Does having a "bluish" cervix almost always mean you're pregnant?
I was told today by my dr that I have a bluish cervix. I have like all the symptoms for being pregnant, and I have been before, so I know what it feels like. I’m 3 weeks late. I’ve had 4 neg preg test, 1 urine. 2 home test, and 1 blood test. Plus I’m so so so dizzy and have extreme back pain, nausea, sometime breast tenderness, so so so tired, and sometimes pain like there are cysts. So, I want to know has anyone had a “bluish” cervix and not been pregnant?
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22 Answers
Not many of us look at cercix’‘s very often. What did your doctor say?
Well, I mean those that get pap’s and stuff, if the dr mentioned it. That mine is bluish, so she sent blood work to see if I was prego, and it was neg. I have an ultrasound in the morning, but I’m afraid there will be no answers
Bluish? You don’t look bluish.
Why would someone say that’s a great answer? Bluish, CERVIX – you can’t see that, only the dr can
If you have had four negative pregnancy tests, shouldn’t that put your worries about being pregnant to rest? I know it’s possible to be pregnant while the tests show otherwise, but can four tests be wrong?
@Steverpeeps It was a joke, and they thought it was funny. It has to do with a cliche involving antisemitism, and also a reference to a movie that the Beatles made called Yellow Submarine.
I found this on the internet: Blue cervix is caused by increased blood flow through the cervical tissue. Anything that increases estrogen will cause it including pregnancy, birth control pills, and breast feeding.
Did your doctor not give you possible ideas as to why you could be feeling the way you are, have a blue cervix, and yet not be pregnant? I would have asked my doctor what, besides pregnancy, would cause those symptoms. Then, I’d run home and google them and scare myself silly.
No doctor has ever commented to me that my cervix is blue, while pregnant or not.
Sounds like you have a cyst. Why don’t you insist on a pelvic ultrasound?
Chadwick’s Sign is a bluish hue to the cervix when a woman is pregnant @DandyDear711 came up with some good answers. However it was the doc that gave you that bit of information but did the doctor offer an answer? Did you ask what it means? Is there going to be further testing. FYI: It a doc told me such information and did not give me an explaination or send me to a specialist, I would be out shopping for a new doc!
Well, not always. Sometimes I paint Mr.Wonderful a lovely shade of azure before we go spelunking. :)
You’ve been posting questions about pregnancy and ectopic pregnancies all week – you need to have an in-depth, informed discussion with your doctor and insist on answers to all of your questions.
Syz – you’ve been following all my questions? And it’s because I’m scared to death, and I know even if it is neg it can still be, especially when I’ve been preg before and know what it feels like.
I am getting a pelvic ultrasound in the morning.
And no, 4 tests isn’t enough, not even a million, could try to overpower the way I feel. Not until I find out what it is.
And, no I didn’t ask what that meant, or to have answers for it (I kick myself now though) I was too busy being so dizzy while I was laying down, that I was feeling like I was going to fall over…I know shocked my doc too. She thought for sure I have an ectopic or regular preg still, so that’s what’s she thought the bluish cervix was.
Seriously, from the information provided, it would appear that you are pregnant.
That’s what I’m thinking!!!! Unfortunetly, my dr offered the possibility of my body preparing for a miscarriage, considering all the things that are happening in my body, like being so dizzy I almost pass out laying down, and excrusiating cramps and pains that I’ve never had before. I will be hopefully finding out in the morning with a pelvic ultrasound…
I’m sorry I made a thoughtless joke before. I didn’t realize you were suffering.
If you were about to have a miscarriage, the blood test would have shown some HCG…even a very low amount, which would indicate a loss.
Good luck with the ultrasound.
Thank you for your apology.
I don’t think they check the HCG levels, I think she just did a pos or neg, thing….thanks!
@Steverpeeps You said they took blood, right? To test for pregnancy? Qualitative would come up pos/neg, and quantitative will give you the exact HCG level. If it was neg, you are probably not pregnant.
Well, they didn’t say the level….but I think it might be like a large cyst or tumor inside my uterus…we shall see
wow…all those responses and no one can tell you the cervix appears bluish in every woman??
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