Why do some drivers in the carpool lane driver slower than the traffic in the regular lanes?
Asked by
Kraigmo (
September 18th, 2009
Sometimes its because they were there to get out of a traffic jam, and the jam has ended, and normal freeway speed has picked up. In that instance, the driver should pull out onto the normal freeway and get over to the #3 lane, as soon as safely possible.
But other than that circumstance, why would anyone enter a carpool lane, than proceed to drive slower than the traffic in the #1 regular lane?
Are they being stupid? Or egostically evil?
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22 Answers
I’m not sure why they do it… but i know it really pisses me off when i’m trying to get somewhere.
This is one of my biggest pet peves. I know what @YARNLADY is saying though. I get stuck behind her every time I drive through the LA Basin!~
The car pool lanes I have seen have entrance and exit points, and you have to wait to get to an exit point before you are allowed to pull over.
Some people actually believe that even in the car pool lane you are supposed to stay at the speed limit.
@Judi Not in the carpool lane, you haven’t. I’m scared to death of those things.
@YARNLADY ; Oh that wasn’t you? My mistake. ~
@Judi heh, heh. A natural mistake, old white haired ladies all look alike, and we know my feelings about speed limits.
@YARNLADY, Yes, I could have sworn!..... But as many things as we may agree on, speed likits and lane right of way is not one of them.
Maybe they’re trying to be efficient with their fuel?
No one is talking about speed limits. Why go in the carpool lane if the other lanes are going faster? I think these people do it just to piss people off and prove some kind of point.
Hmpfh! I never knew the carpool lane was the fast lane. I thought it was meant for 2 or more people in a vehicle aka: carpoolers.
Because people are oblivious and don’t notice, which is true in most aspects of life but is especially annoying on a day to day basis when it comes to driving!
Maybe those particular drivers feel safer in a less clogged up lane and don’t have a need to exceed the posted speed limits. I love the carpool lane when I have passengers because I like to get away form the scurrying, jockeying, nerveracking mob but I’m not so good at going below the speed limit. If I see a car quickly approaching from behind and they have room to go around me then I stay put but otherwise I’ll pull out and then back in rather than have some possibly drug or rage filled jobber coming up and back up and back on my tailgate.
Whoa! Paradox! @judi referred to @yarnlady before her comment!
@XOIIO, her and I have had this coversation before. I had an idea what she might say.
Ok, but still kind if neat.
They’re being inconsiderate and rude. Two things we need a lot less of on America’s roadways.
I drive pretty fast so I get what you’re saying. But I’ll tell you what pisses me off even more than that. When I’m already driving at 75 or 80 mph and some jerkoff comes behind me tailgating me as if I’m not driving fast enough already. In that case, they can just go around me if they’d like. I love it when a few miles later that same jerkoff is pulled over on the side of the road getting a speeding ticket.
It’s all relative, there’s always someone faster.
This would drive me crazy. I don’t come across it much. The carpool lane is probably typically on the left so it can go faster. In fact during non-HOV hours it is the left lane, passing lane. If you are not passing move over. If you are locked in until the next “exit” then I am empathetic, until you can get off, but the safest speed is to more or less be at the speed of general traffic. Slow drivers should stay right so people are less likely to come up on you fast and need to break. The action of breaking causes all traffic to slow down http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_wave
@SpatzieLover , the whole point of the carpool lane is to reward carpoolers for pooling up in a vehicle to save energy. The reward is you get to pass the clutter to the right of you.
If you aren’t passing them WHAT THE FnCK ARE U THERE FOR?
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