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chyna's avatar

What town or city would you most like to visit if money was not an object and why?

Asked by chyna (51712points) September 20th, 2009

As a teenager, I wanted to live in New York and that was my plan for my life, but it never happened due to family issues. Where did you always want to go to live, but never got a chance to do so?

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35 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

i can’t pick just one: i’d like to go to Moscow, Tokyo, Oslo, Rio, etc. They all have good points.

Too, I always wanted to do a tour of museums of the world: The Hermitage, The Lourve, Smithsonian, etc.

short answer: too many to give one. :)

holden's avatar

Yoknapatawpha County.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I second @eponymoushipster I want to see all the really cool museums. One place I’d love to visit is Norco, CA. Just because one of my best friends in life lives there. Alas, it’s over 2,000 miles away and I just can’t afford it.

poofandmook's avatar

meh at this point my answer is Holland, MI with my boyfriend.

Unadventurous, I know.. but my priorities are what they are lol

onesecondregrets's avatar

Barcelona comes to mind first.

Jude's avatar

Dublin. The pubs/ Guinness, the culture, that accent and to see a castle or two.

chyna's avatar

@eponymoushipster So, any plans to go to any of those places?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@chyna nope, not yet. i thought the museum thing would be a cool honeymoon. but, first, i need to get a honey….

chyna's avatar

@eponymoushipster Wait, I thought you were engaged?

deni's avatar

Cairo. I love Egypt. I’d be a bit scared, but so excited. I want to see the Pyramids so bad.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@chyna hahaha no. never been.

chyna's avatar

@eponymoushipster Just a matter of time then.

evegrimm's avatar

There are many places I’d like to visit.

I visited London a few years back and adored it. I’d love to go and stay for a month, doing all the touristy things, visiting Ireland and Scotland and Wales, museum-hopping, taking afternoon tea, etc.

Also, a small village in Switzerland (Champery) was a wonderful place to visit. I would love to have a summer home there.

I hope to travel to Japan next summer…there’s an immersive language + homestay + culture program that my uni offers.

filmfann's avatar

If money was no problem, maybe Bombay. I would take everyone to McDonalds.

Sampson's avatar

If money was no object? I’d go back to SF and buy all of my friends there drinks.

Or I’d move to Dublin and work as a writer.

knitfroggy's avatar

I’ve always wanted to go to NYC. I have a deep desire to see the Statue of Liberty. I also have always wanted to go to London.

Sampson's avatar

Edit: I would be happier if I could take my girl along with me to either place :)

brinibear's avatar

I would love to go to Paris. Tried to once, but all the high schools were banned from working Rockies, and Broncos games.

Allie's avatar

Tahoe City, California, or any city around the shore really. I’d buy a nice house on the lake with a private dock where I can sit and read. Since money is no object, I’d have vacation homes in Athens, Greece and Dubai, UAE. Both of those places are absolutely incredible.

XOIIO's avatar


Why not?

evegrimm's avatar

@XOIIO, just don’t go in the summer. It’s sticky and hot. (But great scenery and shops…tons of mask stores, glass factories, that church on the square…)

XOIIO's avatar

@evegrimm I would have loved to grow up in Venice! Instead of getting your first bike, you’d get your first paddleboat!

shego's avatar

Japan. I have always wanted to go there, but I also want to go to the Patagonia region of Argentina. Mabey, I will come across some penguins while there. That would be so cool :)

YARNLADY's avatar

I would choose Upplands, a small town outside Stockholm. That is where my oldest son lives, and I have not seen him for 18 years. I would love a chance to meet my 9 year old granddaughter.

perplexism's avatar

London, Tokyo, Egypt, Italy, Cape Town, South Africa – so many to choose from.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Probably Sydney, Australia. I’ve been all over Europe and lived in Asia and the Middle East so I’d like to finally see what really goes on ‘down under’. After that, there are about 3 dozen other cities and places I’d like to see. First things first though.

mattbrowne's avatar

Olympus Mons

jonsblond's avatar


It’s so beautiful and untouched by the fugly.

shego's avatar

@jonsblond that picture is awesome I have always wanted to go there. I saw a special on it when I was little.

evegrimm's avatar

I had a thought, and would like to answer again.

I would love to live on a tall ship or similar schooner-type sailing vessel for a long time, visiting, well, anywhere, actually. (It could be going from Alaska down to Mexico, or from Cali to Hawaii, or up and down the European coast, or sailing in the Mediterranean…)

I wouldn’t mind living on a houseboat.

deni's avatar

@mattbrowne OLYMPUS MONS. Oh heavens, yes!!!!!!!!!!

Athens would be great too I absolutely LOVE greek history. I so wish I would have lived then. Daily life in a toga.

chyna's avatar

@jonsblond Thanks for sharing the picture. Such a beautiful place.

mattbrowne's avatar

@deni – wanna join me ?

deni's avatar

@deni I would absolutely LOVE a trip to mars, when does the shuttle leave?

mattbrowne's avatar

@deni – April 3, 2033 at 5:30 am. The early bird catches the worm.

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