What's something you like that you're sure almost anyone else would enjoy if they gave it a chance?
Asked by
ubersiren (
September 14th, 2009
Movie, book, food, band, song, game, sport, comedian, TV show, sex positions, career choice, etc. Anything!
Do you like something that you know someone would like if they just tried it? Obviously, not everyone will like it, but a good majority, perhaps.
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200 Answers
one night of pure, unadulterated eponymoushipster.
Avacados. So many people don’t like them, but I think they’re wonderful.
Scottish country dancing.
Sex and the City. I find that a lot of people who have never seen the show have all these opinions or assumptions about it that are absolutely not true (that only women can relate to it, it’s all about purses and shoes, it only covers issues that women have, etc.) I’ve actually had the privilege of changing those exact opinions of several people in my life, including my current boyfriend. I feel that if people actually sat down and watched a few episodes, their opinions would change drastically, even if they still didn’t particularly like it.
@Frankie people believe that about the show because that’s all the show’s commercials make it out to be. If it’s more than that, it’s a fault of the show’s producers to not advertise it properly.
Excellent wonderful question which I will bookmark as there might be wonderful ideas and experiences here to unfold as time elapses. Kudos.
My own is thus: Little known author Jerzy Kosinski. Read The Painted Bird, and then Blind Date and the others. He is the brilliant author of Being There, which was made into the famous movie with Peter Selers (remember Chauncey Gardner?).
Lurvoy. (that’s lurve and enjoy).
Dexter on Showtime. I’ve been raving about it since it started and finally a few people I know have tried it out and loved it. Three seasons later… now they have a lot of catching up to do.
Classical music. There’s classical music for everyone. With over 1000 years of it, there’s bound to be something you like.
@DominicX I agree, I love some of it. Sadly, all I have are just some Mozart CDs
@Zen The Painted Bird is a wonderful novel.
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
A trip to Canada (to any of the provinces, really).
Quebec is a nice place . I wish I went by myself instead of going with a tour bus
Very good answers so far! I have to agree with most of them, and others I’m anxious to try.
@MrItty I agree with you, and it’s unfortunate that what you said is true. But that doesn’t change the fact that people do have those assumptions that are false and that if they actually watched the show they would find that it is quite different from what they thought it was. Which is pretty much what the OP asked.
Quebec, and Quebec city, are beautiful. From Montreal the Paris of Canada, to Quebec City which has just celebrated 500 years, you shant be disappointed with a visit there.
Try the poutine. Oh Oh and onion soup.
@Frankie I didn’t mean I was disagreeing with you. Just… discussing, I guess.
Tove Jansson’s Moomintroll books.
@Judi Great, great answer! Lots of lurve!
Lost… the best series ever.
Yes, Quebec is pretty. Coast (peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia) to coast (Emerald Lake, B.C.) , and, places inbetween (Lake Louise, Alberta) – Canada is lovely. I honestly wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
The Wire
Those who’ve seen it know that i’m not lying when i say it’s one of the best series ever to have been aired.
Those who have not, will agree after seeing it.
For women: girl on girl sex.
The Penguins of Madagascar
Phineas and Ferb
@Facade I love those shows I watch them everyday. Code Lyoko
Megadeth’s Cryptic Writings. I mean seriously, this is such an underrated album. It’s no Rust in Peace, but it’s better than Countdown to Extinction.
plain strawberry poptarts with butter on them. when I tell people this I get a “ew, gross” face. But it’s delicious!
@photographcrash uhm. How do you do that? Pop tarts are hard and flat. Doesn’t the butter just run off onto your plate (or more likely, fingers)?
@MrItty nope. they have little holes in the top. I use the ones without frosting. plus, when they’re hot, the butter just sinks into the crust. yummmmmmmmm.
the song “blue red and gray” by the who.
Crunchy peanut butter on onion bagel
grapes and natural peanut butter.
assuming you like both separately, anyway…
Very good question. White water rafting comes to mind.
@Frankie Watched “SatC” about a dozen times, really gave it a good shot. Never could get to like it. Sorry.
@deni Tried quinoa several times. Still don’t like it. The taste is just barely OK, and it’s got a strange texture that bugs me.
My answer is Joss Whedon. He’s done a TV series for everyone. I believe a lot more people would like Buffy if they gave it a chance, and Firefly would appeal to even more.
I’ll try that out when I retire and when I get stinking rich
@tinyfaery I’ll let you in on a secret: guys also like a little girl on girl sex. Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone.
Scrambled eggs cooked with cream cheese…
Eggs rice and Ketchup yummy
Can’t knock it till you try it.
@ubersiren Lurve for Joss Whedon!
@EmpressPixie I’ve always thought geocaching sounded fun, but I’ve never tried it. Have you done any in Pittsburgh yet?
@EmpressPixie : I’ve always wanted to try that! Sadly, I have no GPS. Sounds fun.
@Gundark At least you can say you tried…like I said in my first post, even if people still don’t like it, once they watch it they at least realize it is different from what they had thought it was. At least for the most part. But I don’t know if that was the case for you.
@deni oh haven’t had quinoa in ages, we used to have it all the time, must buy some more, thanks for the reminder
calamari. (if they know it’s squid, they just won’t try it.)
Well, recently I decided I wanted some Jelly (Jello) so I got some Jelly cubes, melted them as instructed but instead of adding water and then waiting for it to set I added Cherryade (fizzy pop, soda, whatever you may call it where you are) and so, not only did it have added flavour it was also fizzy on the tongue for a limited amount of time! What’s not to like?!?!?!
@sdeutsch: I did a tiny bit of it during orientation in the park by school. If you want to come the next time I go (which might not be for a while—yay, midterms!), you are welcome to join me.
@ubersiren: Find someone with an iPhone. Borrow it. Go. The iPhone is probably the single best beginner’s tool for it right now. The app made by the people behind Geocaching.com is really amazing. (But if you plan to do anything more interesting that city caches, a cheapie handheld GPS is still the way to go as they are water resistant or proof usually and this is an issue surprisingly often.
Boiled/broiled cow’s tongue
Pomegranate syrup on lamb k’bab
Mustard on french fries
Babywipes in addition to toilet paper
Deep tissue buttocks massage
The Revolting Cocks
Nick Cave
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Love In The Time Of Cholera
@JLeslie Sometimes I wonder what it would be like without my DVR. I shudder to think..
@jamielynn2328 It changes your life. I cannot believe I waited so long to get one. It brings me great joy. I would give up Fluther and Facebook before my DVR I think.
I’ve been trying to get my husband and cousin to Fluther and they just won’t do it. I think they would both really enjoy it. I also try to turn people on to knitting, but I guess some people just don’t want to craft.
Eating fruit while taking a shower is pretty awesome but I often get strange reactions from people when I tell them that. Try it… juicy juicy pineable slices… no fuss from juice running down your arms and on to your clothes!
Hmmm, maybe I am getting way too comfortable on Fluther that I am revealing my super secrets now.
@EmpressPixie Yes, please! I keep telling myself that I’m going to go explore random parts of Pittsburgh that I haven’t been to before – it seems like geocaching would be a good way to do that!
@RareDenver OH you absolutely must. I love it with black beans and corn!!!
@DominicX classical music is the shit. its so good, it’s hard to dislike any of it in my opinion. And to think of all the composing and all the time gone into one song…wow!!
@Gundark I thought it was strange at first too but now I love it. It has to be seasoned right though, because the tase by itself isn’t especially thrilling.
@Rachienz Interesting. My neighbors love showering naked outside, so that might be an added treat for them.
Mud baths and massages.
Unbelievably relaxing.
Well, women have vaginas, fingers and tongues… I’m only playing along.
@teh_kvlt_liberal : RIP Patrick Swayze. :(
@eponymoushipster So you’ve tried sex with a man as a woman? Unless you say yes, then you yourself have not experienced it, and therefore, it cannot be something that you like. Unless, of course…
@tinyfaery no. but i also wouldn’t have to talk about it endlessly either.
Things I’ve tried once (or twice) but can’t find the time anymore to do (read: too scared, too expensive or that shit is silly, why’d I do that again?); Bungee jumping; sky diving; scuba diving; and I l flew a little Cessna airplane. Oh yeah and cave spelunking and train hopping.
They have their moments – especially diving. Florida keys were nice. Israel’s Red Sea (Eilat) as well.
Pole Dancing and Caber Tossing.
@Bluefreedom I’ve seen your moves on the pole, you is awesome! Check out Blue at the “Lucky Banana Bar” on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Peace and Love,what else? Ohh and don’t forget music :D
@Zen I thought they did Kareoki on Tuesdays…
@Bluefreedom : I tried Caber tossing once at a Celtic festival- it’s hard as crap! You know, if your crap was really hard… Way fun though! I agree. Highly recommended.
And the guy made a touchdown!
The huge crowd is going wild!
@filmfann Switched Karaoke to Mondays on account Tuesdays were slow and they needed something to pick things up. Blue did such a great job, they added Thursdays.
@Kraigmo Do you mean going to a tournament with your mate, or fighting against your mate in a tournament? Please clarify, it’s important.
Cosplay… Halloween is comming up and that means The Rocky Horror Picture Show is their…. Well I don’t know how long the theatre has been doing it, but it’s fun!
@Zen : I thought he meant ecstasy… what’s the tournament you speak of?
Cheese and jam sandwiches
@ubersiren I was responding to MDMA. Isn’t that the martial arts fight thing?
@Zen: It’s the chemical abbreviation for the drug ecstasy. MMA is Mixed Martial Arts. Um, there may be some other crossover acronym, but MDMA is usually drugs.
@Kraigmo Sorry. I thought you were talking about MMA. Really.
@Zen no problem You got to the bottom of it before I even noticed.
@Kraigmo : X scares me. I’ve tried acid, but I think that’s as far as I’ll take it. I’ll never say never, though.
Wrote a poem to my wife for her birthday, yesterday…she loved it.
Wrote a memoir for my friend on his birthday of our childhood.
mint chocolate chip – Coke – float…it is awesome!
live without a TV for three months (ok days)...I did it for three years.
Dieting! everyone does day some point in there life..
FYI Dieting doesn’t alway mean to lose weight
I really like The Dudes (see their myspace) as a band but it seems like no one else has heard of them or cares.
Give ‘em a chance!
cleaning their ears with a cotton bud….also swimming ..sleeping nude….marmalade….making anything
@noodle_poodle Where I come from, sleeping nude is called sleeping “Comando” or “American style”.
Wilco! Sky Blue Sky hooked me for good.
@ well thats great :) but whatever its called i pity the fool that buys extra sets of clothes to sleep in…its not right
@noodle_poodle pj bottoms are the worst; they get all twisted around the legs or hike up to your knees…why bother wearing what you cover up anyway with the sheets?
Wilco and Bob Dylan. That is to say that everyone must find their own point of entry, but the yield is as high (Wilco) and even higher (Dylan) than The Wire (well done @rebbel).
@drhellno The first time I listened to The Freewheelin Bob Dylan I was hooked.
Everybody is better than Bob Dylan. I can’t make it through a whole song without turning it off.
Bob Dylan is a flat out genius. I love Donovan, especially Catch the Wind and Sunshine Superman, but Dylan can capture a life in a song. Yes, his singing has gotten raspier over the years, but Things Have Change works with that! “Tangled Up In Blue” is just as good as any song ever written, ever.
both Donovan and Dylan are pretty good in my mind…plus given they are both dead its unlikely they will ever get into a fight so we wont have to pick sides :)
Turning off the TV and and the pc and taking the family for a walk (if you have one). If you are single, go for a walk (without the ipod) and think…
I didn’t used to like Bob Dylan’s voice. Then something just changed and now I love it. I like Donovan too butttt not as much.
Pickled Garlic Cloves…Yum ^^
@saraaaaaa extremely! it sizzles a little in your mouth. so good. very refreshing in the summer.
I’ve just googled it and am now intrigued, I must try some!
@saraaaaaa you live in England? do you have any Eastern European/Russian shoppes nearby? I know in Leeds there’s quite a Polish population, and in London and Stoke a number of Russians. i always get mine at those places.
I do live in England, Nottingham to be precise no stalking! :p, there is an asian supermarket nearby that stocks some Polish food nearby…I will go and investigate at a more appropriate time of day.
Star Trek: Next Generation.
It’s almost a cliche to dislike Star Trek, but that series is ridiculously wonderful if you let yourself watch the first few seasons.
@fenugreek When I was in college, my roommate and I had a routine of getting our dinner “to go” from the cafeteria and eating while we watched Next Generation. Fond memories. :)
It’s funny, I was a big fan of the original Trek, but not so much that I was crazy obsessive, going to conventions and crap, I was no purist and actually expected good things from TNG, but I absolutely DETESTED the 2 hour series opener to the point that I could never watch the show again, not sure why, it just rubbed me the wrong way, I thought it was stiff and forced and cliched and it just didn’t hook me, so I never watched another episode. I did however really enjoy DS9.
What’s not to like about Enya? The most beautiful relaxing music there is…
Enya has such a stigma attached to it as being “unmanly music”, which is ridiculous of course.
@DominicX funny how you mentioned Enya, I’m literally listening to it right now. Orinoco Flow (Sail Away). Much lurve! Love it.
@fenugreek ST Next Gen. is indeed wonderful.
@saraaaaaa I haven’t heard that one, I’ll check it out thanks!
@ubersiren Just wanted to say that this is one of my all-time favourite questions, and I think it may be one of the timeless and classic ones: anyone can contribute something useful at any time, and it was worded in such a friendly manner, that it will continue to invite responses from newbies for generations to come.
@saraaaaaa It was really good. I have heard it before, just never knew the name of it. Thank you.
Making someone else’s day a GREAT one.
Chasing crop circles during the summer.
Acid. It’s so wonderful to sit out in a forest with a head full of ‘cid and watch the trees breathe.
Arthur Russell.
The Venture Bros.
French toast with sour cream.
In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. Reading it is one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. It’s so much more…layered…than anything else. It opens up the workings of the human mind and holds every layer of its metaphors up to the light like some incredible prism, and sometimes you can hold all the facets together in your head at once and everything seems so simple and deeply meaningful… All of you, even if you don’t think you have the time to read the whole thing, ought to at least check out the novella within the first volume of the novel, Swann in Love. It follows the whole arc of what it is to fall in and out of love, and gives you a little blueprint for the novel as a whole.
@wildpotato You’ve got me convinced – in terms of Proust, not acid. I’ll give it a try one of these summers; it’s been on my list.
Doing acid once really messed me up (30 years ago) and I think I am still suffering memory loss today. It also assured that I would get totally paranoid if I ever smoked pot.
At least it forced me to get away from the negative spiral I was in and make something of my life.
@Judi I’m sorry you had an unfortunate experience. That really sucks. I had one bad trip, and I can absolutely understand why having one your first time would turn you off to the stuff forever.
I’m not going to try to evaluate the positives of the experience versus the risks and legal drawbacks – that’s something people can only do for themselves – but I will say that in my fairly extensive contact with the stuff and in my observations of others’ use, it rarely has such an outcome as Judi describes. My bad trip was due to my own stupidity in over-dosing on stuff I volunteered to be guinea pig for. Don’t do that. But if obtained from a reputable source and used with care, acid can provide an extremely fulfilling experience.
Well, I did mushrooms once too with the same result, so why would I ever want to go back there again?
@Judi Actually, it’s not unusual for people to have a hard time with shrooms. Physically it tends to cause intense nausea for at least a short period of time during onset for nearly all users, and the mental trip can be very hard for some people to control. I wouldn’t say that shrooms is a good answer to the OP’s question. Not to imply that I think you were putting words in my mouth, just clarifying my position. I said acid because it’s a very gentle and beautiful experience if you can be confident in your source, dose and setting.
That may be the case, but it is a theory I am unwilling to ever test in my body again.
Done the cid & shrooms; just not profitable for me to be doing that – ever again. Had “good” and bad trips, but I left that whole scene years ago.
I’m a strange person so I love blasting music on my ipod and dancing to it while doing chores, it makes it makes the whole thing easier and more enjoyable. Without my ipod I would hate chores. I think if everyone did that people would be less up tight and not complain as much about household chores. I’m one of the few who can say that I enjoy chores.
The care game: Munchkin. 3–10? can play, it is cheesy, funny, traitorous and sarcastic. You should at least look it up. munchkin
@noraasnave Lurve for Munchkin! We have four different munchkin sets (our favorite is a combo of Munchkin Booty and Munchkin Fu – what could be better than ninjas and pirates?) When my sister is back in town to visit, we play almost every night – we’re totally addicted…
On the subject of games: Squabble. You play with the Scrabble tiles, but not the board. Every one works on thier own cross word…fast paced game – fun.
Flying a parafoil stunt kite.
Running in the Walmart parking lot to your car before you freeze to death in Michigan.
Movies directed by Uwe Boll?
I kid.
Macaroni & Munster Cheese – a childhood recipe
necessity is the mother of invention
potato chips with cottage cheese
I know it sounds super nasty, and personally i dont like chips that much, and i LOATHE cottage cheese.
But together they are amazing…..
someone explain this to me D:
@IlonaW What made you try that, if you don’t like either thing?
a friend of mine told me lol :D she’s like me she doesn’t care for either thing but a friend of hers had her try it. Also, some convincing and open mindedness :)~
Loves to eat them mousies,
Mousies what I loves to eat.
Bite they little heads off,
Nibble on they tiny feet.
@janbb Really! I had no idea they were lyrics from a folksong! I suppose I can find it without too much laborious computer-fiddling; can you tell me the title, more about it?
I “thru-hiked” the Appalachian Trail, from Georgia to Maine, years ago…there are “trail registers,” logbook sort of things in the lean-to shelters along the trail; and some hiker ahead of me (I never met him/her) would repeatedly make that entry. In view of the fact that most of the wooden shelters were full of mice, it was quite apropos, meaningful to hikers that would spend the night in them. I rarely slept in shelters—had an adequate tent, preferred more solitude—but whenever I did, there were the mousies, skittering about in the dark, literally inches away, making one feel a bit uncomfortable, hence the little poem was so meaningful, relevant, enjoyable in a sadistic sort of way, to those who read it. But alas, “Revenge is mine, sayeth the Lord.”
@Dilettante Actually, it’s not a real folk song. What it is from is a B. Kliban cat cartoon in which a blind cat folksinger is strumming a guitar and singing those words. My brother loved that cartoon. And kudos to you for the through hike. I’ve always, in theory, wanted to do that.
@janbb Thanks, I’ll look for it; perhaps it’s on UTube. I’m certain it will evoke many fond memories. Re the thru-hike (we always used the “thru” abbr., for some reason), it was a life-changing experience, never to be forgotten. Whenever I encounter someone from one of the states the trail traverses; I start rattling off the names of little mountain towns in that state, in which I stopped to resupply,etc. I often get a delighted response; the listener amazed that I would know it. Although the wilderness experience, a la Jeremiah Johnson (The Robert Redford Film) was superb; the sociological aspect, interacting with the folks along the way, was equally rewarding. Although the adage, “The Ice Cream Man brings the world to your door,” is apropos; the opposite is true as well. The Ice Cream Man learns much.
@Dilettante Very cool. One thing, the folksinger is just a graphic cartoon; you probably have to look for a book of Kliban’s work.
ketchup and mayo on a pizza…I know when my cousin told me this I thought her taste buds were with the wrong entre. but I actually tryed it & its pretty good.
One cup smashed avocado with 2 tablespoons diced cilantro, 3 tablespoons of pico de gallo , garlic powder, salt and a little diced jalapeno stirred in and served on Tostitos whole grain chips. Maybe not at night; could give you nightmares. Eating this stuff daily, I’ve cut way back on meat due to the fat.
Band: Bombay Bicycle Club
Book: America: Empire of Liberty- David Reynolds
Food: Black Olives
This probably will have you making that sucky in face but someone last Christmas brought some Marmite Chocolate into the office, one or two chunks at a time was actually really nice but too much of it left you feeling a little sick.
As far as Bob Dylon is concern…He is a great song writer but he can’t carry a tune in a bucket…awful singing voice.
Doctor Who. BEST sci-fi tv show EVER.
Geocaching. Start with easy ones and move up.
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