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What do you think about zombies in porn?
So, I’ve noticed recently all these questions about porn. Is this form bad? Does it take away from reality? ect. ect.
Let me set the scene for you…..
I just recently moved in with a guy (speaking in past references) that I’ve only known through a website. After about a week I discover he is part of the paltalk nation. It’s an interesting radio/video/chat thing. He basically just enjoyed screwing with people minds and so for his video signal he would display porn and thus where my question comes from.
Zombie porn lol
Ok, this type of porn has to be for comedic reasons, right? For instance, one sex scene is of a guy that finds this female zombie chained down and she’s all in her make up to be rotting or whatever. They do the deed and what not and afterwords she bites off his tallywacker. Who wants to fantasize about that? I mean it’s funny because it’s that low budget porn type and it looks like an old fashion horror, but they’re having intercourse. There’s more with like orgies of zombies eating each other having sex and what not, but I mean come on. I understand S & M, but to actually be eaten alive by a zombie, while having sex? That’s ridiculous!
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