General Question

onesecondregrets's avatar

What are the best companies to work for as an independent consultant?

Asked by onesecondregrets (2591points) September 19th, 2009

By best I mean, the work you put in is worth the commission and benefits you acquire?

I did Pampered Chef for a brief stint and that wasn’t worthwhile to me. Any you know of, throw out there!

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2 Answers

asawilliams's avatar

I wouldn’t say you were an “independent consultant” if you were with Pampered Chef, thats something different. That term is actually too broad to give you any advice. I was an independent consultant for a while, but more specifically I was a software consultant. If you are looking for something like Pampered Chef, I would have a look at Amway Global. I have a friend you could talk to more about that

srmorgan's avatar

The “best” company to work for as an independent contractor is any company that will pay you on time. All too often the one-man or one-woman outside contractor is the entity that is paid last and paid grudgingly.


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