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tinyfaery's avatar

Men: when you are in the bathroom with someone you know do you talk while you are peeing?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) September 17th, 2009 from iPhone

Women do, all the time, but we are seperated by walls and doors. Do you men talk in the bathroom while you’re peckers are out?

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40 Answers

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Yes, if they’re there or on the phone.

Great Question Lurve for using the term ‘Pecker’.

Lightlyseared's avatar

No. I pay attention to the matter at hand.

Jferrato7's avatar

Two rules…If there’s three stalls..DONT CHOOSE THE MIDDLE ONE…If someone is on the end stall dont stand next to them unless absolutely necessary. And the other…Talk when you get to the sink…not when your peeing

Sampson's avatar

No. There’s infinite time to talk otherwise, but whilst urinating, I’d rather concentrate on the act at hand.

cookieman's avatar

Only if spoken to; and then I’d keep it brief. I would never initiate it.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Jferrato7 You might like this website that covers urinal etiquette in detail.

JLeslie's avatar

This is so interesting. I remember when I found out men don’t wipe when they pee. I was 16. I thought to myself that if I had had a son when I was a young teen, I would have taught him the wrong thing and the poor kid would have been embarrased infront of his friends. Now this—all sorts of rules about when to talk when you pee.

erichw1504's avatar

I am the same as @cprevite. It’s just kinda awkward.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

If it is with a friend, absolutely I do. But if it’s with strangers, strictly no speaking!

@Lightlyseared Don’t you mean the matter in your hand?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@JLeslie I have a son. ;) I agree

DominicX's avatar

lol…uh, no, I don’t think I would ever do that and I never have to this day. There are so many places to talk to people; the bathroom is not one that I need to talk to people in. I also never use the urinals, but that’s just me…

@JLeslie Hey, some of us do wipe… :\

JLeslie's avatar

@Lightlyseared I took the quiz, got a couple wrong. I posted it to my facebook.

Sarcasm's avatar

I do not.
But rarely am I in a restroom with people I know.

(On a slightly different topic, in a residential setting, I will not talk to someone who is in the bathroom)

@JLeslie Ack, you don’t wipe! You shake!

Where’s a nice 10minute PSA on mens’ restrooms:

JLeslie's avatar

@Sarcasm so you don’t talk to your SO when you are in the bathroom at home? Or, siblings or your parents when you were little?

Sarcasm's avatar

I don’t have significant other, but no, to my memory, I have never talked to people between bathroom doors.

DominicX's avatar

LOL…I’ve seen that before. And sometimes I do that, yeah, but not in a public bathroom…geez, now you guys know so much about me, there’s little left to tell… :P

JLeslie's avatar

@Sarcasm with my sister, and husband, and mom for that matter the doors are open if we are just peeing. But, I grew up in a small apartment and townhouse. We were taking showers while the other person was peeing in the same bathroom. My husband had a bathroom in his bedroom growing up, so his family is much more conservative on this, but it seemed easy for him to let go of all of that when we got married.

ratboy's avatar

I haven’t since the day I forgot myself and turned to face the guy with whom I was conversing.

wundayatta's avatar

OMG—people can try to write down the “rules” but it is ever so much more complicated than can ever be captured in any rule system. It depends on relationships between the guys, how much they’ve been drinking, how close the urinals are and how significant the barriers between them are. How many guys and how many urinals are there? Oh, and so much more. Just be glad you’re not a guy, girls. It is so easy to screw up bathroom etiquette!

Sarcasm's avatar

@daloon Just be glad you’re not a guy, girls. It is so easy to screw up bathroom etiquette!
I dunno. I bet when girls mess up bathroom etiquette, other girls will tell them. But since it is law that no man speaks in the bathroom, the fuckup will pass silently.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

I try to refrain from saying things like ‘Nice cock’.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Two men walk in to a rest room, unzip and urinate. The first finishes, zips up and goes to leave. The second man says “hey thats disgusting. I’m in the army and they teach us to always wash our hands after we take a piss”. The other guy says “I’m in the marines. They teach us not to piss on our hands”.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Lightlyseared An oldy but a goody! Thanks.

JLeslie's avatar

@Lightlyseared That’s why guys don’t wash their hands isn’t it? They feel like they haven’t touched anything if all they did was pee.

Jack79's avatar

No, it’s very awkward for me and I actually can’t pee if someone is looking, whether I know him or not. I could easily do it if I was sitting and there was a wall between us, sure.

JLeslie's avatar

What do men do if they have their three year old daughter with them? Do you go into the women’s room (I have seen this happen twice in my life) or do you take your daughter in with you?

Jack79's avatar

I had that precise problem last year (and yes, my daughter was exactly 3 at the time). When she was younger I used to go into the women’s room, since there were changing board there. Btw I love IKEA, which also has them in men’s rooms too. But once she got older and also because she looked like a boy, it was simpler to go to the men’s room, especially if I was also going for my own reasons. I got far fewer weird looks from men than women, and even though it was always impractical and weird, it was simpler since men tend to ignore you more.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

My man friends say talking stops as soon as they go through the bathroom door and whether there are barriers between the urinals or not, no talking, absolutely to looking sideways. One of my man friends is a clean freak and will was his hands before going into a stall to urinate and likes to send text messages telling who all of the rest don’t wash their hands- helps to know who you can high five and fist bump without cringing.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

at the urinal, no. that’s weird. I don’t want to speak with another guy when I’m holding my wiener.

but If I’m washing my hands or whatever that’s kosher.

cookieman's avatar

My daughter comes with me into the men’s room. We usually head for the handicapped stall (asuming no one handicapped needs it). I often found changing tables in there when she was younger.

Now that she’s six, she comes in with me only because I can’t leave her alone outside. She’ll sometimes go into a ladies room alone if it’s small, clean and quiet.

and for the record, I not only wipe, but I’ll often sit to pee when at someone’s house to avoid a mess. Seems only polite.

rottenit's avatar

Yep, I am multi-talented when it comes to peeing, I can talk, shake hands, chew gum & pee an outline of the Mona Lisa all at the same time.

mattbrowne's avatar

I once heard a guy telling a talking urinal to shut the hell up as it would hurt his ability to take aim and concentrate.

cookieman's avatar

@mattbrowne: that would have made a hillarious video

bruce1289's avatar

haha i like the mattbrowne but i usually talk if talked to. i dont strike up a convo with a stranger peeing. at work i will talk tho

Ansible1's avatar

Some men’s rooms don’t even have urinals, they just have one big ‘troth’ that 3 or 4 men can pee in at once. In this situation it’s absolute…no talking, no looking around, eyes forward, do your business and get the fudge out.

FutureMemory's avatar

I think so, yes.

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