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tinyfaery's avatar

What would you name your private road?

Asked by tinyfaery (44305points) September 26th, 2009 from iPhone

I’ve seen a few cool ones like, Flat Broke Rd., Pipe Dreams, Street St.

Do you have your own private street name?

My wife and I have a nickname we use, which I won’t disclose. That would be my choice.

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73 Answers

DrBill's avatar

Serendipity Way

Sarcasm's avatar

Where I live, there literally is a road called “Keep Out rd”.

I’m thinking “Awesome street”. If not, “Electric Avenue”.

jca's avatar

Lollipop Lane.

chicadelplaya's avatar

Whatdayadoin Way

eponymoushipster's avatar

Rue De Les Bos

Allie's avatar

Rufus. With a name like Rufus, you don’t need a Blvd/Ave/Way/St.

kevbo's avatar

Tits or GTFO Strasse

(tells you where I’ve been lurking of late)

kevbo's avatar

@eponymoushipster, that shit makes me laugh

knitfroggy's avatar

No ‘Effin Way

chyna's avatar

Penny Lane

jrpowell's avatar

My family had the street named after us. No shit

I grew up in the trailer.

lloydbird's avatar

If I had one, it would probably remain nameless.

gailcalled's avatar

I already have, due to an easement on my long driveway that allows another family to use it. 911 insisted so instead of 78 Beale Rd., stop 41, I am now living at 41 Chicory Lane, the name being self-explantory.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

“Dump yer dead pets here road”

XOIIO's avatar

Lurve Lane, just as a testiment to fluther and so any Fluther lovers could have a good chuckle.

I would also name one Tardis Avenue, as a testiment to Doctor Who.

Blondesjon's avatar

Nathan Lane

aprilsimnel's avatar

Holiday Road
Green Flower Street
Penny Lane

filmfann's avatar

We just bought a new house, and the street name is boring. There are streets within walking distance that have super cool names, like Bambi, Sleepy Hollow, Thumper, Star Trek, Kirk Circle, Picard Place,
I would love to rename my street Penny Lane, Abbey Road, Blue Jay Way, or something else Beatle related.

tinyfaery's avatar

Norweigan Wood

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Blondesjon i bet that rolls off the tongue.

virtualist's avatar

Sarah P’Lane

filmfann's avatar

Of course I feel sorry for those people who live in Los Banos, California, which means The Bathroom.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@filmfann what about Manteca, California?

filmfann's avatar

Doesn’t that mean Butter?

EmpressPixie's avatar

Old Casteen Road

It was the name of the road my grandmother’s family lived on for generations until a development bought the farm next door and somehow acquired the rights to change the name.

chicadelplaya's avatar

@filmfann I used to belong to a master’s swim club in Santa Barbara, and we would practice at this beautiful facility on the beach. The pool was and is still named ‘Los Banos’! I don’t get it.

SuperMouse's avatar

Easy Street, Baltic or Mediterranian.

@filmfann and @eponymoushipster, I once dated a guy who lived on La Venta (the window). Those Californians are so creative at naming things they came up with the La Brea Tar Pits aka The Tar Tar Pits.

jonsblond's avatar

Mockingbird Lane

SuperMouse's avatar

@jonsblond would you make your house number 1313?

Blondesjon's avatar

Fascination Street

gailcalled's avatar

Los Baños means the baths and not the toilet. In French it is the difference between la salle de bains and le wc.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Tangor Bringerbinder Lane

chicadelplaya's avatar

@gailcalled Well that is refreshing to hear. I suppose I have been used to the Spanish-English translation of ‘Los Banos’, which is commonly known here in California and Central America (just some place else I’ve been), as the toilet or restroom.

DominicX's avatar

There’s a street in Woodside called “Why Worry Lane” and a street in Mountain View called “Easy Street”.

Not sure what I would call mine, but definitely not this.

@SuperMouse You know the address of Disneyland is 1313 S. Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, CA. I think that’s an awesome address.

CMaz's avatar

It would be named after me.

gailcalled's avatar

In France traditionally, the toilet and the sink and bathtub were separate. Showers were rare when I was a student in a small town in 1954. I had a sink and a bidet in my room (cold water); eight of us shared a a toilet that was, at least, indoors. The bathtub was filled with coal. The town had public showers, thank heavens.

When I travelled thru Britttany and the chåteaux country along the Loire, I often found myself in an outhouse or given a china chamber pot.

I woud imagine that Spain, Italy and the countries in S. and Central America were similar.

Dog's avatar

“Danger- Road Out Ahead”

AstroChuck's avatar

Heyyoukidsgetoffmylawn Drive

Fred931's avatar

zOMg HAcKZoRz ROflOL!!1!!11

cookieman's avatar

Ididitmy Way

gottamakeart's avatar

PP Ranch Ln. Because both our last names start with “P” and we’re a Gay Couple. naturally we like the “PP” ;)

mcbealer's avatar

Sesame Street

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yellow Brick Road

Zen's avatar

zen way

AstroChuck's avatar

@gailcalled- Los baños does indeed mean the bathroom (or the toilet) in Spanish. Yes, baño is Spanish for bath but when los baños is said it is usually referring to the bathroom. Often times los servicios is used, which also means the lavatory.

shego's avatar

30 Shades of Death Road. Makes you want to make sure you don’t get lost or break down. :)

AstroChuck's avatar

How about Noeffin Way?
Or maybe Shudupen Drive.
No? Perhaps Forkina Road then.

jonsblond's avatar

Private Road.

this is my favorite

DominicX's avatar

My parents want to get a street sign with our last name on it followed by “Drive” for the driveway at my vacation home in Carmel. I think it’s a cool idea; I’ve seen a few driveways before that were named after the person’s last name. I mean, I know it’s kind of revealing, but it doesn’t seem like a bad idea; it’s not in a very heavily populated area anyway and it’s in the hills.

YARNLADY's avatar

Outinda Road

Cat13's avatar

I love our country house partly because it is on a road named after our family, so use your family name ____ Road, or basing this on your user name, Faery Lane.

ESV's avatar

hold on , that’s a corporation.

One Way (and have that” No outlet” yellow sign next to it)
it be cool if I could mask the“No ” and “let” sometimes that way it would be ONE WAY OUT)

jaketheripper's avatar

I always wanted to name a road something like Rorareroo rd. or Stustustrii st. everyone would feel like a fool when they said it

gailcalled's avatar

@AstroChuck: Thanks for the correction and the update. This will be my one new thing I have learned today, unless I get lucky and ID the little immature warbler (dead) on my deck.

AstroChuck's avatar

@gailcalled- It’s a Prothonotary Warbler.

gailcalled's avatar

@AstroChuck: Just checked with both my bird books and it’s an immature female Northern Parula. Yellow chest with beginnings of orange necklace, white belly, small white wing bars, little bit of green on back and the upper white eye ring. (My first sighting.)

Remember the Alger Hiss trial and the Prothonotary Warbler?

AstroChuck's avatar

No, I don’t. I don’t know a damn thing about birds aside from my Myers Parrot. I’m just a poser I’m afraid.

gailcalled's avatar

@AstroChuck: That little yellow and grey bird became almost as famous as Hiss and Chambers…a bird to remember. It’s the only warbler you need to learn about; it becomes a wonderful cocktail party subject, if you hang with the types that I do.

gailcalled's avatar

@tinyfaery; He got only one during the 18 months he has been here, and it was early days..a housewarming present, I think.

This little guy flew into one of my sliding doors. We both heard the crash this morning before we had arisen, and I found pinfeathers stuck to the exterior of the glass.

And for better (36 mice and one chipmunk)) or worse (one bird), Milo arrived being used to the great outdoors. Now. I understand, that if one adopts a cat from a shelter, you must sign an oath promising to keep him/her inside all the time.

tinyfaery's avatar

As long as the rodent population isn’t threatened. :)

Sarcasm's avatar

My cats are like yours Gail, they’ve caught tons of mice, a few other rodents, lots of bugs. I don’t recall them catching any birds though. They’re not allowed to go out to the real outdoors, but rather a fenced in side-yard. Maybe the birds don’t like that yard

sakura's avatar

Welcome to My Street

Cartman's avatar

Or maybe: My Drive Way

pizzaman's avatar

I have a name for one but I can’t tell it for privacy.

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