Does your patriotism/nationalism affect how you view international relations?
We’re the best country in the world!
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7 Answers
Not sure exactly what you are asking. You said that, “we’re the best country in the world!” Not sure what country you are in? I live in the United States of America, and I love America! I was raised by a dad who told me America is a paradise, mostly referring to our protection of religious freedom; and our seperation of church and state; and our acceptance of many cultures from foreign lands. I am grateful to be an American, and feel strongly about our consititution and the ideals I associate with being an American.
So, your question is does my patriotism affect my view of of international relations? Well, I care how the world views us, and I want to be a part of the international community. I have heard many people recently say they don’t care what other countries do, or what they think. Well, I think we can learn from other countries, learn from their mistakes, and adopt some of the things they have done that have been successful. The more “friendly” we are with other nations, the more cooperation and sharing of information we can enjoy. Also, I think on a personal level, as well as a country level, the more familiar people are with you, or you are with them, the more you know them as people who want the same things you do, the less you can think in terms of “us and them.”
Yeah I just assume my country is the one at fault. It hasn’t failed me yet.
Yes it does. I don’t think our country lives up to its own Constitution, but since I really appreciate our Constitution, that has caused me to want very much for our government to act as a world exemplar. Since USA is the mightiest government there is, it has a duty to show the world how to act. Unfortunately it’s doing the opposite, in many cases, (our belief that Gross Domestic Product is the most important indicator of a nation; our wars; etc) teaching the world that we are still a bunch of toddlers, in the grand scheme of human development as a nation. But my strong belief in this nation has caused me to strongly believe in its responsibility to grow up, in regards to how our government treats other governments.
I have no nationalism. I like several countries but regard no government as ideal. In many ways the French government offers more than most but is still far from ideal. No country has a realistic election system – it is always (to me) an attempt to select the least damaging of the options.
Maybe one day will will have realistic governing with all those running having proper tertiary qualifications (and good pass rates) and no requirement for large amounts of financial backing and party membership. Might get some real politicians then.
“We’re the best country in the world!”
Is that correct? Shouldn’t it be “Ours is the best country in the world!”?
But that’s OK, since you are from the best country in the world. You Japanese are amazing.
“Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.”
-George Jean Nathan
@oratio Of course us Japanese have the best country in the world, I mean who else came up with Hello Kitty?
@Kraigmo Thats a really interesting way to look at it. I had only considered it from a negative (were the best, so were right) point of view and had grown to dislike patriotism.
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