Social Question

knitfroggy's avatar

If a random stranger asked you for a hug would you give them one?

Asked by knitfroggy (8982points) September 22nd, 2009

I was at the grocery store with my grandma yesterday and an older lady walked by and said that me and my grandma look exactly alike. We laughed because we don’t even look related. My grandma starts to walk off and the elderly lady says to me “Hey…give me a hug.” kinda quiet like. So I reached out and gave her a big hug. It was kind of weird, but I guess she needed one. It was awkward because she clutched on to me for like at least 10 seconds. Then she let go and just walked off. If a random person asked you for a hug would you oblige?

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34 Answers

jfos's avatar

Depending on the circumstances… I think anybody with decent judgment would be able to determine whether hugging a certain person would compromise their safety or health.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

The brooklyn-ite in me would think she’s stealing my wallet or something…but I’d give a person a hug, yes, depending on how I perceive them…in manhattan there are those Free Hugs people all the time and I give ‘em hugs definitely

Facade's avatar

As long as it wasn’t some creepy, old guy, probably.

MrItty's avatar

Depends where, who I was around, and the appearance (age, gender, cleanliness, sketchy-ness) of the person asking.

knitfroggy's avatar

This is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen on youtube. Free Hugs

jrpowell's avatar

Usually. I grew up in Eugene. Getting asked for hugs was pretty common.

erichw1504's avatar

I’d rather not.

CMaz's avatar

If I saw sincerity in their eyes.

We all need a hug now and then.

whatthefluther's avatar

Sure, why not. Not quite free love, but nothing wrong with free hugs.
But I’m a old guy so I guess there will be no @Facade hug.
See ya….Gary/wtf

Facade's avatar

I said creepy old guy…... Are you creepy? :P

OpryLeigh's avatar

I really don’t know. I have given the odd random a hug in clubs but that was probably more alcohol induced! If I was sober I think I would be quite uncomfortable with that.

casheroo's avatar

If someone looks like they really need a hug, I’d offer.

I’m not sure if I wrote it here, but when I learned of my grandmother passing a couple weeks ago, I was sitting in my doctors office. I began sobbing uncontrollably. No one looked, they ignored me. I could not stop crying and was wishing my husband were there to hold me, as he is usually the person who knows when I want a hug and don’t ask for one. I was honestly shocked that no one came over to console me. I would have gone over and hugged someone if I saw them in such distress like that. :(

OpryLeigh's avatar

@casheroo That’s so sad that no one came to console you and yours is a very different situation which I don’t think I would be able to ignore even if I just offered the person a tissue. I couldn’t sit there and watch someone sob their heart out :(

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@casheroo no way would i ignore you

shego's avatar

I second @Facade old and creepy, no. but anybody else, yes. I was at the bus stop about a week ago, and there was a lady crying, she asked me I had any change to spare, and if I had a hug to spare. But I gave the lady some change, and a hug, and helped her find the local homeless shelter. She just lost her house, job, husband, she really needed somebody to be there. And that hug really made a difference to her.

Likeradar's avatar

Depends on the person. A lonely seeming elderly person would probably get a one-armed hug. A child would probably get a real one. Anyone else… well… they’d be on their own. I’m just not a huggy person. Or a stranger person, actually.

whatthefluther's avatar

@Facade…I checked with @sccrowell and she screamed “hell no” to the creepy question and advised I was to hug no one but her, so I have to change my answer to I’m afraid not. @sccrowell works full time so we…oh, never mind See ya…Gary/wtf

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

When it comes to physical personal space, I go with my gut so it would be dependant on that.

markyy's avatar

Sure, I could always use a hug. Somehow I wouldn’t be too surprised if an American asked me, but if anyone else asked me I might have to think about it twice.

For those of you that don’t watch ‘Curb your enthusiasm’, make sure the hug doesn’t last longer than five seconds.

brinibear's avatar

I would give them hugs, there might be a reason they’re asking. I think that @shego made a good point. Kindness.

ShanEnri's avatar

@knitfroggy that was a great video! I have done this and would do it again and again! Some people just need it and hugs do make you feel pretty good!

markyy's avatar

I’ve seen more movies like that spread over the internet like a wildfire, just watch out they aren’t pickpocketers.

jazzjeppe's avatar

Yup, I would. The world needs more random hugging!

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I’m surprised no one has mentioned my favorite (the original) random hugger video! I’d hug anyone as long as it didn’t seem like a ploy to steal something from me or touch me in a sexual way.

Facade's avatar

@whatthefluther If I was her, I’d say the same thing lol

markyy's avatar

@La_chica_gomela: Deze video is vanwege auteursrechtbeperkingen niet beschikbaar in je land. Which means it isn’t viewable outside of wherever you live, hooray for the (not so) worldwide web.

trailsillustrated's avatar

no I think that krap is corny and wierd

XOIIO's avatar


After five seconds they start to grope you

Syger's avatar

Absolutely. If someone needed one enough to actually ask they deserve it. There’s been plenty of times I’ve been feeling super down and really just wanted to ask someone for one but I’d always chicken out.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I would if it was a guy in a bear suit in NYC. Then, I’d look for the camera & wave to the Letterman audience! ;0)

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@markyy: USA, sorry! It’s just Dave Matthews Band’s best video ever, Everyday. Maybe you can watch it on some other site?

FutureMemory's avatar

A hug at the right time is priceless. That’s a Yes, btw.

mattbrowne's avatar

I’d wait for getting the swine flu vaccine.

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