How do you figure out if someone is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?
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Jferrato7 (
September 25th, 2009
Just want to know everyones storys on the topic…Any experience with people like that? How do/did you know? Maybe you are that kind of person?
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20 Answers
They reveal themselves on their own.
I’ve always been trying to follow my love for playing music and I met this guy back in WI. He lead me to believe that he had a full band and they needed another guitarist. I don’t remember how I came to believing him or why I & others did, but long story short. I ended up quitting my job and was ready to start touring and head out on the road. Week after week there was excuse after excuse as to why I never got to meet anyone that was supposedly part of the “band.” After a few weeks I said he was full of it and left and soon after the girl he was staying with kicked his ass to the curb and apologized to me for letting him do that. He had everyone fooled, but after failing to deliver after so many times, we started to see him what he really was. The Wolf or the boy who cried it, lol.
It called a “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’” for a reason.
It works.
Usually by the time you find out it is too late.
@Axemusica thats unfortuate…sorry to hear that but it is a good story.
@ChazMaz So you think that it always works? That they never get caught?
Wolves smell a hell of a lot different from sheep. That’s a metaphor, not a joke. You have to have a good people sense—be able to tell if a story hangs together, and if it “smells” wrong, don’t be afraid to ask all kinds of questions. It’s pretty easy to see the holes in a story once liars start trying to provide details.
“That they never get caught?”
They get caught. Does no good to the sheep that has been eaten.
And when caught, then they are just an exposed wolf.
No longer a ”“Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’””
I think everyone has fallen for a wolf at one time or another. Sure the get caught – karma can be hell after all ;)
When I was in junior high I moved to a new school and really wanted to fit in, so I became friends with one of the “cool girls”. She let me believe that I was also “cool” and that she genuinely wanted to be friends. She did nothing but get me into trouble and I discovered later that she was stealing from me every time she came into my house. Looking back I realize that it was because of my own insecurity that I ignored the warning signs and allowed her to take advantage of me.
Being a male and having really bad instincts on such things, I seek out women who have been at the company the longest and befriend them. With a network in place, I have an early warning system of women with survival skills. This strategy has served me very well.
Shave them…?
There is no way to answer this question without knowing more about the person, sorry.
Invite them to dinner and serve nothing but pasture grass and dandelions.
If they just pick at their food you’ve got yourself a wolf.
close your eyes…and feel…it will tell you
They generally mimick and copy your personality and traits. Wolfs are easy to spot if youre looking in the right direction. They have to creep. The sheep get to run.
you have to smell them-dead giveaway.
When Jesus was talking about false teachers, he said that by their fruit ye shall know them. If we broaden the topic we could be talking about anyone who pretends to be something they are not for the purpose of ill intent.
When I was about 8–10 years old I had a friend that had an older brother. The older brother was mechanically inclined and used to talk me into bringing some of the bikes in our garage over to his house. He would take them apart and mix the parts up and make ridiculous looking bikes. He made me think that I looked really cool riding on those bikes, but he was laughing at me the whole time. At first he pretended to be my friend; he was subtle about the whole thing. Then, as time went on, he grew tired of the sheep outfit and was blatantly not my friend.
Sooner or later, what’s down in the well comes up in the bucket. The wolf is going to forget to bleat and let out a howl.
In my experience wolves come at times when we are vulnerable and we overlook things because we want them to be what they are not. They often hold the promise of providing something we need or want and we find later that they were never what they seemed to be. I watch how they treat employees, children and pets and see if they take responsibilty for something they messed up on and do what they can to fix it or just blame someone else. They almost always get discovered but they are serial destroyers and just move on to the next vulnerable victim…I think the only thing to do is move on with the best dignity you can muster and love yourself. You are better than them if you yourself would not do this to others and in the end the inner mirror can be a brutal place and no one escapes this…we all know what we are….
It is my belief that to know people well is to know them long. In other words a person generally shows his true self after a while. It is hard for a person to be someone he isn’t for a very long time. Sometimes it takes a few weeks and in some cases a few months. I was fortunate as I found out before marrying my fiance what kind of guy he was. it took a good year, but spending time with someone eventually shows you the true character of the person.
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