SEX Question: Do Gay Men give better oral sex than women?
this has come up in discussions with friends, I don’t have any experiences to prove this (although if anyone does, please feel free to add your opinion on the matter) I do feel that since a man who already enjoys other men- has an unfair advantage in both having the equipment and having most possibly been on either side of the situation.
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44 Answers
Why? Because men know what it feels like and what feels good.
Who can say? You’d have to survey people about their own experience. I think women can learn to do a better job than a guy. But in the end, I think it’s not skill that really matters. It’s your feelings for the person doing you that has the most influence on whether the think the bj is good or bad.
I’ve always wondered the same thing about lesbians.
I beleive the lesbian question also counts in this discussion, I should have added it in my question. Its an open forum crossing gender and gender preferece & sex skills I guess.
I give great head, to both sexes. I think that on average gay men are probably better at it, but I’m sure it varies at an individual level. I’ve known men who go down better than women. Just sayin’.
Sometimes it’s good to be me.
I would assume familiarity with the subject matter, i.e. the naughty bits would make for a better experience, but then, everyone reacts differently to sexual stimulation. My wife gives a better BJ than I do, according to the threesome we had a few years ago, but I guess since the other guy wasn’t blindfolded, it might have been based more on his acceptance of WHO was doing it rather than skill.
I’d like to try the experiment again, but I still have to find the right third partner.
I know that I can eat an excellent tuna taco, but then, the things I can do with a bald head makes it a better experience all the way.
trick question – i’ve never had oral sex from a gay man, so i don’t know, nor am i interested in finding out!
@eponymoushipster you know, once you experiment with gay, you can’t help but go all the way.~
I don’t think so. Only because anyone can give great head to a guy or girl regardless of their sex. Some people will just suck ha at it no matter what.
I need a bit more experience to answer this question.
I think if a man gets his sexual tension taken care of by a gay man, he is still straight, as long as he wasn’t seeking out gay men to give that release.
I give amazing head. I will put my skills up against any gay guy any time.
would that be like a blinfolded “taste test” “do you prefer Brand A or B” :)
@gottamakeart I haven’t thought out the logistics! I just know I’m that good.
trick question – i’ve never had oral sex from a gay man, so i don’t know, nor am i interested in finding out!
what about a straight man?
Well, I’ve made a man shudder, quiver and make all kinds of noise for close to an hour before finishing the deed so hopefully I’m doing OK. But having a sore jaw after makes it something I can only do for love. :)
@gottamakeart I’m right there with you on the “only for love” part. There is no proving it, the judges would just have to believe it when my fiancee’ tells them how good I am, I’m not about to demonstrate on anyone else!
Women are better. Hell, I know how to bake bread too.. doesn’t make me the top chef.
I’m confident enough, like supermouse, to say that I give fucking amazing head. Am I better than a guy? No idea, but I know I rock. :D
Never been with a man and I’ve only been with one woman.
I don’t think it can get any better than how she did it. :o
I think its the opinion of an individual who has had experiences from BOTH genders that would address the question most fully and scientifically, even though it would still be an individual opinion. :)
@eponymoushipster I understand. But that may be difficult to prove through a computer screen. :D
@gottamakeart I honestly don’t think it’s a matter of gender. What it boils down to, most likely, is how someone feels about doing it. Does the giver like to give, or is it more of a chore? If it’s the latter, no matter the gender, it’s not going to be as good. Does the giver like to listen and learn or just do things their own basic way? If it’s the latter, it’s not going to be as good. It’s all about communication.
Now, if one of the genders had a forked tongue, two tongues or any other thing you can imagine, then yeah… I’d be willing to say one was better than the other. lol :)
@DrasticDreamer funny you mention the “forked tongue” I was wondering if people with body mods also might have a sort of Oral Edge, so to speak. But yes, Desire and Involvement (not just the “self” kind) make a major difference too.
It’s all about pleasing the person that you love. Gender makes no difference. I’m willing to do anything for my man…
he’s happy.
just sayin
I have been blown by many women, but no gay men, so I can only partially answer this question.
I have never had a blow-job that was as good as the worst pussy I ever had. (I apologize for the crudeness of that, but I honestly can’t think of a better term).
On Seinfeld Elaine is trying to convert a gay man to be heterosexual and she says something along the lines of, how can she be expected to be as good at it when she only has access to the “equipment” for “an hour a week, on a good week”, compared to someone that has access to it 24 hours a day for their entire life. lol.
Anyhow I think it’s all about how much you enjoy doing it. If you don’t wanna be giving a blowjob, it’s not gonna be good, you know?
In my limited experience, women tend to be better than men at giving head (to women). I assume that it is just a familiarity with the equipment thing. With some practice and a partner who’s willing to give feedback, the dudes may certainly be able to catch up and be just as good as the women are. (I’ve just never been with one who was!)
^^^ I second this and I’ve watched enough porn to realize the same probably holds true under gender reversal..
I bet a large part of it is sharing the equipment and having an automatic idea of what would feel good, the right touches, the right pressure, etc. I’ve never been with a guy that even came close to doing it right, usually I’d have to stop them and move on to something else. I’ve tried suggestions and teaching them the right techniques, but the guys I’ve been with also haven’t been that good at taking instruction (which may just be individual-based rather than gender-based).
@fireinthepriory Maybe on average, but like I said before, I’ve known men who are better at it than some women. Okay, one man.
@tinyfaery Yeah… I’m making my sweeping generalizations based on two men and two women here, so my sample size can’t really be used reliably either!
About two seconds after writing that I realized it was three men. Man, that last one was so unimpressive I don’t even really remember it… Uh-oh!!!
hahaha Im so dumb, Im sitting here, trying to imagine, (and my gay friend pops into my head) oral sex from him, but then it hit me- oh you mean on a man! hahahaha duh
As has been said, I’d say it really just depends on the person. Most of the women in my past gave me better oral sex than most of the men.
The best head i’ve recieved has not been from a male.
I would think they would simply because of this one reason
they have a cock and I would think they would be mindful of what his partner wanted and listened for cue’s of what was enjoyable and not to the other
this is one of the reasons why I like to watch gay porn
It comes down to who you prefer getting head from.
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