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Sarcasm's avatar

What can I do about this parking ticket?

Asked by Sarcasm (16796points) September 16th, 2009

Today I got a parking ticket from my campus police because I was “in violation of posted signs”, parking in a “closed lot”.
There were no posted signs about parking. I asked a cop who was in the lot and he told me that “yeah we had signs up but some kids took them down”.

Yet lo and behold, I am in violation of these signs that are not visible. As are about 50 other students who parked in the same lot, which has been open all of the last semester, and the first three weeks of this semester

Is this something I can argue at some administrative office at a school about? Or would it cost way more than the ticket’s price ($35) to deal with it?

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12 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

A letter with photos showing there are no posted signs seems like a free start to your fight.

Judi's avatar

Sometimes, even if it costs you your time, it’s worth fighting something on principal.

jrpowell's avatar

Opportunity cost

I would just pay the ticket.

cprudhon's avatar

At campuses you can generally have your first 2 parking violations waived – you can go in and give that a try too

erichw1504's avatar

I never payed my campus parking tickets. Screw it. On the other hand, I would definitely argue it, especially doing what @SpatzieLover said.

dpworkin's avatar

My school has a grievance procedure. I have successfully grieved one ticket, was unsuccessful with another. I was in the wrong in the second case. Check the rules, I’m sure there’s a way to appeal, and I would just quote the officer about the signs having been removed.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

You kick some pig ass!

robmandu's avatar

No signs == bullshit. I’d expect you to win in a challenge, especially with photographic evidence. Maybe see if you can get a campus officer to sign a statement even.

Like @johnpowell suggests, just make sure you don’t exceed your personal opportunity cost in fighting this on principle. It is just a parking ticket.

avvooooooo's avatar

Appeal. There’s a process. Probably from/on the website. Its pretty standard.

You can take pictures if you want, but there’s no need to take it past the parking services to administration.

You can, however, take it to the school newspaper if there is one and let them write about what a travesty it is.

geniusatwork's avatar

I agree with @johnpowell. Pay the ticket and move on with your life. Fighting it is futile, especially if you are dealing with a campus cop.

avvooooooo's avatar

Since all you probably have to do is fill out an online form to appeal, its not really costing that much in time or anything at all.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Fight it, at least as a matter of principle. The cop even said that the signs werent there.

Those that suggest that you just let the state run over you make me sad.

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