General Question

kelly's avatar

Which/What is your favorite movie monster?

Asked by kelly (1926points) January 22nd, 2008
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20 Answers

sndfreQ's avatar

The original Alien, but the beast from Cloverfield a close 2nd

andrew's avatar

I’m all about Cloverfield right now, but mothra is a close second.

alabare's avatar

Hate to give the obvious answer, but I’m a softy for Godzilla.

El_Cadejo's avatar

cthulhu ftw.

GD_Kimble's avatar

Yep, Giger’s Alien is pretty hard to beat.

Fallstand's avatar

Those little mini raptor things from Jurassic park, haha

christybird's avatar

I love the cute animated monsters in Miyazaki movies – Calcifer the fire demon from “Howl’s Moving Castle” is a particular favorite, but I’m also a big fan of the animated soot balls in “Spirited Away.”

brownlemur's avatar

Slimer from Ghostbusters.

Jill_E's avatar

Sculley from “Monsters Inc.” cartoon

boffin's avatar

Peter Boyle as “The Monster” in ‘Young Frankenstein’.....

gilgamesh's avatar

that one forest spirit due from miyzaki’s princess mononoke always seemed pretty hardcore

sdeutsch's avatar

Cookie Monster (he was in Follow that Bird!) ;)

Shimako's avatar

Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in “Mommie Dearest.”

Kingkamandi's avatar

Alien from Alien.

P.S. Cloverfield sucked

El_Cadejo's avatar

@kingkamandi im happy to hear you think the same about cloverfield. That was by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Plot? Nope. Dialog? Nope. Any story what-so-ever? Nope. Closure? Nope. Entertaining? Nope. Painful to watch with that damn shaky cam? Hells yes.

Why do so many people like this movie?

Mangus's avatar

Third on Cloverfield. Monster movies work well in one of two directions:

1) Simple characters/relationships with compelling monster mythology (where did it come from, slow revelation of origins, way to escape/beat it)

2) Simple monsters with substantive characters/relationship. (a compelling character story set against a basic monster threat)

Cloverfield had neither. SO freaking lame.

djbyron's avatar

Anyone remember “The Relic” (1997)?

scamp's avatar

The incredible hulk! I have fantasies of going to bed with David Banner, and just as it starts to get good, I smash him in the face, turning him into the Hulk.. ha ha!! What a ride!!!

cub's avatar

godzilla, in all incarnations—even though he is male, since he is non-humanoid, he’s essentially gender-neutral, and btw, also neutral in ethnicity. therefore godzilla/gojira makes the most universal type of earthling monster. considering godzilla’s fame, i can’t quite imagine another monster who stacks up against the total package that is godzilla: scientific mischief, pathos, tragedy, comedy, universal appeal to children and adults, stature as hero/anti-hero, and even savior—now THAT’S a monster!

andrew's avatar

Now that time has given me a little aftersight… I’m going to have to go with Gamera. He has ROCKETS in his LEG HOLES!

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