@noon I was not able to open your links, my computer has been awful, but I will try again later. I think you misunderstood the icky. Not icky because he is uncircumcised, icky because the elderly gentlemen had an infection on his penis, probably an acculation of smegma or maybe a yeast infection, because he was ill and probably had trouble bathing himself, and was not being taken care of properly. My nephew, I am not sure, my impression was that it ws a yeast infection also. Kids get hot and sweaty and don’t necessarily wash well, maybe it happens to young circumcised boys also?
I will give a trivial comparison, so don’t think I am directly equating the two things. Some of my girlfriends pierce their daughter’s ears before the age of one. Then I have other friends who wait until their daughter asks, usually by the age of 5 or so. Some of the girls go, and chicken out, because they are afraid of the pain. Eventually they get it done. I have never met a girl who did not want pierced ears. So which is better, to pierce their ears as babies or as children? I do wish there was an anesthetic used. I wish that for many medical procedures.
I would be interested to know if you are circumcised, and also to know how many men who are regret it, or angry their mother’s did it to them. That would be interesting, and persuasive.
And, by the way, I actually questioned the stats quite rigoursly on the last thread we debated this, regarding infection rates from a study (I think it was provided by shilolo) trying to make sure that the infection rates did not have more to do with other cultural or economic circumstances rather than the actual circumcision. I was afraid that the stdy revealed more of a corelation that causation. Shilolo felt confident the studies took all of these things into account.
Lastly, it is not for aesthetic reasons that I prefer to have sex with a circumsized man. I unfortunately have had significant problems with unexplained infection, and I would like to make the possibility of infection as low as possible. It has left me infertile and caused me quite a bit of pain physically and emotionally. It does make me more “germaphopic” than most. Men will ignore some discomfort “down there” and still have sex. If your breath is bad, to address your example of brushing your teeth, I am aware fairly easily. Although, your points about children and grooming are good ones worth considering. On the Sex and the City episode I think it probably was aesthetics, but don’t you guys want to have sex? Meanwhile, in reality, I don’t think any girl would actually dump a guy she liked because he was uncut.
I am not trying to convince you, just telling you where I am coming from. Your arguments are compelling.