Would the world be more tolerant of Israel's defense of their sovereignty were it not for it's close ties to the United States?
Is there more than one basis for the criticism Israel recieves?
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13 Answers
the world would be less tolerant.
No, the world would probably not be more tolerant. Yes, of course there is more than one basis for the criticism Israel receives. I’m having trouble understanding how these two questions relate to each other, though – maybe explain the bases you had in mind?
My instinct tells me that because of Israel’s close ties to the US, the ‘world community’ directs some of its unfounded hatred of the US at it.
I don’t think that the political stance towards Israel in general is transferred animosity against the US. I suspect that if anything, it’s the opposite. That with the US holding Israel’s back creates some frustration. Politically, it’s hard to push Israel to negotiate or have them answer for their actions if the US blocks any attempts to do so.
I don’t think the US being closely tied to Israel negatively impacts Israel. I think, there are many people who sympathize with the Arab perspective of Israel. Listen, as much of an Idiot that President of Iran is, his point that Germany tried to kill the Jews why not take their land and give it to the Jews after the holocaust, probably rings true to many people. So, the Israeli’s are perceived as occupying Arab land that had been controlled by Europeans for years and then given away to the Jews. Plus, Israel has ignored some parts of prior agreements, and these people dwell on that, even though the Palestinians have also done horrible things, that seemingly their leaders support. I have always wanted to ask Hamas, Hezbollah, and that Irany President, if they just want to destroy Israel, or destroy all of the Jews in the world? It is two very different things to me. I think many see it as synonomous. But, even getting away from any specifics it seems the world in general has little tolerance for military action at this time in history.
I think a lot of the opposition to Isreal in general stems simply from antisemitism and no severance of ties will mitigate that sentiment.
No, because Satan will always strive to destroy God’s chosen with influence of worlds’ most elite.
@ESV so does that make the people of the United States Satan’s minions?
@ESV is that why you want to protect the Jews and Israel, biblical reasons?
@holden Some might. It’s hard to say. But people can’t be called antisemitic whenever they criticize Israel. That’s just unproductive. That would render any just grievance as racism or hate speech. That’s kind of Mugabe’s attitude as well, that criticism of him and his regime is racist.
@JLeslie Yes, I agree. Those are two different things. Taking the country of Israel of the map or killing all jews. Both are unacceptable, but I would like to know what he means.
Israel did and is doing a lot of crap that merits enough criticism on its own.
In fact, Israel is exploiting its holocaust history to suffocate criticism against it, as demonstrated by the last UN session. Why answer to criticism if you can just call your opponents ‘antisemites’. They also exploit their backing from the US to proceed in the region as they please, as oratio stated. Why restrain yourself when you are next to immune to any sanctions.
Without their ties to the US, criticism would me much more vocal.
Yeah, anyone who criticises Israel is a pawn of the devil. Absolutely impossible that Israel might actually deserve criticism.
Don’t question the Führer, he’s always right.
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