you’re in the wrong, just bite the bullet and try to be as gracious as possible.

benjaminlevi's avatar

If they let organ donors continue to speed they might get their organs sooner.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Reminds me of Superbad…

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Do you mean lenient like to let them feel as though it’s no big deal to screw off in the hopes they’ll mess up badly enough for someone ill to benefit from the harvesting of their organs? No, I don’t think I’d be that kind of cop at all.

Zen's avatar

@Buttonstc Good show, and kudos for using the word truculent and police-man in the same breath.

Buttonstc's avatar


That’s just the voice of experience speaking. I have been fortunate to have some rl friends who happen to be cops and they are continually amazed at the stupidity is some people who start pitching an attitude. That’s a surefire way to get a ticket for sure.

Speeding is much more of a safety issue and they don’t cut slack for that, but something like a recently expired license or registration carries quite a bit of latitude one way or another. And ironically, that’s what a lot of these dimwits get hot under the collar about So even if a cop had a mind to let them off with a warning to get it taken care of asap, these idiots have ensured themselves a ticket instead just for opening their big fat mouths. I’m sure you have probably witnessed similar :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

No I wouldn’t. I’m a cop in the military and my decision making processes don’t revolve around whether a person is or isn’t an organ donor. Additionally, how does being an organ donor make one more thoughtful than someone who isn’t an organ donor? That really isn’t a very good judgement of someone’s character and it is pretty audacious to make that kind of assumption.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

No. That’s like giving someone a discount at the supermarket for no other reason than that they have an earring or purple pants. Ridiculous.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

No, and if I were a cop, I would give tickets out like I give out candy at Halloween. Everybody would get one sooner or later. I see enough sorry excuses for drivers everyday that I would probably wear out a ten pack of ballpoint pens a week writing tickets.

I recently installed an electric air horn on my truck so people could hear me over their stupid ass loud fricken music and cell phone. If I honk at you now, you’ll know it. that’s my one pet peeve with Toyotas, that damn mousy little horn that comes stock.

Kraigmo's avatar

I’m surprised at the number of people who equate good driving with not speeding. Its perfectly possible (and happens every day) that those who are technically abiding by the written law, are driving more rudely, more illogically, and more unsafely than those who might be speeding. It’s not a a rule of thumb… but its very common and happens constantly in all cities. And since cops are forced by the bureaucracy to sometimes give tickets out for things that really aren’t so bad… I was thinking maybe they could give a break (a warning instead of ticket) to people who actually have taken 5 seconds out of their life to be an organ donor. The cops who have that discretion already, i’m talkin about.

American are often conditioned to think all laws should be enforced. In some countries, the laws are on the books to be used if needed, but no one is clamoring for them to enforce each one. They trust the police to use their intelligence and discretion, rather than just being human computers. Holland is such a country.

And why wouldn’t one be an organ donor? there’s only 2 reasons: religion or superstitious selfishness. What other reasons would there be? People die due to lack of organs being available, and yet most people for reasons they are unable to articulate… are afraid of donating their organs. They have a deep attachment to their body, even beyond death.

I’d like to know, if there are other reasons beyond the “Because its my right and I feel like it” way of thinking, which is really no reason at all. Those who are willing to receive an organ when needed, should also give one when possible, shouldn’t they? Jehovas Witnesses won’t donate, but they won’t take one, either. They think God told them to avoid all human blood. So they have their reasons. But what about other people? Most would take an organ as soon as one was offered, if they needed one.

And since cops see whether or not you are an organ donor, it would be good opportunity to enforce the bureaucracy on someone else later, unless one really was driving in a bad way, on top of breaking the technical law. Can’t we trust our police to have such discretionary power, and if not on this issue specifically, then generally, then? I think we can, for the most part.

Buttonstc's avatar

You asked if there are other reasons for not being an organ donor and without expending a whole lot of effort I can think of one very valid one.

There are certain medical conditions which could make one’s organs unsafe for someone else. Aids and Hepatitis are just two. People with those conditions are not even allowed to give blood so organ donation is also out of the question.

I assume there are others as well.

Kraigmo's avatar

@buttonstc, yah good point. People with diseased organs are not doing any favors by donating them.

Kraigmo's avatar

@buttonstc furthermore, your example shows i was wrong to only assume there’s 2 reasons to not donate organs. There’s obviously one good reason more, if not a few or many. I still think all who can donate (healthy, no religious conflict, and all other possible good logical examples, ) should donate though, as a matter of human decency.

JLeslie's avatar


@evelyns_pet_zebra You made me laugh. AGAIN! Lurve.

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