Social Question

zapata's avatar

How do you use resolute in a sentence?

Asked by zapata (1points) September 21st, 2009

I need a sentence for resolute.

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9 Answers

laureth's avatar

If you are resolute in your effort to find a sentence with that word used properly, it will come to you.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I am resolute in my stance to not assist kids in completing their homework.

robmandu's avatar

I stand resolute in not doing your homework for you.

Oh wait. Damn.

MrItty's avatar

The Resolute Desk is in England.

(but that’s probably not what you meant)

Ishkabible's avatar

You just did.

ratboy's avatar

If an enlisted person solutes an officer incorrectly, he usually must resolute.

Jeruba's avatar

@ratboy, you are one of the naughtiest people around here, so much so that I honestly suspect you of being a well-known member in disguise, Jekyll-and-Hyde style.

What sort of solution did you just quaff?

ratboy's avatar

@Jeruba: Such calumny is unexpected in a civil forum such as this; you’ve insulted one of two people, but I don’t know which one.

Jeruba's avatar

It was a compliment.

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