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seventeen123's avatar

Can ecstasy cause permanent brain damage?

Asked by seventeen123 (428points) September 13th, 2009

Scientifically, I know research doesn’t go for or against this. I have friends that don’t show the slightest changes. However, do you know anyone that suffers consequences?

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18 Answers

wenn's avatar

uhhh yah

jamielynn2328's avatar

Scientifically it has been proven to cause swiss cheese like holes in the brain. So I think that is pretty good evidence of brain damage. Ecstasy is a mix of all different kinds of deadly drugs and deadly chemicals.

There is no doubt that ecstasy causes permanent brain damage. I guess you could keep observing these friends and wait for the changes cause they will most certainly come.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Yes. ecstasy has a nasty affect on the brain. There’s terrible things for your body in these pills.
If you’re just buying from some guy at the party, you have no idea what you’re getting.
Why chance it?

dpworkin's avatar

It can also change the way your serotonin reuptake works, which can predispose you to major depressive syndrome, a sometimes fatal disease.

marinelife's avatar

Here are some stories from individuals.

JLeslie's avatar

Just say no. Drugs are bad.

syz's avatar

@jamielynn2328 I think you may be thinking of studies about methamphetamines. Source?

aprilsimnel's avatar

X affects the serotonin centers in the brain; that’s part of the reason why the comedown is so, so bad. If you use X often enough, those receptors are ruined permanently, and there can also be long-term memory loss, among other problems.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Yes. It does. As others have said, it mucks about with your serotonin reuptake. Serotonin reuptake is very important.

X is, in my opinion, one of the worst drugs out there simply because many don’t realize how incredibly dangerous it is. Its lasting effects tend to be utterly psychological (and neurochemical), instead of obvious shivers or whatever but they are absolutely terrible.

Likeradar's avatar

Ecstacy is one of my favorite drugs. It has helped me, and many people I know, deal with hard issues and help build intimacy. It can also be super fun.

I don’t know what science says about permanent damage, but here’s how it has affected me.

I did quite a bit of it in college. I have always dealt with minor depression, mainly tied to undiagnosed ADD. After my big X phase, my depression got worse. A lot worse. That phase ended about 7 years ago, and I’ve only done it 3 times since then. I’ll probably be on antidepressants forever.

Coincidence? Certainly could be. I know plenty of people who think they had great long term after-effects. They feel like they resolved old issues, and feel like they’re more empathetic in general. I agree with those things, but I do put part of the blame for my depression on the drug. Take from it what you will.

seventeen123's avatar

everyone- I understand that it’s not the best way to deal with issues. But if you’re the kind of person that forces yourself to get through the come-downs, and if you don’t do it morethan a couple times a month & if you’re getting e from someone you trust (not at a party) shouldn’t you be okay??

EmpressPixie's avatar


Even “someone you trust” can have a bad batch of whatever.
Even “a couple times a month” can leave you with lasting damage.

Is it worth it to have a few good times now if you utterly screw your brain up and have to deal with depression, memory problems, or something else the rest of your life?

Also, you want your parents to trust you and let you go out? Stop taking stupid risks with your health through illegal drugs.

mattbrowne's avatar

Most likely, yes. Stay away from it.

Likeradar's avatar

@seventeen123 Did you read the answers? If you want someone to tell you it’s perfectly healthy and all around ok for you, you’re in the wrong place.

seventeen123's avatar

– Just wondering.. I’ve heard arguments against i t & arguments that say it doesn’t hurt you. So, I wanted to know if there were people here that know someone that suffers consequences PERSONALLY.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@pdworkin: it does mess with the way the brain regulates the serotonin, I’ve seen people have “issues” after years of ecstasy and also opiates. The brain never forgets the intensity of the brain dope dump and getting stimulated from normal things gets messed with. These people have depression, sexual problems and eating disorders.

is a few hours of ecstasy running around like a moronic puppy really worth it?

JLeslie's avatar

Things that alter your mind aren’t good, they all have risks including alcohol.

gutterpanda's avatar

IT DOES NOT PUT HOLES IN YOUR BRAIN. Thats a misconception of the pictures shown to people of decreased brain activity.

however i would never advocate this drug as i am a former abuser. drugs affect everyone differently and honestly the only source of long term effects i believe are the ones ive suffered (since the studies of the drugs are done on animals which are difficult to transfer over to humans, or the studies are done on people after the abuse, not before so its hard to know what differences its caused in a persons life since there is no substantial proof of how the person lived before hand).

anyway, so i abused for two years. i became a heavy user after one year, taking up to ten pills at a time, and i mean all at once.
the long term effects i suffered from were: insomnia (diagnosed by my psychiatrist). i was 25 pound under weight when i decided to stop. heavy mood swings which lasted about a year. depression (suicidal thoughts), which lasted roughly two years. i felt slow and found it hard to concentrate on anything or to learn new things. i developed compulsive behaviors like spending large amounts of money on clothes, gambling, my car..etc. heavy decrease in sexual appetite. the hardest part is getting over the urge to do it, that took about two years before i could say no with strength though there are nights where ill randomly crave it. the cravings continue to decrease as time goes on but its the hardest thing the deal with out of all the long term side effects.

not everyone becomes an addict, and if you did it just once youd probably be fine, however, ive never met anyone whose done it just once. and to answer your question about brain damage…there aren’t any reliable sources that say it does.

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