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I just recieved an underage drinking ticket...
Wow, I hate to be asking about things like this online, but I was just wondering if anyone with any past experiences with this event/problem had anything helpful to suggest to me.
About a week ago I received an underage drinking ticket from the local police in my college town. I have to go to court and pay a total fine of $145 (court costs + penalty fine) on February 4th. The ticket I was issued states “Consume beer / unfortified wine by person under 21. 18B-302(B)(3)”.
As of right now, I have assumed that I would just have to appear in court at the given time and pay the cost of my fine, but recently I have begun to ponder if I should take the time to hire a lawyer, in case I am in for something that I am not ready to handle on my own.
It should also be noted that I myself was not at the wheel, and this is my first time receiving a ticket whatsoever. If anyone can help or put any input into dilemma, or help me out with suggestions of what I should do, it would be amazing!
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