Is there a commercial spokesperson or character who drives you crazy?
This question is dedicated to the late, great Billy Mays.
This question made me think of how incredibly annoying Laurie Metcalf is in those Save the Children commercials. It is a great cause, but she looks so hideous and appears so close to a breakdown that I can’t even watch. Is there a commercial spokesperson or character that makes you crazy?
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41 Answers
The guy that does the late night juicer commercials… I don’t remember the exact name of the product, but he’s pretty fanatical about his juice. JUICE IS LIFE!!! MEAT IS DEEEEEEEEATH!! He’s got sort of crazy eyes when he talks about how terrible meat is… scary.
1) Geico Cavemen
2) Geico Gecko
3) Geico Money thing with eyes
4) Progressive Chick
Billy Mays (or however it is spelled). Hands down. Wish they’d stop doing the reruns. Can’t stand being screamed at to buy something no one needs.
@juwhite1 I don’t mind Erin Esurance, mostly because they change the commercials frequently enough for me. I don’t watch TV much, but when I do all I ever see is ads for Geico and Progressive. Over and over and over and over…
I’m completely sick of the cavemen. There’s nothing they can do with them anymore that makes a point, it’s just the same thing. They aren’t funny, they aren’t clever, they’re just… old.
@mrentropy: I like the little money googly eye thing, simply because I get to hear that song. LOL
@poofandmook While Rockwell is not one of my old time favorites, I also get a sense of pleasant nostalgia when I hear the song. And that’s a shame, since I’ll be absolutely sick of it after watching those commercials too many times.
George Bush, always going on about WMD’s in Iraq; or evne mentioning Iraq and 9/11 in the same sentence. I sure never bought it.
@juwhite1 How could you speak of the deceased in such poor light! Billy Mays was a great man! I will miss his awesome products and personality, when it came down to it he was just a normal dude trying to make a living as best as he could.
@mrentropy That progressive chick drives me nuts too… I know there’s some other commercials/spokespeople that drive me crazy but I can’t seem to think of them right now. I probably blocked them out of my mind hah
@SmellyBoy & mrentropy: I think that shade of lipstick looks terrible on her, to the point where I get sort of irritated every time she’s on the screen. lol
FUCK THOSE GOOGLY EYES AND FUCK THAT SONG. Egh i hate those damn commercials so much.The only other commercials that incite a similar amount of rage are those featuring gus the second most famous groundhog (though you probably have only seen these commercials if your in the Tristate area) The progressive chick is really annoying too.
@uberbatman: No. Since you’re in Jersey, I know you’ve heard or seen the commercial for Viking Pests… with the crazy baby playing the guitar… “if you’ve got bugs, go to VIKINGPESTSDOTCOM… got crickets got mice? go to VIKINGPESTSDOTCOM… there’ll be noooo more buuuuuuuuugs thanks to VIKINGPESTDOTCOM yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaw!”
THAT evokes rage in me like no other commercial. LOL That and the commercial for the US Window Factory with that really bad transvestite with too much plastic surgery and the horribly exaggerated Brooklyn accent.
@poofandmook ive surprisingly never seen that one. Sounds annoying as hell though, ill count myself lucky :P.
ive seen the horrible us window factory ones though lol
Tony Little for the Gazelle thingy! I hate it when he says “You can do it!”
The commercials too!
@ShanEnri ohhh man i totally forgot the free credit report commercials. Theyre horrible too. My annoying little brother has that damn jingle set has his phones ringtone >_<
Some man that comes out singing about “Free Credit Report” in a Drive-In. And in a car. It annoys the hell out of me. Free credit report dot com baby -ugh!
@ShanEnri I kinda like the free credit report commercials, not that I think they’re well done or effective, just catchy.
How about the Law Offices of Sam Bernstein? or ZooBooks? Or any other commercials that have been left unchanged since the mid-nineties? I have nightmares about those.
I don’t know. I hardly turn on the television these days.
That girl from the Yaz commercials.
Sally Struthers trying to get money to feed African children. It’s absurd.
Billy Mays. He’s dead Jim, but I still see him on commercials.
But the one that really drove me crazy was Alan Hamel, who did commercials for Alpha Beta Supermarkets. He was married to Suzanne Somers, and they had to be the most vacuous couple ever!
@filmfann I totally remember those commercials! He was incredibly annoying wasn’t he?
The Palm Pre witch Tamara Hope drives me into a sexual frenzy.
The Sham Wow dude annoys the hell out of me. I want to rip his little microphone off his face and shove it where…
Whoa.. see what he brings out in me? I feel better now.
I can’t stand any of the Carl’s Jr. commercials. I think it’s the voice of that mono-toned jackass. Bugs the crap out of me every time.
The Sham-Wow and Slap-Chop guy, Vince, bugs me. I don’t want to be “slappin’ my cares away” and I am certainly not going to put finely diced celery and carrots on my pizza.
Billy Mays wasn’t bad, but he was so LOUD.
And even though he never says anything, there’s “Smilin’ Bob” (actor John Larson) with Enzyte. Can you be a spokesperson if you do not speak?
Anything involving Richard Simmons really bothers me. I know he was good to his mother, but still…
And then anything that involves Jessica Simpson bugs me. Ever since her reality show as a newlywed to now-ex-husband Nick Lachey I can only think of her “Jessica moments” such as all those classic “Jessica moments,” like the famous Chicken of the Sea episode where Jessica pondered whether she was eating chicken or tuna. Or when Jessica defended her theory about where Buffalo wings really came from or how platypus should be pronounced “platamapus.”
@filmfann lurve for Sally. That was going to be my answer.
@Darwin says And even though he never says anything, there’s “Smilin’ Bob” (actor John Larson) with Enzyte. Can you be a spokesperson if you do not speak?
That’s true, he never speaks… Could it be the Enzyte works so well, he bruised his vocal cords?
@filmfann: Are you suggesting that Enzyte enabled him to fellate himself?
That would be crude, tactless, and quite a bit over the line.
So, yes.
You have heard the joke: Why do dogs lick themselves?
Because they can!
I miss the Geico cavemen, but I did see a new commercial with them bowling the other day. I hate the money/googley eye combo. It’s stupid and that song gets stuck in my head. I love Flo, but can’t even remember what insurance she advertises. She cracks me up.
I used to love the guys, but the songs in the newer commercials aren’t as catchy.
@chyna “you’re gonna love my nuts”
The Hillshire Farm meat commercials.
Free Credit Report, lol.
Geico Money commercial. There’s acually a full length song for that.
I just remembered that dog from the Bush’s Baked Beans commercial. How irritating.
@SuperMouse Duke? You don’t like Duke? How can you not like him? He talks !
@chyna so does Mr Ed and he’s just plain creepy! If Duke has the secret recipe why doesn’t he just sell it and be sitting in kibble for the rest of his life! Otherwise he should quit bluffing!
ok so i think @Darwin ‘s avatar and Duke the baked beans recipe stealing mutt are one and the same.
Hey! Duke is a Golden Retriever. I am a Shar-Pei. Only $100,000 for the recipe.
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