Social Question

onesecondregrets's avatar

How much money do you spend in a day?

Asked by onesecondregrets (2591points) September 21st, 2009

Disregard bills. Out of pocket purchases/expenses along with credit card usage- on average what would you say is the amount you spend in a 24 hour period?

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14 Answers

MrItty's avatar

$40—$50. But then, I eat out far too often.

Ivan's avatar

Maybe $10.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

I have no intention of knowing.

Sarcasm's avatar

Pretty much nothing.

casheroo's avatar

Between $0–25 average. Obviously more if I’m grocery or clothing shopping.

evegrimm's avatar

Nothing, usually. I only grocery shop once a week, so I guess, on average, ~$3 per day?

I try not to buy convenience foods, ever. They “eat up” my budget.

And I haven’t eaten out since early August.

YARNLADY's avatar

I go many, many days without spending anything at all. Hubby does the shopping, so I don’t have to. I went out yesterday and bought a $300 gift for a family member last night, so I guess that makes up for all those zero days.

J0E's avatar

Not counting gas and cost of food from home, I’d say maybe $1.

Ivan's avatar

Yeah, I was including gas and parking.

Facade's avatar

Depends on the day. If I go to the grocery store, about 40 bucks. If I buy some food from some “restaurants” for a couple days, about 25 bucks. If I decide to go shopping, a lot of bucks. But, most days, I don’t do any of that.

J0E's avatar

@Ivan Including gas and parking, about $4.50.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

$80 – $100 a week, including gas.

wundayatta's avatar

Probably around $15 a day, given how often I go to the cash machine.

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