Social Question
If you drink alcohol: Does it make you uncomfortable if the person/people you are with aren't drinking also?
Asked by JLeslie (65850)
September 17th, 2009
Generally my husband and I don’t drink. I am pretty sure that some of my friends don’t order a drink while they are out with us when they typically would. For me it is a non-issue. If you want to have wine with dinner it is fine with me. I can’t figure out if they feel odd drinking alone, or maybe they think I am judging them, or maybe they feel bad about themselves?
On occasion people will try to get me to drink with them, “aww come on, just have one.” This never ceases to amaze me. These same people have children who they are hoping will not be coerced by peers to drink, do drugs, or have sex.
So, I was wondering why do some people who drink care if the person they are with is drinking?
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