@Bri_L fine, but the stuff that comes out of your car, ever heard of smog? Ever heard of pollution alerts? Ever seen LA or any city of 1,000,000 people or more from the mountains or outskirts? The shit coming out of your car cools quickly, and hovers close to the ground. Diesel smoke contains carcenogenic particulates that once they get in your lungs, they NEVER come back out. No one is taxing the fuck out of the oil companies yet.
As for links, read this one, And as @KatawaGrey, relates above, it is socially acceptable to rag on smokers. The government makes tons of $$$ by taxing tobaccco. They figure if they make ciggies too expensive to afford, then people will quit. If everyone quits smoking, where are they going to get the taxes they put on tobacco? That source of tax income will dry up.
In my opinion, they should also tax people who have babies, because of the number of soiled plastic diapers going into the landfills. Plastic is nonbiodegradeable, and baby shit, well baby shit should be declared a hazardous substance.
I think people having more than two children are creating an unnecessary drain on the earth’s natural resources, and if you don’t want me to smoke around you, then please keep your “Petri dishes with legs” away from me. Because of the filthy hands of a toddler last year, my wife nearly died from a common bacterial infection. That child is forever banned from entering my house until it is at least 18 yrs old, and I am still meeting any kids at my door with a big can of Lysol and a garden hose.
But no one is taxing or banning children yet. I would, if I was in charge. =)
And if a shelf full of ceramic cats falls over and kills the collector, does that mean we have tax people who collect useless bits of crap?
You can despise smokers all you want, but until you know of the other pollutants in the air, you really don’t have a leg to stand on. Mercury comes from burning coal, and it is EVERYWHERE. Coal is the number one source of electricity in the US. It is cheap, plentiful, and won’t be going away anytime soon.
There are more BTUS of coal in the state of IL than there are BTUs of oil in all of Saudi Arabia. Go here for proof of this proven fact.
Life is about choices, your results may vary.