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YARNLADY's avatar

Do the voices in your head tell you not to tell others about them because no one will admit they hear voices too?

Asked by YARNLADY (46715points) September 15th, 2009

If you hear voices in your head, would you tell anyone?

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35 Answers

Tink's avatar

I tell them, ”You’re just jealous because the voices only talk to me.

knitfroggy's avatar

I don’t know…that’s a tricky one… I would assume if I heard voice in my head I would be crazy, so I probably would tell people. But sitting here as a somewhat sane person, I would not tell anyone because I wouldn’t want them to think I was nuts.

Les's avatar

I wouldn’t say I hear voices in my head, other than my own, but I do have conversations with stuffed animals and other inanimate objects. We usually just talk about my day or what I’m going to have for dinner; nothing ground breaking. I think my friends know I do this, because I’ll anthropomorphize things around them, but I don’t think they think I’m weird. And if they do, its just because they do the same thing, and are embarrassed to admit to it. Yeah.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I tell my friends plenty of embarrassing stuff I think they won’t be able to relate to. If I head voices in my head, I’d probably tell them that too. The only voice in my head is my own.

ragingloli's avatar

never had any voices in my head.
at least that is what the voices tell me

DarkScribe's avatar

As long as they shut up when I am listening to music they can say what they want. It is annoying when they squabble or mumble though – quite distracting.

Facade's avatar

No, I would not.

dannyc's avatar

Yes, and I also debate with them, and often lose that battle with those voices..especially the evil, fun-seeking ones. But most people think i am a bit crazy anyway.

DrBill's avatar

I only listen when I agree with them…

…right now they are telling me to go clean my guns…

AstroChuck's avatar

Nah. The voices and I no longer get along. I constantly hear them talking and arguing amongst themselves but they refuse to talk to me.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’ve only got the bossy one who just sort of has a running, muttering negative commentary without much concern whether or not she’s known of by me or anyone else.

filmfann's avatar

Occasionally I hear voices (I am schizotypal), but they never tell me not to tell others.
Yes, it’s weird. No, it’s mostly harmless. The times it gets really bad is when I am standing on top of a very tall building.

eponymoushipster's avatar

They’re speaking in Spanish. I wish one of them would get a job.

if you think they’re mexican illegal immigrants, you’re the racist. they’re from spain.

DrBill's avatar


You don’t think people can immigrate from Spain?

holden's avatar

The voices in my head are an anthropomorphism of my emotional impulses. They only talk to me when I get upset, and then they only tell me to go eat nachos or smoke a bud.

evegrimm's avatar

I hear “voices”, but that’s because I narrate my life. :D

I guess if someone was asking, I would probably tell.

(It is somewhat difficult to shut off, though.)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

The voices in my head are on strike, and have refused to talk to me for years. That is why I talk to myself. I really like to talk to my dog in funny voices, just to make her tilt her head in that weird way that dogs do.

AstroChuck's avatar

@eponymoushipster- I can hear them. It’s Portuguese. Can’t you tell the difference?

cyn's avatar

Wow. This is hard. I do hear voices most of the time and if you would know (see) me, I would constantly be talking to myself. I speak different languages (french, spanish, english, italian…) so the voices speak to me in various languages as well. I guess all of my arguments with them cause me to get distracted and start to daydream…I don’t even think I’m actually thinking right now…I can’t even make any sense….wtf!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@AstroChuck depends on the region.

DarkScribe's avatar

What really irks me is when they have a party and don’t
invite me. That’s just rude.

AstroChuck's avatar

@DarkScribe- You haven’t missed much. Voice #3 is always obnoxious as hell and voice #5 vomits a lot.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@DarkScribe the voices in your head have a clique?

@AstroChuck voice #4 is sounds like somebody…like that guy in that one film….

cyn's avatar

@DarkScribe Especially during the holidays!

DarkScribe's avatar

@eponymoushipster DarkScribe the voices in your head have a clique?

No, more like a claque – I think that they are out to get me.

DarkScribe's avatar

@eponymoushipster so a cabal?

No, they aren’t at all covert – just annoying. They keep telling me not to do things that I would really like to do. Party poopers.

rooeytoo's avatar

The only voice I hear in my head is my own. And let me tell you if I talked out loud as much as I do inside my head, I would be driving everyone nuts, not just myself!

MacBean's avatar

I have voices in my head, but so do most people who write fiction. They never tell me to do anything; they just make comments about the things I (we!) observe. I admit pretty freely to “hearing voices” because most people understand, and the ones who don’t are uncreative and therefore completely unimportant to me.

mattbrowne's avatar

Your own thoughts can imitate voices. Dreams will generate voices. How do you think all the prophets in the bible were inspired? Scientifically it wasn’t phone calls from God. They listened to their own thoughts, but maybe they were truly amazed about their brainchild and flashes of inspiration.

whatthefluther's avatar

Inasmuch it was an agreed upon secret between us, I hope it doesn’t get pissed off and make me do bizarre things in retribution, but yes, it is quite true, tho it is a singular voice, not voices. See ya…, I will not do thaaaaaaaaaaa…..........

YARNLADY's avatar

I forgot to mention that World Voices in Your Head Day is Sept 14.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I seem to be reminded of a song

eponymoushipster's avatar

I’m looking forward to Talk like a Pirate Day, on September 19th.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

For real here, when I was a child up into my early teens, I’d hear my mother’s voice calling my name at times when she wasn’t around. That hasn’t happened since but it was always frightening to me.

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