General Question

younganny's avatar

Will I fail or pass the urine test?

Asked by younganny (8points) September 26th, 2009 from iPhone

I smoked last week, I rarely smoke, I’m pretty skinny, and I need to get a physical by the end of November, which is in 2months what are the odds of me coming up positive or negative?

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30 Answers

Buttonstc's avatar

It depends upon who is doing the physical and how determined they are to discover drug use.

younganny's avatar

its for sports..

Buttonstc's avatar

Is it your own family Doctor or one that the school sends you to?

Are you also aware that THC can be detected in hair samples for at least 3 months and likely longer?

As I said, it depends upon how determined the tester is to discover drug use.

younganny's avatar

Pretty sure its our family doctor..

younganny's avatar

thats in a hair sample I’m doing a urine test lol

patg7590's avatar

Why wold you smoke, fully knowing you’re going to be tested?

syz's avatar

You took the risk, now you deal with the consequences.

younganny's avatar

@patg7590 and syz: a you peoplle jus answer the question if you don’t have an answer go somewhere else

patg7590's avatar

@younganny I think the question I posed is quite valid. your attitude and lack of spelling competency makes you sound like a jerk. Someone I hope would get caught using and get kicked off the team :]

younganny's avatar

@patg7590: learn how to spell would before you talk about my minor spelling errors…

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Buttonstc's avatar

Well, I’m going to save a little time and cut to the chase here. It’s obvious from your other questions on Fluther that you are in a time of your life when you are making decisions on a number of issues like drug use and future career.

The good news is that you have (within the limits of the law) the sole power for making these decisions. Others will have differing points of view, but the power resides with you.That’s the good news.

That’s also the bad news for if the decisions you make aren’t the best ones, you will bear the brunt of ant unfavorable outcomes.

The sole deciding point should not necessarily be: How much can I get away with without being caught. That’s rather immature.

Regarding the entire issue of drugs, the primary consideration should be more what is in your long term best interests rather than only what feels good now. If you want a responsible job such as being a surgeon, it will require many sacrifices along the way to reach that goal, forsaking drug use being the least of those.

The other thing you need to do some research about is your family history. Do you have any close relatives (parents, grandparents, aunts uncles and cousins on either side who have currently or in the past any problems with addiction. The particular substance is irrelevant. Pot, booze or pills are equal in their potential.

There are many folks here ok Fluther who have very productive lives while smoking pot and I believe them. That is no guarantee that their particular experience is universally true. There are many others for whom it has not been so harmless. The same is true for alcohol.

What you have to determine for yourself is how risky it may be for YOU not for someone else.

Your family history is uniquely your own and you need to consider whether this is a possible vulnerability for your. There are strong genetic links for addiction potential. The more people in your family who have addiction problems, the higher the possibility that you will also.

It’s certainly not guaranteed, but it would be foolish to overlook. It’s something you should consider carefully.

You would also do well to consider the possibility of addiction if it is not in your family tree. You are contemplating a profession which carries with it a pretty high stress level. Just getting to the point where this job is within realistic reach for you carries a lot of stress in terms of academics and the physical grind of internship. Drugs provide an easy but dangerous escape from stress. The better you can manage your life without chemical escape, the less are your chances for addiction potential.

The choice is yours. Make wise and responsible choices, not just what you can get away with without getting caught. Life has a way of catching those types of people.

younganny's avatar

@buttonstc: great answer, I’m not even close to being addictted, if I wanted I could choose to never smoke again which is probabbly what I will do(no offense)

younganny's avatar

how long does it stay in your body?

patg7590's avatar

@younganny even though you have no manners at all, you treat people as though they were less than you, and you’re immature…
here is your answer
for the record it was the first hit on google

younganny's avatar

@patg7590: I completely diagree, where’s your proof?

patg7590's avatar

@younganny what are you disputing? the link? the fact that it was on google? You being immature?

younganny's avatar

@patg7590: you said I treat people as if they were less than me, how is that?

patg7590's avatar


@patg7590 and syz: a you peoplle jus answer the question if you don’t have an answer go somewhere else

As if you could tell people what to do like that. All because you simply didn’t like our answers. Something you should know about Fluther, the people are honest and a lot of times they genuinely care. in this instance, it would do little good to help a teen pass a drug test if it meant him being addicted and screwing up things farther in his life. Hence the wonderfully composed response from @Buttonstc.

Also, on Fluther (as in the real world) there is a concept knows as common courtesy, and just all around not being an ass. Not treating people disrespectfully. (At least until they earn it).

Welcome to Fluther, I hope you love it here. Just try to be a little nicer to people while you get a feel for the place.

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jca's avatar

@younganny : as someone who works in a profession where we regularly give drug tests and we are very knowledgeable about the different drugs and how long they stay in your system, i was fully prepared to answer your question. then, in reading your rude and immature replies, i decided not to. you might consider being a little more contrite in the future and that may get you further then your haughty attitude (not to mention if i were you i would think more about staying in school, less about smoking pot, since you can’t spell worth a damn).

dpworkin's avatar

@younganny I answered this question quite thoroughly in one of your previous posts, and included a source from a research journal. What is the point of re-asking the same question again and again?

filmfann's avatar

@younganny Usually, I welcome new jellies, but your attitude stinks!
No Lurve for you!

Blondesjon's avatar

For someone who rarely smokes you sure have asked a lot of pot related questions.

justus2's avatar

It all depends on your metabolism, how often you smoke, your weight, how much liquids you drink. If you worry about it I suggest you get a thing called “stat flush. Go to the site if you want to see what I am talking about, it works for me, I used it and took a home test and came out fine. You have to follow the directions perfectly though, if you smoke cigarettes or anything that is as it says unwanted toxins then you won’t pass. I also suggest if you are really that nervous about it getting a home test to make sure you are clean. Good luck with it :-)

ratboy's avatar

I believe that if you apply yourself and study hard, you can pass.

Kraigmo's avatar

To actually answer your question: Don’t worry! Yes… marijuana metabolites can accumulate in the fatty tissue of your body for up to 1 month (they used to say 3).

You’ve had so little marijuana though, that your THC-COOH measurement will almost assuredly be below the threshold set. (The threshold is how much they allow in your system before they say you actually have smoked marijuana… they allow for a little bit before a postive result is shown). I’m referring to the EMIT-type urine test, which is the most common.

The odds of you coming up clean are probably about 95% or more in your favor, assuming you take this test Oct 21 or later.

Anecdotally, I know of several people who passed the test, while having smoked a little bit just a few days prior.

On the day you take the test, Drink 1 bottle of water, plus 1 bottle of apple juice (to maintain the yellow) 1 hour before the test.

But before all that, be sure to pee at home once or twice before the test. Your first two pees of the day, are the most toxic.

You’ll be fine, even if you don’t take any precautions, though, most likely.

Val123's avatar

@ratboy ROFL!! That reminds me…At Rubbermaid I once worked as a switch board operator during the regular operators lunch break. Dude called, wanting to know if he’d passed his drug test. Sigh. If you have to ask, you probably didn’t.

deni's avatar

You’ll pass. No worries.

jca's avatar

let us know.

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