If someone were to make a movie about your life what would it be called?
Just wondering. Basically a few words that would sum up your whole life.
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83 Answers
I’ll start- mine would definitely have to be called Nomad
Platonist Utopian
A story of a mans dreams dreamed and crossroads confronted.
“He Could Have Had It All”
The story of a man who came so close, but in the end it eluded his grasp.
[edit for tag line]
Bull in a China Shop
One girl’s quest to destroy the common man’s hopes and dreams
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
Boiled chicken and hot sauce plus family. Don’t ask. But that’s what it would be called.
I should listen to my inner voice.
Pants Optional:The Reckoning
it would be called “Isn’t That Ironic”
Probably “God dammit, Mike! What the hell were you thinking?”.
Whatever it would be called, it would contain some amount of profanity.
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.
Nomad sounds nice.
Someone wrote a play about my life and he just gave it my name. It has not been performed yet, so I can’t tell if it’s flattering or not, but I got to read some of the script and it was interesting, though certainly misleading. It portrays me in a very different way than what I actually am, both the good and bad things about me are different. Not necessarily better or worse, just not what I’d think characterises me.
It could of course be that it’s a more objective view of me than how I see myself. Or perhaps the guy got it all wrong. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s an artistic interpretation of someone’s life, not a documentary or a biography, so I decided to let the guy do his thing and not interfere at all.
If I wrote it myself, it would probably have something to do with travelling, geography, moving a lot and seeking that special place and situation that would make me happy. If not Nomad, then something along those lines, like “the Traveller” or “Wherever I lay my hat, that’s my home”. Though these are all cliches and I hate them, so I’d try to come up with a good title instead.
@sevenfourteen, what can I say, some of us girls are just skilled in destruction haha
Someone Else’s Muse
Happens to me all the time.
Watching Grass Grow
(cuz my life is just that exciting. Maybe not the greatest marketing strategy . . . )
My balls are shaved… Now what?
Hemmingway has Hemorroids
“No Regrets” because too often I find myself dwelling on past mistakes and instead I want to start living life to the fullest and stop being so cautious.
I’m unique, don’t call me special
Sitcoms and Tootsie Rolls
That’s it, I’m gonna get you!
The story of a girl who was picked on her whole life, now sees that she can stand up for herself.
“Gettin’ Better All the Time”
Revenge of the Starfucker
Your feeling of helplessness are your best friend, savage
Snakes, Sadomasacism, and Salvation
@PapaLeo and as I recall, you could have had it all several times over if it weren’t for the ‘self-sabotage’ syndrome.
Up and down…a true story!
My life is crazy like a roller coaster that goes up and down :)
Oh my God, did that really happened?
My Life is Not a Fairy-Tale.
A voyage through hardships, pleasures, and uncertainties resulting in ethereal and educational paradigms that shaped my world.
I don’t know about movies, but a book has been written about my life already. It is called That Was Then, This Is Now.
I didn’t know that: A guide to metaphorically living under a rock.
Procrastination: the Musical
The Puzzle that was Unquestionably a Puzzle
Walk Away or Breaking All the Ground
Operation: Try to get through life without getting stabbed
Pulling an ______ (insert name)
Failing for Dummies: Movie Edition
Enigma 2 – We still haven’t figured it out
in a male form- cuple of real pricks.in female form- pictures for kenvelo.
Tell me about your new idea
“You don’t think I will?”
A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Hemmingway has Hemorroids, the sequel: How I Battled Hemmoroids… and Lost
@cheebdragon why thank you… you’re pretty awesome yourself ;)
They already did….My Big Fat Greek Wedding… haha
I always liked the word Assassassassin because there’s so much ass in it.
You’re born naked, you die naked, it’s all a matter of planning
Fifty Yards To The Outhouse by Willy Makit and Betty Won’t
“The Drifter’s Guide To The Quagmire Of Life And Seemingly Unreachable Potential”
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