General Question

deni's avatar

Is there any faster way to get album art onto my itunes?

Asked by deni (23141points) September 19th, 2009

Like, is there a program or anything that is meant specifically for getting album info and art?

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10 Answers

wildpotato's avatar

Yes. If you are a Mac person, try a dashboard widget; there are a couple that do what you are looking for. It searches Amazon’s images, so it’s not completely accurate but does a pretty good job.

dpworkin's avatar

There is a program that worked OK for me called TuneUp for iTunes. It’s a little obtrusive, so I let it find all the missing art it could and then ditched it. It got a whole lot of obscure stuff, though.

deni's avatar

@wildpotato Sadly I’m a PC!

@pdworkin Is that program for windows? Would you say it did more harm than good? I’ve been having some computer issues so I don’t wanna risk anything, but I’m so tired of tryin to get all these album covers on here, lol

dpworkin's avatar

It didn’t do any harm – it just loaded itself every time I loaded iTunes, and I got tired of it. I have a PC.

Tink's avatar

The new iTunes 9 uploads album art for you, although not every time, but it looks it up and loads it for you, it works on PC.

WhatEvil's avatar

I use TuneUp too, but you have to pay for it. It is good though, especially when you have literally thousands of tracks, many of which are missing album art or are tagged incorrectly, since it also works out what the track really is even if it’s labelled as something completely different.

It adds missing album art and re-tags Artist, Track, Album, Year etc. info up to 500 tracks at a time.

robmandu's avatar

As said before, iTunes will get the album art for you automatically.

Not sure why’d you’d really a third-party tool… especially a paid one.

dpworkin's avatar

TuneUp is free for the artwork function.

TheCreative's avatar

iTunes should do this for you. If it doesn’t get the artwork automatically, all you need to do is this. Just make sure all your song names are correct and not thriller_michaeljackson.mp3

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