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JLeslie's avatar

Should they add to the CDC warning if you are sick and work in a supermarket stay home?

Asked by JLeslie (65978points) September 14th, 2009

I was just at the supermarket and this girl who is putting together my pork chops touches her nose, sniffs, and then roles up the package. I ask if she is sick, and she does have a cold. I am germaphobic enough that I don’t want those pork chops anymore. I don’t want to get sick, not even with a head cold. I realize she has probably touched other items in the meat department, but knowing she just touched that package I did not want it. I think not only should “they” ask children to stay home if sick; but also, people who work in supermarkets. Seems like you could spread a lot of illness to a lot of people.

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16 Answers

casheroo's avatar

I’m confused, she was touching the raw meat? She was not wearing gloves?

I wouldn’t be concerned about the germs, since you’re cooking the meat and I doubt they can live on a pork chop. It’s the lack of gloves which bothers me. Did she just wrap it up in paper/plastic? I guess I understand you not wanting her to have a cold in general, but I don’t think you can get sick from her touching the meat like that.

JLeslie's avatar

She had a glove on her right hand and used it to lift the meat out of the case, weigh it and put it onto butcher paper. Then she touched her nose with her left hand and proceeded to wrap the meat. I didn’t mean that eating the meat would make me sick, I meant that her touching the paper, and then I touch the paper, rub my eyes, and boom I’m sick. Or, could get sick. Or, just think about some guy stocking packaged goods onto shelves at the market, he is touching everything, and probably does not think much about touching his face, and he is not wearing gloves. It’s the same as a door knob or computer keyboard in an office, but it seems like you can infect a lot of people at a supermarket, when you think about the amount of traffic going through there. But then I want everyone to stay home when they are sick.

casheroo's avatar

lol well it would be ideal for people who are contagious to stay home..but people have to make a living. Taking a day off sometimes isn’t financially feasible, and some companies don’t give a crap…I mean, unless you are green and obviously sick, then they may send you home. But, I know my husband who works in kitchen rarely takes a day off. He is ServeSafe certified, so he takes every precaution, but he does work in kitchens when’s not too uncommon, since kitchen workers are a dime a dozen and you can lose your job just because you take a day off.

That does remind me though, my mother works in a very large office corportation…they have signs outside the building telling people not to come in if they have flulike symptoms, because of this swine flu craze. They never did it for the regular flu, which also kills people. Weird.

knitfroggy's avatar

Anyone who is sick should stay home from work, not just someone that works at the grocery store. What bothers me are shoppers that are sick or have sick kids that they bring into the store I work at. At my work you could be half dead and they still give you crap if you call in.

YARNLADY's avatar

It’s right there on the front page: Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.

casheroo's avatar

@knitfroggy That is such a pet peeve of mine. I know life goes on when you have a sick child, but that child is spreading their illness everywhere since they can’t follow the precautions adults can (I can wash my sons hands, but can’t keep them off his face) I rarely take him out if he’s sick, and I’ll carry him if I have to grab something at the store. But, usually, I’ll ask someone to get me what I need (like medicine for him)

JLeslie's avatar

@knitfroggy the sick shoppers bother me too. Funny story: my husband came home from Tokyo and a day later came down with a bad flu. Fever, chills, couldn’t move out of bed, the real deal. He was finally coming back to life, and it seemed I had avoided getting it (I move into the guest room :)) and I go to the supermarket and there is an Asian man who looks like death warmed over shopping for some food next to me.

JLeslie's avatar

@YARNLADY now we just need the media to say it more! They just obsess about the schools.

knitfroggy's avatar

@casheroo This one day a boy about 7 was standing up by the front of the store throwing up all over the place. I asked him where his mom was and he said in the nail salon. So I went in there and announced we’ve got a little sick boy out here throwing up. The mom gets this disgusted look on her face and goes…“Did he puke again?” all crappy. I said, “Yeah, all over the place” So this woman obviously knew her boy was ill and she brought him with her to get her nails done! She came and got him and took him in the salon with her and finished getting her nails. I was so mad at that stupid woman.

poofandmook's avatar

@knitfroggy: Ugh, that woman should be shot.

But as far as sick shoppers go, sometimes you just have to! I’ve been half-dead from the flu or bronchitis and didn’t have anybody to get stuff for me, including medicine or some staple food items. in one case I’ll never forget… feminine products. What the eff is worse than getting your period while you’re nursing a plague? LOL

JLeslie's avatar

If I could just complain about my mother-in-law for a minute. She always says she has an allergy. Flippin’ allergy for a week! You are sick! Then she gives it to her husband or grandchildren. When her grandson was puking every 30 minutes and every time they tried to give him another glass of water she said it was nerves. I was so pissed they did not stop me from coming over that day. I told her I think he has the 24 hour flu. She insisted it was nerves related to his father being in town. I said to her, “we will know tomorrow.” She asked, “how?” I replied, “when his sister has it tomorrow you won’t have to worry about his stress level anymore.” Just like clockwork his sister woke up yacking the next day. I hate people who never want to think they are sick. Well, hate is a strong word.

tinyfaery's avatar

What the woman did was a health code violation whether or not she is sick. That’s just gross.

Sick people need to work and shop too. How am I supposed to get medicine if I can’t go into the store? Not everyone has someone who can take care of their needs.

knitfroggy's avatar

I understand sometimes having to run to the store if you’re sick. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve never done it. But I don’t announce to the world I’m sick a lot of customers do and I get the meds I need and a gallon of milk or whatever and get out. I’ll use my own pen to write my check or whatever. I try to not touch my face and I’ll cough into my elbow etc, I try to be courteous. But we have people come into our store looking like death warmed over and they are just shopping to beat hell. It’s really irritating. But I suppose I understand.

scamp's avatar

I would have made a complaint to the store manager about that woman. That is improper handling of food whether she is sick or healthy. Did you buy the pork chops? I would have put them back! That’s just nasty!!

JLeslie's avatar

@scamp I didn’t buy the pork chops.

scamp's avatar

Good for you!! No one could blame you for putting them back. I’d do the same thing!

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