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tinyfaery's avatar

Is anyone else beginning to hate Sarah McLachlan?

Asked by tinyfaery (44302points) September 25th, 2009 from iPhone

Everytime I hear her voice on TV I know I am going to see abused and neglected animals. (I just can’t watch.) I now have a negative association.

I think this campaign might be working to her detriment.

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36 Answers

knitfroggy's avatar

Before opening the question my thought was “I used to like her until she started being on that damn sad dog commercial.” I don’t even like dogs that much and that commercial tears my ass up. There are some jacked up cats too which really breaks the heart.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Reasons like these are why I have a DVR

I have seen it. I don’t like the ad, but it doesn’t affect my opinion of Sarah’s angelic pipes.

casheroo's avatar

Ugh, I haven’t seen that commercial in a while. Thanks for reminding me and making me want to cry :(

Tink's avatar

The first time I saw it, it made me cry. Now everytime it comes out I change the channel.
I never knew who Sarah McLachan was anyways so it didn’t really matter.

knitfroggy's avatar

@SpatzieLover Lurve for the DVR! I can’t live without the thing!

tinyfaery's avatar

Oh, Tink. You make me feel old.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@Tink1113 Never heard of Sarah McLachlan?! Have you ever heard the song Angel?

I haven’t seen the commercials, but her voice is very good for when you’re feeling down or emotional. For any other mood, I don’t think so..

Sarcasm's avatar

I remember having a pretty good reaction time to hitting the mute button on my remote whenever I started hearing “In the arms of an aaangellll”.

My heart bleeds for the poor animals, but it’s annoying to see those commercials. No matter how much money I, you, we, they throw at the shelters, there will always be more people out there abusing their pets.

Tink's avatar

She sings right? That’s all I know.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@Sarcasm Oh, they use Angel? Whoopsie… Never mind, don’t click on the link.

knitfroggy's avatar

@Tink1113 She sings the song that’s playing under her talking on the commercial…it’s a really sad song about angels and dying and shit

casheroo's avatar

@Tink1113 Jesus. I’ve never felt old before from a pop culture reference. What the heck.

Tink's avatar

Ah yes, that one

hearkat's avatar

I don’t watch much TV, but I have seen the commercial. I guess with over-exposure it might cause an aversion. I also remember the one that preceded it, with David Duchovney’s voice saying, “I’m a good dog…” Had me tearing up instantly every time.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@knitfroggy Lurve for your description of the song

tinyfaery's avatar

Hey, if the commercials work, I guess I shouldn’t complain. But my dislike is coming from my subconsious. I just feel a twinge of sadness and aversion when I hear her voice.

I donate to an animal rescue organization monthly.

DominicX's avatar

I’m not really seeing the negativity in it. How could it be a detriment? It’s harsh but it’s reality and I think it’s an important cause.

kheredia's avatar

Well it’s obviously an issue that we don’t like to face. But it’s reality, animals suffer every day and someone has to be their voice. I love Sarah McLachlan and I think she’s a wonderful person for showing her support and affection toward these neglected animals. The commercials are hard to watch but someone has to raise awareness.

knitfroggy's avatar

The whole point of the commercial is to guilt you into giving money to the ASPCA. Kinda crappy when they have to guilt trip people into giving money. Kinda like the poor, sad, sick, shoeless kids in some country I’ve never heard of. I would love to give them money, but I’m doing my best to keep my kids happy, healthy and in shoes. Guilt sucks.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Good for Sarah McLaughlin for bringing an uncomfortable reality to light.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Actually, I don’t see why any reference to Sarah McLachlan would make anyone feel old. It shouldn’t. I mean, she sang When Somebody Loved Me In Toy Story 2. The Toy Story series seems like it’s a staple of kids no matter how old they are or when they were born. And I’m pretty sure that Tink would’ve watched it (you did didn’t you Tink?) as a kid. It only came out in… 1999…. In the last century…

…Why do I feel old all of a sudden?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

So true!!! As soon as I hear the first few bars of that song I want to cringe now. I just want to cry and run out of the room!

BBSDTfamily's avatar

This campaign makes me like and respect her more.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Who ever said i liked her in the first place?

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’m not a fan, I’ve seen that commercial, and while it’s a nice thing that she’s doing it, it hasn’t changed her stock with me either way. I just don’t think about her much.

poofandmook's avatar

No, I don’t hate her.

I do hate the ad though. I am an animal lover.. I’m one of those people who values their pets more than some of the humans in their life. I can’t stand it. It rips me to shreds, beyond tears even. I always feel like writing a check when I’m struggling to buy food or gas for the car. I turn it off the second I see it. I can’t take it.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

you guys began to hate her? Man I just thought it was some kind of evolutionary trait that most of us are born with…

Resonantscythe's avatar

I hate those commercials themselves. Not just the animal ones, the poor kid ones, the one that shows the toddler with the cleft lip, all of them. They take something that is already saddening and put in a depressing song and whoever talks never talks normally, they talk with all the suffering in their voice which would be fine if not for the way the commercials seem to be made to make people miserable.

Have you ever run into one of those commercials when you were already having a down day? It totally wrecks you.

I would appreciate if they could present themselves straight up, with only the REAL sadness and no melodrama added. Things are sad enough without them fabricating more depression.

Been seeing these things for as far back as i can remember, those commercials always ruined my day

valdasta's avatar

I don’t watch much TV and have only seen the comercial about four times. I think it is aweful what some people do to their pets; it isn’t right. However, I can’t stand the commercial because I think it is ridiculous. We care more about animals than we do people. We get all worked up about abused animals, animal rights, endangered species, etc… to where we elevate animals to a human status. I take that back – we have been programed (by the media, public schools, and false science) to believe that we are animals.

tinyfaery's avatar


DominicX's avatar


Uh yeah, that’s because we are animals.

tinyfaery's avatar

Anybody see SNL this weekend? Hahaha!

aprilsimnel's avatar

@tinyfaery – I just saw the clip on hulu. Hahahaha!

tinyfaery's avatar

“This dog committed suicide…”

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