Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

Do you have any Fluther regrets?

Asked by jonsblond (44397points) September 18th, 2009

Did you say something stupid that you wish you could take back? If you did, how did you handle it? Did you apologize or try to forget it?

Did you cancel your account, then ask the gods to let you back in?

Did you bitch about being modded and decide to ask a question about being modded and you really regret it? <————- me

Please share your Fluther mistake and tell us what you did about it.

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116 Answers

rabbitheart's avatar

Not finding out about this website sooner was the biggest Fluther-related mistake of my life. so far.

jonsblond's avatar

@rabbitheart I agree. Welcome to Fluther!

casheroo's avatar

There are some things I shouldn’t have said, just by going too far. Nothing I’d like to remind everyone of lol

Allie's avatar

I was one of those Jellies who talked in threads like they were conversations. I don’t think anyone ever corrected me, but I learned the ways of Fluther by using hanging around more and more. Looking back, I realize how annoying this was for other users.
To those I annoy(ed), I apologize.

I still don’t think I’ve ever been modded (keep in mind please that I wasn’t always a mod) unless it was in a CIA-like thread. Or maybe I’ve just blocked it from memory. ;)

tinyfaery's avatar

Of course, but I can’t think of a specific instance. The mods have never had to reprimand me, and I’ve had very few questions or comments removed. Which is surprising because I seem to piss people off.

casheroo's avatar

@Allie What do you mean by conversation? Like, derailing a thread by talking to people about other topics?

jonsblond's avatar

@Allie I did that one too.

@tinyfaery I’ve never seen you piss anyone off before. ;)

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

I regret nothing.

rooeytoo's avatar

I am sincerely trying to be a good Flutherite. I strive to answer questions giving my own opinion based on my experience.

Sometimes I can’t help myself and get a little smart mouth, but I try to keep it to a minimum! And I have participated in a few threads where I should have exited gracefully long before I did.

It is a good place to learn how to communicate and co-exist peacefully.

Great question!

Dog's avatar

I learned RTFQ early on.

On one specific occaision I did not read the question right and responded on a false assumption. I later apologized in the thread for my first response. There have been other mis-reads or mis- answers but that one came off as harsh and I will always regret it.

mponochie's avatar

Yeah, choosing my user name. I hadn’t check out the site prior just stumbled by it in trying to find an answer. Now that I’m hooked I hate that my name isn’t somthing that would have been a little more descriptive had I knewn.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

I remember one time I was trying to help out someone, and someone else ridiculed my answer Like she did anything?. And I was extremely pissed off that day, so the comment just enraged me. In blind fury, I wrote a comment that was extremely immature and was somewhat inflammatory, and obviously got modded. I wish I just linked a picture of a troll or something, because she made me get worked up over nothing. I apologized, but being the good troll she was, she didn’t say anything back. Whatever, I just hope she gets hit by a fucking truck.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I regret being too busy at work to censor the “how do I vomit” question.

jonsblond's avatar

@mponochie Great answer. I felt the same way after I joined. I chose the first name that popped into my head and I wished that I could have been a bit more creative. Once my husband Blondesjon joined shortly after I did it kind of grew on me though. btw… I like your username. It’s different.

jonsblond's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic Here’s another mistake….posting twice in a row. I’m too lazy to spell out your username. Darn editing needs a drop down list!

So it’s because of you that the vomit question stayed. You’re human afterall. :)

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@jonsblond I’ve been reading about it off and on all day. I had 50+ msgs in my inbox about that one.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I currently have no Fluther regrets and I will rue the day that this happens. For now, you’re all in my good graces and my lurve is your lurve.

augustlan's avatar

I once asked a question that, while naming no names, was clearly about another member (a very unpopular one) and his behavior. It turned into a DAMN FUNNY lynch mob pretty quickly and the mods rightly pulled it. In retrospect, it was not my finest moment.

I think I also used to be harder on the n00bs than I needed to be. I have long since changed my ways on that.

knitfroggy's avatar

My only Fluther regret is that I used the name Knitfroggy instead of MissBeth.

jonsblond's avatar

@knitfroggy I like knitfroggy better. :)

knitfroggy's avatar

@jonsblond and @augustlan Thank you. It’s not bad, it’s more interesting that MissBeth, I suppose!

augustlan's avatar

MissBeth just makes me think of my kids pre-school teachers. Knitfroggy makes me think of you :D

knitfroggy's avatar

@augustlan Awww..thanks! :) That’s funny, because when my niece started preschool there was a teacher named Beth and my sister was telling her all about the school and that Beth would be there to help her go to the potty, etc. On the first day of school, my niece was so scared and cried because I wasn’t there! My sister didn’t think to explain that it wasn’t Auntie Beth.

charliecompany34's avatar

asking that question that turned out to be stupid after all. on fluther, there ARE stupid questions and they dont always get obliterated by the mods.

DominicX's avatar

I posted a few questions that absolutely turned out horrible. Though it’s hard to regret them since I didn’t know that was going to happen when I posted them, but then it’s like “why can’t I delete this horrible abomination of a question?” I deleted my first account here for various reasons but I was planning on creating a new one the whole time.

I regret not reporting flame comments against me to mods. Even though there were mods present in that question and those comments were not removed… :P

Other than that, that’s it.

jlm11f's avatar

I regret not having any time to spend on Fluther these days :( I hate missing out on the lives of all these people that I’ve grown to lurve.

I probably regret other things, this one has just been on my mind recently.

Allie's avatar

@PnL Do you regret almost killing Uberbatman? (chuckles)

Edit: ... and now I’m doing exactly what I regretted doing. =\

asmonet's avatar

I’ve had to clarify my position far more than I thought was necessary. I don’t think I explained myself more clearly and causing unnecessary drama. But I don’t really believe in regret. I suppose it is what it is. I fixed it best I could, and moved on. I learned from it.

Regret seems to have an element of fixation in my mind. I don’t think about, or wish it had not occurred.

I know I’ll do it again, just like some days I let my bad day at work affect how I treat threads… sometimes. It’s gonna happen, I know I’m working on it, and that’s all I can do.

No regrets, darling. :)

AstroChuck's avatar

Fluther regrets? I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention.

charliecompany34's avatar

i regret not coming up with a retro pic like astrochuck. he gets all the hot flutherites, their numbers and their love, er uh lurve.

Blondesjon's avatar

I regret that @jonsblond and I didn’t come to be on this site under better circumstances.

Strangely enough, it has had a very, therapeutic, effect on us.

I love you Janet. I am a very lucky guy.

Jude's avatar

Oh, do I.

My relationship questions at the very beginning. I was going through a bad break-up when I first found Fluther and was in pretty rough shape. I asked a bunch of questions that I wish that I hadn’t.

augustlan's avatar

@Allie A little chat is always ok!

Said in preface to:

@Blondesjon Awww, that’s so sweet!

jonsblond's avatar

brain fart..I’ll be back…

kevbo's avatar

I regret making it a rule that only I add people I’ve slept with to My Fluther.

augustlan's avatar

@kevbo Bad kevbo! Bad, bad!

Blondesjon's avatar

@Blondesjon regrets that he’s going to have to beat @kevbo to death now. Please move along. Nothing to see here folks.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I’ve made errors here, and and some of them I have apologized for, others, I didn’t. The ones where I was a fucking asshole, and should have apologized for it, and didn’t well, I am apologizing now, no matter how much good it will do after the fact. I know people who say they never apologize, or admit that they are ever wrong. Those people are NOT ever going to be friends of mine.

I’m one of those people that are damn hard to live with, or to even put up with. I don’t know how my wife does it, she must be a saint.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

<—- is in kevbo’s Fluther =)

jonsblond's avatar

<——-Regrets drunk fluthering…. maybe?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@jonsblond was it the booze, or just the blondeness?

jonsblond's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra If you need to ask you must be blonde.

where are the mods? wtf?

Blondesjon's avatar


evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I’m not blonde, I’m bald. (insert your own joke here).

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Oh hi, @Blondesjon didn’t see you there. :::smiles and waves:::

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] I said a little chat!

kevbo's avatar

<—haz a lolz!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

darned grumpy ol’ mods

Saturated_Brain's avatar

I regret getting into arguments, and I’ve always tried to turn them for the better. Can’t say I’ve always succeeded though. =(

Also, to be honest, I somewhat regret revealing stuff about me like where I come from. It just lends itself to the danger of people dismissing our differences as being cultural, and that would seriously irritate me.

Dog's avatar

I regret the Spongebob incident…. oh yeah, it was modded. I am cool- nevermind.

jonsblond's avatar

@Dog please tell!

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Agreed, please tell!

Zen's avatar

I still wis.fluther occasionally. This is a mistake, for it is too wild and abrasive even for newbies. Netiquette is often over-rated, but better than the alternative. I love fluther and prefer the guidlines to’s anyday. But now and then… I WANT TO BREAK FREE!!!

I’m silly, hyper, bi-polar and adhd. Have I offended people and regret it – you bet.


Dr_C's avatar

I regret not having explained myself properly in a question i asked a while ago which lead to an argument with a couple of jellies… the worst part was that i found myself getting upset at the simple act of seeing them in a thread afterwards… It should not have bothered me as much.

Also my first mod experience is also the way i met one of my favorite online people (one of my favorite people period really) and how i found campfire. I Got a PM.. my very first by mistake from @Allie telling me not to text-speak in the threads… turns out she confused me with another user and she apologized. Since then i started getting more involved (especially in CF) and can honestly say i totally LOVE fluther and a lot of Jellies as well.

whatthefluther's avatar

Just a few days ago I had an idea for a question that I thought would be fun and interesting. As I proceeded through the details section in a lengthy manner, I started to feel like it was headed for a train wreck. So I put it aside and for the second time in my fluther career, I ran a potential question by my favorite mod, @augustlan, who confirmed my second thoughts of impending disaster. So, I avoided regret by not proceeding. By the way, the first time I ran something by her she told me to definitely proceed. I did so, without regret, though it did cost me my bachelorhood. See ya…Gary/wtf

cyn's avatar

I made a few mean responses in the past, especially when I was new.

peedub's avatar

Taking breaks from time to time. I have to get an education and earn money so I can buy computers and internet service to continue my Fluther habit. It’s too bad this gets in the way of precious time I could be on here. I need a sponsor so that I can do this full time and not let other bullshit get in the way.
Fluther, I promise I will never leave you again. If I do, you have to forgive me. I always come back. That restraining order meant nothing, nothing I tell you…

AstroChuck's avatar

I regret I’ve never slept with @kevbo.

Zen's avatar

@peedub I have some lottery tix for tonight, as I do every week.

Should I win, I will sponsor you. $2000 a month good?

wildflower's avatar

Totally agree with @AstroChuck ‘s first post on here…..but I’ll go ahead and mention them anyway: mostly regret not finding a balance between spending every waking moment or hardly any time at all on Fluther!

augustlan's avatar

@wildflower and @peedub We all regret the times when you aren’t here, too!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@AstroChuck don’t tell @kevbo but it wasn’t all that fantastic, his love for conspiracy theories sort of killed the mood, ya know?

janbb's avatar

@wildflower and @pdub Nice to see you in the neighborhood again. You were both two Jellies I got a lot from when I first joined.

The main thing I regret is revealing I was going to be a grandmother to Fluther before my son had told it to Bendrew. Since then, I have learned to be a little more cautious about revealing personal things. (And never about my sex life; nope, I’ll never reveal the night with the hamsters, Kevbo, Astrochuck, the bubble bath and the CIA agent!)

The other thing I regret is when I make a quip that I think is hilarious and nobody responds, like the one about “I didn’t know that G-d was uncircumsised” in the question about why if man is made in G-d’s image, do some men get circumsised. I still think it’s funny.

In general, I try to be pretty sincere and thoughtful when I am not being witty (at least to me) so I don’t think I’ve hurt anyone’s feelings. If I have, I’m sorry.

laureth's avatar

@janbb – I thought that was funny. I just didn’t say it.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Getting back to the question, no I don’t have any regrets on here. I did get into it with a member some time ago & he was reprimanded for things he said. In fact, come to think about it, I don’t see him on here anymore. Hmmm.

I certainly hope I’ve never offended anyone on here. I love you all. well, most of you

whatthefluther's avatar

I regret not staying awake later last night to catch the @peedub and @wildflower posts. I hope these were not brief visits. Now if @psyla were to also pop-in, I would feel compelled to happily unleash a new bottle of Silver Patron with three toasts to some dear old friends (well, perhaps a bit after breakfast). See ya….Gary/wtf

Dog's avatar

Awesome to see both @peedub and @wildflower again! Come back in so we can break open the Silver Patron!

deni's avatar

I sometimes wish I hadn’t made my user name my real name. Not sure why, but I regret that.

Supacase's avatar

I have shared a lot of personal information. I sometimes question that decision, but figure nobody really knows me or cares much anyway.

I’m sure I have said some things I would not say if I had a do-over, but nothing that I remember specifically so they must not be important enough for regret.

cyn's avatar

another regret: instead of using cyndihugs for my user name, I should have used dammit_cynthia.

cyn's avatar

I think 3 people(maybe more) agree with me.~

peedub's avatar

Thanks everyone!
@zen- That sounds great to me.

wundayatta's avatar

I have a couple of regrets. I regret not being more forthcoming about personal issues. I also regret making such short comments. I think that I would have been understood more clearly, sometimes, if I’d taken a few more moments to make my point.

Dog's avatar

I actually have one major regret. It was that I left for 6 months in 2008. Because of this I missed out on a lot of important things like dick punches.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I regret thinking that certain people were worthy of being added to my Fluther. That particular regret has been remedied, however. =)

Dog's avatar

Whew! Just checked and I am still in epz’s fluther!

Zen's avatar

@peedub Almost missed your reply – you have to @Zen without adding anything to the nick or it won’t be highlighted.


Zen's avatar

—I regret I’ve never had a threesome with @evelyns_pet_zebra and @AstroChuck but that can be easily rectified – oops, need a synonym for that word.

rooeytoo's avatar

@Zenyou have really been on a roll (no pun intended) lately, you are like a stand up comedian only sitting down.

Zen's avatar

@rooeytoo Thanks. Actually, I am always standing (see my other query entitled: I have hemmoroids.)

jonsblond's avatar

still in epz’s fluther too… woo hoo!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra do I need to check my list???

chyna's avatar

Happily still in EPZ’s fluther.
Not in Kevbo’s.

zenele's avatar

Zen was a psycho:

I still wis.fluther occasionally. This is a mistake, for it is too wild and abrasive especially for newbies. Netiquette is often over-rated, but better than the alternative. I love fluther and prefer the guidelines to’s anyday. But now and then… I WANT TO BREAK FREE!!!

I’m silly, hyper, bi-polar and adhd. Have I offended people and regret it – you bet.


Glad he’s outta here.

rooeytoo's avatar

This thread makes me think of some who are no longer here and I wonder why, a moment of silence whilst I read the names
and a bunch of others I can’t remember at the moment. Are they being kicked out or are they leaving of their own accord and deleting their account?

jonsblond's avatar

@rooeytoo I know two of them left on their own. One was banned. And who is this Zen guy/gal? ;)

rooeytoo's avatar

@jonsblond – who Zen is appears to change from day to day, he/she is very mercurial! Too bad when people leave, it is like losing a friend.

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Dog's avatar

Zen is cool. End of discussion. :)

janbb's avatar

@Doggie Where have you been hiding? Come over here and get a bone.

zenele's avatar

It can’t be a personal attack if I am talking to myself?

Dog's avatar

@zenele That is the most personal attack of all. ;)

wundayatta's avatar

Once again, people insist on proving just how humorless they are. @zenele, I think we need to go find a bar where they serve Schnapps, and we can write a play about the land of Lilliput. Only instead of Lilliputians being small, they are humorless. The visitors are the only ones who have ever heard of a joke or know how to make one. Kind of a Tron for the humor impaired. I believe they are a protected class, no? Well, maybe not in Israel. But here in the US they hold a significant majority in just about every institution you can think of.

jonsblond's avatar

Since this is my question, can I see what was removed? Pretty please?

I’m joking. I flagged your ass @zenele.~

zenele's avatar

^ Muah. ^^ Schnapps sounds good – would you believe I haven’t had any in about 20 years!!! I think someone made me a drink with Peach Schnapps and Orange juice or something once. I drink Scotch. Beer’s good. Cabernet is okay. Daloon: pick the time and the place, send me a ticket and I’m there.

jonsblond's avatar

I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly…

Response moderated
zenele's avatar

Revives the thread and pours scotch all around. Cheers.

whatthefluther's avatar

@zenele…..the good stuff, I trust?
If so, count me in!

janbb's avatar

I’ve been on at least thre threads in the past five minutes where Gary and @zenele were drinking scotch! You guys must be shikker by now. Make mine a gin and tonic please?

chyna's avatar

Buncha drunks around here if ya ask me.

Got any beer?

Dog's avatar

Wine for me- Red please!

janbb's avatar

Let the drunken revels begin!

rooeytoo's avatar

I’ll have a Sprite Zero but don’t worry, I have worn a lampshade on my head when I am cold sober! I love a party!

augustlan's avatar

@rooeytoo I thought I was the only person in the world who drinks Sprite Zero! I might just have to marry you. ;)

That said, I believe I’ll have a Rolling Rock.

rooeytoo's avatar

@augustlan – We could be the only 2 because it sure is hard to find! Hardly any convenience stores have it. Then I have to drink Diet Coke or Coke Zero and I can’t stand either of them. What is wrong with people in this world???

Make mine ice water with a splash of lemon.

janbb's avatar

cherry coke zero is pretty good

rooeytoo's avatar

@janbb – ewwwwwwww yuk!!! heheheh

augustlan's avatar

I love this thread.

janbb's avatar

@augustlan Yeah – me too. except that it makes me miss so many.

jonsblond's avatar

Good memories =)

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