If you could choose, which would you rather be: a genius, of average intelligence, or IQ-challenged?
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Austinlad (
September 21st, 2009
But wait! There are conditions: If you were a genius, you’d have to be goofy looking and socially inept. If you were reasonably smart, you’d be allowed only average looks – nothing to look twice at. And if your IQ was low, you’d be incredibly, handsome or beautiful, and have a great personality. Pick one and give your reasons.
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35 Answers
I’d choose reasonably smart. I wouldn’t want to be a genius if it meant I could never truly connect with anyone. And I definitely wouldn’t want to be beautiful if it meant that I was a moron. So I’ll take the happy-medium any day.
Average intelligence (reasonably smart), please.
Genius or better yet an autistic savant.
Average all the way.
I would never want to be a genius no matter how I would look. I’ve known some geniuses and having that kind of intelligence can be hard on a person’s social life.
Being gorgeous would be nice, but certainly not worth being dumb.
And I kind of question your criteria for the low IQ folks- I consider smarts (having interesting, witty, thought-provoking things to say) as part of having a great personality.
below average – ignorance is bliss
I’d want to be a genius – who wants to be socially ‘able’ with stupid people, of which there are many
Many of those with below average IQs have developmental problems, so the chances of having a low IQ and being very good
looking are pretty low.
I’m not a genius, but I’m not average, so I’ll just stick with that. Plus, I’m pretty hot, so no worries.
I was always interested in seeing what it would be like to be very hot. At least, when I was younger. I suppose it would get vapid after a while. Not that I’d notice if I was stupid.
I’d be a genius…I could eventually find a woman to love me for who I am…that or somehow trick them with my genius…either way…I’d still find a way to get laid! I’d hate to live my life being average or mediocre…I mean If i had to choose the below average smarts…Id like to at least have street smart…then I would be ok with that.
I would have to go for reasonably smart even though, when I am looking for guys, I am looking for somebody with a great personality, but not dumber than bricks.
Reasonably smart would be great, I guess
I remember I had an elongated discussion/debate about this topic back in 10th grade with several other people when we had free time in leadership. I say I’d have to go with the middle one given these three choices. Given the two choices in the old debate I had (smart and an asshole or dumb and likeable), that was a lot harder to answer because they were so different. This question is easier and I have to go with the middle one. Being smart is great, yes, but I don’t need to be a genius. You can be plenty smart without being a genius.
I am already reasonably intelligent, so it seems boring to choose that. I would go with genius.
Reasonably smart and average looks. Extremes are fun to fantasize about, but never useful or practical in the long run. Being socially inept would destroy your social relationships, from which people gain knowledge and information. Being a genius does not make up for that. As for being good looking, well– looks and personality can only get you so far. You’d probably be the first to go in a stereotypical slasher film!
Genius, and hit with the ugly stick. I’d rather go with the known than either of the two unknowns.
I went out on a couple dates with a guy who was HOTT but stupid. There was no point.
I might as well be a socially inept genius, because I am already smart enough to be completely socially awkward but not smart enough to do anything great.
I’d be a genius actor/make-up artist….adaptable and believable for the situation at hand. See ya….Gary/wtf
I’d prefer to be a pretty toy for some wealthy person.
Genius. If I was incredibly smart, I could improve the world.
What’s an IQ? ~
I don’t know what i’d pick… people within all three categories can be perfectly happy with their situation. And since nature decides what you get… i think it wold be better just to try and work with what you have than to try and re-classify yourself according to what you think is best.
The reasonably smart/average intelligence scenario works just fine for me. I’ve never had a problem being normal and everyone who knows me, loves me, and that’s more important than anything else.
This is a really tough choice for me… I’m not sure why. I value intelligence over looks any day of the week, so in that sense I’d choose genius. However, I would hate to be extremely socially inept. A lack of human connection would be a deal breaker, I’m afraid. Sigh. I guess I’d have to go with average.
Oh, and welcome to Fluther!
Genius. Looks can be bought. social ineptness can be overcome, or even be a sort of asset ( I Like the bashful , quirky types )
average. i don’t see the appeal of genius, for me personally.
i absolutely value intelligence, but i also value personality.
I’m not trying to show off that I have a high IQ like a lot of people do in things like this, but I would not give up being a genius for anything. Life is incredibly easy when you are a genius living in a world made for people of average intelligence. I also want to point out that being a genius does not necessarily cause you to be socially inept.(I’m not retarded. I understand that this is part of the question.)
@Meowmixer So what can geniuses do that’s makes their lives so much easier than any of the rest of us?
I’m a high school student right now, and while most people stress over studying for school, I can do whatever I want and still go to any college that I want. I realize now that saying that “life” is easier is very broad in comparison to what I was really thinking about because not everyone’s life is of being a student, but I also suppose that getting a good education will make life easier in the future as well. I can’t tell if you think that I am trying to put down others, but I’m not. I just do see the appeal of genius, and this seemed relevant to me due to the previous comment.
@Meowmixer Did you get accepted at all the colleges you applied to? Which ones were they, anyway?
Ah, but those who cruise through school easily, with little effort, are often stymied later in life when something requires effort and they never learned how to give that 110%.
Ask me how I know. :(
@laureth I’m not debating the merits of your last comment and I’m sure it’s applicable in many situations but it hasn’t been my experience. i personally cruised through school up until i got my medical degree and have always put forth my best effort in every clinical setting i’ve been exposed to. I agree that some people who have certain abilities tend to take them for granted but there are also those of us who actually put them to good use.
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