General Question

seVen's avatar

How long does a speeding ticket stay on driving record in Connecticut?

Asked by seVen (3492points) September 22nd, 2009

I got one in 2002 and ever since I hadn’t got any violations except not wearing my seat belt in 2006. I am wondering because a bus company that wants to hire me hired some history record company and in the report I am described as a “criminal” for 2002 speed ticket going 60mhs which I payed in court.

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4 Answers

cheebdragon's avatar

Did you even try looking on the local DMV website?

seVen's avatar

yeah, I don’t see no statues to give me info,...should I look somewhere like Connecticut Police site?

cheebdragon's avatar

You might find the answer here

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

Umm…. it will ALWAYS be on your record. Thats why its your “record.” What disappears, are the points on your license.

The only exception to this are stuff that happened while you were under 18, or if you get something expunged from your record (VERY hard to do, usually it’s for trading police something they need in an investigation).

But “criminal” is hardly descriptive of a speeding ticket. It’s not even a felony unless you’re going more than 20 mph over the speed limit, and even then, hardly ever is it considered/prosecuted as one.

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