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kerryyylynn's avatar

What is the best Jonathan Carroll book, and why?

Asked by kerryyylynn (357points) September 23rd, 2009

Ive heard that Jonathan Carroll is a very talented author, but Im not too sure which book I should start with. Any suggestions? Whats your opinion on his work?

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3 Answers

aprilsimnel's avatar

I have read The Crane’s View Trilogy and White Apples. I liked them very much. I’m not sure if he’s at his peak, but I would start with that trilogy, and work forwards, then back. He’s written novels since at least 1980.

Also, James Morrow is another excellent novelist in a more metaphysical and philosophical vein.

Janka's avatar

What is his best book, and what you should start from, are not necessarily the same things, for any author. In his case, though, most of the books stand alone, so starting pretty much anywhere is fine.

Personally, I like his older stuff a lot, including Land of laughs. The Crane’s View Trilogy (though I did not even know it was considered a trilogy!) is good too, as mentioned, but personally I think White Apples is one of his weakest.

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