Whether a kid from the '60s, '70s, '80s or '90s, who was your main TV hunk or "girl" crush?
every afternoon after school whille doing homework and watching TV, there “she” or “he” was. every saturday morning, you channeled that show. and all those “monday night movies” from back in the day, your american TV idol blazed the screen every now and again.
i remember farrah fawcett of “charlies angels” and on saturday mornings, the chick who played “Isis,” who was a superhero in a patriotic bathing suit who flew in a glass airplane. hot? who knew?
who was your pubescent television (before cable) “crush” or “hunk?” is he or she still living?
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127 Answers
Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years.
She has a advanced degree in mathematics and that turns me on even more.
David Cassidy and James Taylor were my crushes. I had posters of them in my bedroom.
@johnpowell YES! i do remember winnie cooper. and actually, olivia d’abo on the same show.
I am massively embarrassed to admit that I had a huge crush on Kirk Cameron.
Michael J Fox as Alex Keaton on Family Ties!
Watching re-runs of Star Trek: Next Generation, on the weekend, with my dad: Data, Commander Riker, Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Yes, I am a nerd. :D
dont know why i loved the dark-haired girl on the mickey mouse club. what was her name?
@pdworkin YES! thank you! it was homework and annette!
Zack Morris (Mark Gosselaar) from Saved By the Bell.
And I definitely have to agree with @casheroo and @MissAnthrope on their answers!
actually, mary ann from gilligan’s island. not ginger.
Alyssa Milano (from Who’s the Boss). And as a grown-up Leela from Futurama. Ok I know it was a cartoon, but I’m still a child inside, so I thought she was real….that eye!
My mom tells me that when I was about 3 I was in love with Michelle from Full House (the Olsen twins when they were toddlers). Post puberty, it was the brunette from the re-runs of three’s company, and Ann Margaret in Tommy
@Jack79 dude, i forgot all about alyssa. good call!
Patty Mayonnaise
I’d spread her all over…
for some reason, justine bateman from that show with michael fox and a real cute chick on ZOOM, back in the day, on PBS.
lol @J0E I wanted to be Patty Mayonnaise
who in the world is patty mayonnaise?
My first love in grade school was Han Solo. Every day after school, I’d pop some popcorn and watch Empire Strikes Back on VHS. I’d rewind it now and then so I could watch the scenes between Han and Leia at least twice in a row. And I still have that movie memorized.
@MissAnthrope I will join you in your Kirk Cameron humiliation. Remember that movie he was in where he switched places with his dad? At least, I think that was the plot…anyway, one of my birthdays revolved around seeing that movie with my friends and we all drooled over the part where he ran track in those little running shorts. cringe
I don’t know the actor’s name, but the kid who played Blossom’s boyfriend was a major hottie. He was the sole reason I watched that show.
Last, but not least, is Will Smith. I had such a thing for him when he was the Fresh Prince. He’s the only TV crush I could still stare at all day long, as he’s only improved with time. I will always love Han Solo, but Harrison Ford has become so boring.
@J0E she had the most horrible voice, but lurve for the Doug reference.
Ricky Schroder from Silver Spoons. I also liked Robin from the old 60s Batman tv show. He was the star in my first… sexy dream.
Robin wasn’t hetero. He was way too at home in those tights..
Oy, I’m so old. No one is going to admit to Cubby? I’m just dangling in the wind here with Annette?
Luke Perry always and forever
Mr. Peabody. (He is so hot.)
Ok, but you forced it out of me, Bobby Sherman.
@ubersiren his name is Burt Ward, originally there was some fuss over the size of the bulge in those tights.
the black star trek chick with the short skirt on arbitrarily switching dials on the space keyboard and swiveling left or right from time to time.
ok, marsha, of the brady bunch. yeah, marsha marsha marsha.
For me it’s a toss up between Bret Maverick (James Garner) and Cheyenne (Clint Walker)
ooh ooh, the original catwoman of “batman” days when it used to come on TV every week.
and “jeanie” of “i dream of jeanie.” what was the major’s problem in noticing the love???
dude, please get a clue. i did.
Hellllllo Wally Cleaver! Oh he makes me melt.
pinky tuscadero on “happy days”
and olivia newton john in “grease”
I watched a lot of Monty Python reruns on PBS as a little girl. Michael Palin was (and still is) my favourite. Although Eric Idle was cute back then too! Now, not so much.
When MTV started re-running The Monkees in the mid-80s, I developed a big crush on Mike Nesmith (Wool Hat).
I had a crush on Richard Burton that lasted for years (and even now I will watch his films when possible).
@charliecompany34 the black star trek chick with the short skirt on arbitrarily switching dials on the space keyboard and swiveling left or right from time to time.
Do you mean this one? Uhura who later went on to do soft porn?
My very first crush was far and away, Doogie Houser.
oh Neil Patrick Harris.. turn straight and marry me…
As a tween, Jason Priestley made me want to do dirty, dirty things… like hug, drink coffee at the Peach Pit, and drive down PCH with the top down during school hours. Hey, I was 12.
I wanted Zack and Kelly together with me
oh and I’d totally hit 6 from Blossom and Angela from My So Called Life
Jewel Staite of Nickelodeon fame…..she still has it too.
I’ll agree with the Winnie folks, I definitely had a crush on Danica McKellar growing up as well.
Then there was Danielle Fishel as Topanga in Boy Meets World…..liked her from the beginning before they started having her flaunt her hotness.
@ubersiren You beat me to it. I was so jealous of the girl that got to be Ricky’s first kiss!
I’ll have to go with Chachi as my second choice.
yeah and I’d probably sleep with Daria as well…man, I’m all over the place…GQ
I just realized this question was aimed at a girl audience…..oh well, heh heh.
Davey Jones from the Monkees and David Cassidy
and does anyone remember a show that was on Sunday nights, I think it was called “The Young Rebels” there was a cute guy on there.
Wonder Woman was my first celebrity crush, though. Oh wow, she was awesome.
@gailcalled – If you have Netflix, get your hands on a copy of How to Irritate People (A DVD of a one-off comedy special produced by David Frost). 29-year-old John Cleese hosts in all his youthful glory – and with those deep-set eyes! A sample.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir You reminded me!
How can I forget Jared Leto’s breathtaking portrayal of Jordan Catalano on My So-Called Life!?!?
I loved the way he leaned… I’m still coveting a fuzzy lined corduroy jacket just like his.
@Likeradar Oooh, Jordan Catalaaanooo. Mmmm. What!?
drake bell of the 90s.
but as far as cartoons, daria’s friend’s brother. trent? hot damn. i thought he was really cute. ahhaha
i don’t think jordan catalano is hot
@tiffyandthewall Oh no you didn’t. But you are so right about Trent. He was one sexy cartoon. @aprilsimnel Remember when he covered I Wanna be Sedated? I swooned… who knew that a few short years later he’d subject us to 30 Seconds to Mars and wear guyliner.
@Likeradar – I felt so much better after that fiasco that I hadn’t told anyone about my mini-crush on him. Me being an adult at the time, and all… :O
@Likeradar I wanted to marry Jared Leto. lol
Also add Zack Morris to the list. Umm, I know I had others. Oh, I had a huge crush on Edward Norton after American History X. first guy I saw naked naked..I was like, 12!
And, River Phoenix. He was dreamy.
@casheroo My first ever sex dream was about River Phoenix. It was after he was dead… well, in real life. He was alive and virile in my dream. :)
Since I’ve seen other anthropomorphic cartoon characters already admitted to….I confess that I had a crush on Gadget from Chip and Dale’s Rescue Rangers and am another Patty Mayonnaise fan…..hey, I was young!
OMG, I can’t believe noone has said Catherine Bach.
Alyssa Milano is a a close
second albeit a totally different decade.
I had this poster of Cheryl Tiegs in my room, as well as a t-shirt with the famous picture of Farrah Fawcett on the front. But my real love then was for Maren Jensen; so much so that I named my second daughter Maren.
In the early 80s it was Michael Jackson, then I fell for Donnie Wahlberg in New Kids on the Block. When I was in high school I was hopelessly in love with Jim Morrison even though he’d been dead about 20 years at the time
Howie from the Backstreet Boys what a natural hottie. I don’t care what you say, I will find a way to marry him. I was just way too young before.
Madonna and Michelle Pfeiffer.
As a child of the 80s, Paulina Porizkova was my main addiction, er, crush, for most of my teenage years. I was always repulsed by Madonna.
@tb1570 As a child of the 80s, Paulina Porizkova was my main addiction
Curious. I had not heard of her, so I Google-Imaged her. Came up with this. Image-1
Tell me the difference between that and this: Gabrielle Anwar
I found Gabrielle (from Burn Notice) to be very attractive.
Jimmy from H. R. Pufnstuf. I was a strange child.
@DarkScribe Yeah, I can see the resemblence. But, in all fairness to Paulina, I think the picture you found of her must be a more recent picture, and not one taken of her during her, uh, prime…
Paulina is a super model compared to Gabrielle.
@cyndyh- Not that strange. Perhaps if you had said Freddie…
@tb1570 But, in all fairness to Paulina, I think the picture you found of her must be a more recent picture, and not one taken of her during her, uh, prime…
She’s still very attractive – similar to Gabrielle but more refined. I am surprised that I was unaware of her – I guess that I don’t watch enough television.
Let’s see: Davy Jones, Shaun Cassidy, Michael J. Fox, Shaun Cassidy, Ricky Nelson (I watched a lot of Ozzie and Harriet re-runs.) Pernell Roberts, Anson Williams and Shaun Cassidy.
The older sis on Family Affair, Kathy Garver (when I was around 10), and Nancy McKeon (“Jo” from the Facts of Life).
Well at least it wasn’t Witchiepoo..
But that kid blew a talking flute.. Someone was tripping..I think those writers went from Woodstock to the puppet studio.
@SeventhSense – The Kroffts claimed they never did any drugs. There’s a great Mr. Show spoof of their work called “The Altered State of Druggachussetts”. I know there’s a clip of it out there somewhere.
When I was a little, little girl, I was more attracted to real-life boys in school. Only once I turned 10 or so did I get hard crushes on film/TV/pop stars like Palin, Nesmith, Daryl Hall and John Taylor. ::sigh:: John Taylor… damn, but he was hot (and still is, considering all the dust that went up his nose)! Can my ‘80s girls holla?
@SeventhSense: I think that’s part of the reason Witchiepoo was the way Witchiepoo was. No one had a crush on Witchiepoo. Poor, sad Witchiepoo.
@tedibear39- You must have really liked Shaun Cassidy. You mentioned him twice.
And i only started counting after i read your observation.
I’m guessing @AstroChuck and I are around the same age as I had the same posters on my wall of Cheryl and Farrah. Also had a poster of Fonzi but we already know that I may be gay.
I liked Josh Server from the original All That :)
I still think he’s adorable.
Generally speaking, I couldn’t resist a boy with a good mushroom cut.
Girls that dig the clean cut boys…
Yes I said it. sometimes a cigar is just a cigar :)
Look I’m still pissed that someone got credit for Alyssa Milano which was posted right below my answer of Alyssa Milano…no I’m not too petty ~_~
No one gave me love for David Cassidy and Sweet Baby James! disbelieving
although, David Cassidy? isn’t he a Leprechaun?
Thank you kind sir. No not a Leprechaun, a Partridge. He was a hottie in his time. If I wasn’t so computer illiterate I would link a picture of him when he was on the Partridge Family.
@chyna – This guy? Yeah. Then he grew up. Here’s the famous Annie Liebovitz shots that got everyone all het up.
I know silly. I was just playin’ wit chu
@SeventhSense But just to mention, your link on Alysso doesn’t work. I just love new york accents.
@aprilsimnel That is it! Thanks for finding it. I’m thinking of blowing it up and using for a poster in my room again. :P
thanks..here today gone tomorrow
@AstroChuck -Yes, Shaun Cassidy was one of the highlights of my adolescent crush years. Then I discovered hockey players!
In order, Shaun Cassidy (Hardy Boys), Scott Baio, and Ralph Macchio (Eight is Enough)
I was expecting a lot of Cory’s from the 80’s crowd.
@filmfann oooh yeah! definitely cory and shawn too
Ha! I had the hots for grown, adult men in the 80s. Like Sting. The Corys didn’t make the cut. I think John Taylor was the youngest it got for me. Obviously, I can’t speak for others who were tweens/teens in the 80s.
Totally forgot about my biggest: Harley Quinn from Batman: The Animated Series…..good show…..
Jordan Catalano from My So Called Life
Linda Carter as Wonder Woman. I had some funny feelings while eating my oreos.
Hoping the invisible plane material could be used someday for her leotard ;)
Robert Wagner It Takes a Thief
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