General Question

Kraigmo's avatar

Is there a way to cheaply re-carbonate a stale beer?

Asked by Kraigmo (9521points) September 22nd, 2009

Is there some way, or some chemical that can be made into tablet form, and used to re-carbonate flat beer?

Sometimes I like to drink half a can instead a full can. There should be some tablet I can add to re-fizzify my beer if I save it. I know a CO2 tank might work, but I want a tablet-based solution.

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6 Answers

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Yeast + sugar, then re-cap it.

mramsey's avatar

Never tried it but here you go.

DarkScribe's avatar

Buy it it bottles and use an airtight sealer.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

The thought of what you’re proposing makes me a little queasy. @DarkScribe has the best solution – canned beer (except for Guiness) is swill to begin with.

erichw1504's avatar

You didn’t finish your beer? Shame on you!

Kraigmo's avatar

Thanks La chica gomela and mramsey for the solution, and thanks everyone else

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