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Jeruba's avatar

What thoughts does the coming of fall bring on?

Asked by Jeruba (56231points) September 14th, 2009

If you’re in the northern hemisphere, autumn is about to begin. Where do your thoughts turn at this time of year? What puts you in the mood for the season?

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50 Answers

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Pumkins, pretty trees with orange and yellow leaves, thanksgiving, pumkin pie, the fresh smell of wet leaves covering the ground, cooler weather, heavier clothing, Halloween. To name a few.

Likeradar's avatar

The Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks is such a delicious sign that fall is getting here. Drinking one makes me feel like jumping in a pile of leaves and wearing scarves, even if (like today) it’s 80 degrees and sunny out.

Fall’s my favorite season. My thoughts turn to cooking hearty foods, shopping (love fall clothes!), snuggling, and reading in bed.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Candy corn, even though I don’t celebrate halloween anymore

Cupcake's avatar

My son’s birthday (he turns 13 in the middle of October)
Fuzzy scarves and gloves
Roasted fall veggies
Putting the ice scraper back in the car
Arts and crafts with brightly colored leaves
Pumpkin pancakes
The first burst of heat through the floor vents
Miniature candy bars for Halloween

DominicX's avatar


I leave tomorrow. :)

And of course, I love the rainier weather, Thanksgiving, Halloween, yellow and orange leaves, and since it’s California, no snow or super cold temperatures. Woot.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I love fall & all the good things that go with it. The leaves, the colors, the bon fires, Halloween & Thanksgiving, etc. But I hate to think of what’s coming behind it. I hate the cold & snow & it’s inevitable that it’s close on fall’s tail.

AstroChuck's avatar

Wind and rain. I hate Autumn.

Jeruba's avatar

Best wishes, @DominicX!

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

I’ll miss you my Russian muffin!

Jude's avatar

Cool breeze whilst sleeping with the windows open. Driving throughout the city or along the countryside and seeing huge Maples and Oaks covered in red and orange leaves, with leaves softly falling. Octoberfest (German beer and sausage!). The smell of Fall. Mums planted in people’s gardens.

Facade's avatar

I don’t like it and it hates me back.

Jeruba's avatar

And don’t you spend too much time fooling around here, okay? Because you’re going to be busy. But just so we don’t worry too much when you’re quiet, you could post little updates in your profile from time to time.

Sampson's avatar

Good thoughts.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Boots!!!! My least favorite part about summer is getting a sandal tan. I’m a big fan of all fall clothing… sweaters and scarves, wearing wooly skirts with thick tights. I like to feel bundled up. Ooh, I’m excited just thinking about it!

SundayKittens's avatar

Not stepping outside and immediately feeling homicidal due to the humidity of a thousand bathtubs hitting me in the face. Sigh….

aprilsimnel's avatar

Daytrips to the country to see leaves changing, where the sky looks especially blue on a sunny, brisk afternoon.
Apple picking (and apple cider)
Fuzzy sweaters, tights, short wool skirts and clunky Doc Martens-type shoes (my autumn “fun” wardrobe)
Oooh, yes! Boots!

marinelife's avatar

I love the fall. I am especially looking forward to having seasons in my life again after nearly five years in Florida.

Already, the air is cooler, the breezes have picked up and the very first leaves are falling, harbingers of the blaze of glory and the winy air to come.

I’ve added a blanket to my bed with an eye toward snuggling up.

oratio's avatar

It’s my favorite season. The occasional storms, the clear sky, the explosion of colors everywhere, the leaves making that special whisper, perfect temperature.

I wish it was autumn always.

photographcrash's avatar

Football, jackets, pretty leaves, baseball playoffs, and bonfires. fall is the best.

markyy's avatar

Curling up with hot coco and books!
Windy days at the beach!
Chestnuts and leaves!

I’ve been waiting for Autumn for 2 weeks now, some of the trees in my neighbourhood have already started to change color and dropping leaves.

deni's avatar

Living in western pennsylvania, this is the time of year that I almost never want to move away. It is so beautiful. The trees are so colorful, the weather is cool and perfect, everybody is festive and wearing flannel and the steelers are on. Its a wonderful time.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I always get a great sense of relief at the first signs of Autumn (or fall as they say in the States). I am happier in Autumn/Winter than I am in Summer/Spring. I know this sounds strange but for years I experienced my worst depression and anxiety in the summer months but for some, unkown reason, it seemed to ease up when Autumn arrived. I’m not as bad as I was back then but I still associate spring and summer with such scary and lonely times that I am still relieved when Autumn shows up. I have heard of S.A.D but apparently it is more likely for someone to suffer depression in the colder, darker months. I obviously just did it in reverse!

Strauss's avatar

The fall is very nice where I live now, with the moderation of temperatures, the turning of the trees (especially the aspens in the mountains), and the cool evenings when we might even start a fire in the fireplace.

But fall always brings memories of growing up in the exurban (not quite rural, not quite suburban) Midwest. The first signal that fall was here was Labor day, and then the start of the school year. Shortly after that there would be the “fall back” to standard time, so that being home by dark meant be home for dinner, rather than bedtime. But the most beautiful memories I have of fall in that region are the trees. As I said earlier, the turning of the aspens is beautiful, but it pales in comparison to the turning of all the trees in the Midwest. Where I used to live there is a long ridge, where the road goes down into a major river valley. That land on that ridge was too steep to plow or maintain for pasture, so remained wooded. When fall came, the hillside would be ablaze with colors ranging from the pale yellows of the birches, through the fiery reds and oranges of the oaks and maples, punctuated by the occasional subdued greens of the evergreen spruce and pines. What a sight!

sdeutsch's avatar

Warm apple cider. That first crisp chill in the air. Walking in the park and watching as the leaves turn brighter and brighter colors every day. Rainy days that give me an excuse for cuddling up under a blanket and reading all day. And sweaters! It’s been 8 years since I was here to experience a real Pittsburgh fall – I’ve missed it so much!

ubersiren's avatar

No more muggy Maryland weather
leaves- the colors, smell and sound
My Chinese element (is metal which corresponds with fall)
Pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and hay rides
family time

tiffyandthewall's avatar

school and halloween.
that’s it.
maybe if i lived in a state with seasons, i’d be more enthusiastic.
i can’t wait to get out of south florida

erichw1504's avatar

Cold, falling leaves, and Halloween.

jamielynn2328's avatar

Baking Apple Crisp for my kids
Wearing hoodies without sweating
The cool breeze
Cold apple cider
Carving Pumpkins
Scary movies with

I LOVE the Fall, it is the best season. I’ve already bought my fall candle scents.

AstroChuck's avatar

@all who love Autumn- Are you crazy?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

How can you not like Autumn?
Spring is the worst season

sdeutsch's avatar

@AstroChuck Most of us who love fall get to stay inside snuggled up with our books and hot cider when the fall rain comes. If I had to walk around outside all day come rain or come shine, I’d probably hate it too… ;)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Love & nesting. The Fall has always been my favorite season because you can be comfortable in your clothes, layer up if cold, eat heartier foods without indigestion, cook in the home and not swelter, light a fireplace, listen to rain and storms, snuggle with someone all day in bed, everything seems to have a heightened scent (maybe moisture helps), I sleep better, shorter daylight hours, heavier feeling in moist air feels embracing almost.

Jeruba's avatar

What a lot of wonderful answers to this question! Very evocative, almost like poetry. Keep them coming!

Here’s my own answer:

What thoughts does the coming of fall bring on?

First of all, the changing of the leaves, which doesn’t really happen here in California, so the immediate next thought is homesickness for New England. Then thoughts of holidays and the start of the school year, new beginnings and endings, and celebrations always make me feel philosophical as well as both cheerful and a little melancholy. I’m sorry to see summer end and sad to look toward the year’s ending, the dark time, which always evokes metaphorical thoughts of decline and death (some years more than others). But the bright colors of fall (wherever they may appear) go far to offset the morbid thoughts. I think that’s why I always go all out with fall decorations (not Hallowe’en, just fall): to stave off the coming dark.

What puts you in the mood for the season?

Color, above all. The traditional bright, warm fall colors—reds and golds, oranges and browns, with just a dash of purple and a memory of green. Autumn-hued flowers, leaves, clothes, calendar pictures, candles, and more. And the start of holiday decorations, one holiday after the next, that run concurrently with the chocolate season, from Hallowe’en to Easter.

knitfroggy's avatar

Our State Fair started on Friday and that always puts me in the mind of Fall. The kids still wear shorts to school right now, but they have to wear a jacket in the morning because this is Kansas and it might be 55 degrees at 7am and 95 degrees at 3pm.

I love the fall weather. I love the days where I can wear a sweatshirt and jeans and feel just comfortable, probably about 60 degrees. I love Halloween and I’ve been enjoying watching all the Halloween merchandise go out at work. My birthday is in November, so I always like that. Thanksgiving is fun, because I usually put up my Christmas Tree the next day and start gearing up. I love Fall!

YARNLADY's avatar

Fall? Haha, here where I live the only difference between any of the seasons is the temperature doesn’t get quite as hot one half of the year as it does the other half. Some leaves turn pretty colors and fall on the ground, but many don’t. There are more winds and when those palm tree “leaves” come down, you don’t want to be anywhere near them. It might rain once in awhile, but not enough.

deni's avatar

I dislike spring too. It’s nice that things are growing and blooming again, but it rains so much here and it starts getting muggy. Blah.

evegrimm's avatar

I like when it actually gets “cool” down here…usually not until mid- to late-November.
Fall, for the most part, is an extension of summer….<sighs>

When it does get chilly, though, I love getting out my hand-knitted scarves, neckwarmers, shawls, hats, gloves, sweaters, socks and armwarmers…they only get used during a few months! And I usually end up knitting more, too…I’m just crazy, I gues. :D

I think Halloween and Thanksgiving are much better holidays than Christmas. I love the way many people in my home neighborhood decorate for Halloween…skeletons, pumpkins, luminarios, spiders, spiderwebs, etc.

Thanksgiving is great because it’s usually gotten somewhat cold by then…and usually, our family has great food, without the hassle of presents. Also, pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes are two of my favorite things!

I wish there was color changes going on around here, but for the most part, things go from green (alive) to brown (dormant) without any of the pretty colours in between.

augustlan's avatar

Fall is a bittersweet time for me. I love the brisk days with full on blue skies, and my drive through the mountains (part of my regular commute) is a stunning riot of color. On the other hand, it is all too short and quickly turns to winter. Short, gray days make me sad. The holidays, one after the other, make me anxious. Time flows by all too quickly. I will not be truly happy again until spring.

answerjill's avatar

Song recommendation: Cheryl Wheeler’s “When Fall Comes to New England”

ShanEnri's avatar

I love winter and fall brings it that much closer! It makes me think of hot chocolate and good books! I love the smell of burning leaves and cool crisp autumn air!

Strauss's avatar

When I was in Florida, it was explained that there were only three seasons there: Last summer, this summer and next summer.

deni's avatar

I could never live somewhere where it is always summer.

irocktheworld's avatar

Trees and leaves changing colors,
Cold weather,
More homework :P

Austinlad's avatar

My birthday… sweaters… Thanksgiving… whether to send out holiday cards this year.

Aster's avatar

Fireplace, buying and decorating yet another Christmas tree, baking a turkey, wrapping/choosing endless gifts, hopes of snowfall, parties.
Missing certain people.

Ultramarine_Ocean's avatar

I usually tend to think of growth. School’s just started so it makes you feel like you’ve matured alot in a small amount of time. I also can’t wait for all the shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown! They’re eye-opening colors but when they’re together, it makes you feel calmer and at ease.

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