Social Question

What should I do about a job that's making me physically and emotionally sick?
I’ve had my current job for almost two years. When I applied for this job, I knew that it wasn’t something that I wanted to do forever. In fact, I didn’t think I’d be there nearly as long as I have. The job has good benefits and pays fairly well (better than anything else that I can get). However, I dread going to work and take more sick days than I probably should. My stomach is constantly tied up in knots, I get headaches while I’m there, and sometimes leave work early. I’m good at what I normally do there and I used to somewhat enjoy it, but recently, I’ve begun to hate it. My supervisors want me to learn a new job and take on more responsibility that I don’t want (with no additional pay). I know that I’m depressed and I’ve also grown to resent the job. I work nights and am always extremely tired, irritable, and sad. I find that I envy those who are awake during the day I get angry very easily. My coworkers are always asking what is wrong (because I never feel well) and my loved ones think that I need an attitude adjustment because I snap at them often. I hate feeling this way!
In addition to all of this, I missed several months of work at the beginning of the year due to injury from an accident. Even though I couldn’t do much of anything while at home and was in a lot of pain, I was still much happier than while at work. Now, after being back at work for six months, my injury also bothers me while I’m there, as it can be quite a physical job.
Another problem that I have is my boyfriend. He thinks that I don’t want to work at all and just want to sit at home all day and live off of him. This is completely untrue. I want to make my own money, I just want to be happy doing it I want to feel satisfaction from my job. How can I explain this to him so that he understands?
I don’t think a person should have to sacrifice happiness and health for money. Is it worth taking a minimum wage job that makes about half of what I make now to not feel this way?
Sorry I wrote so much and thanks to anyone who read this…
I guess I mainly needed to come on here to vent my feelings, but if anyone has suggestions that might help with how to cope with my job or encouragement on getting another job, that would be great.