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jz1220's avatar

Do you believe in fate?

Asked by jz1220 (829points) January 26th, 2008

I just finished watching “The Notebook”, which got me thinking about love and fate.

I would love to hear stories from people who ended up with the person whom they believed from the very beginning was going to be “the one”.

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9 Answers

Charlie's avatar

Fate???? I met my woman when she was 12 years old. Today, she is 62. It took us many years, I was married to 3 others and she was to 4, I have 4 kids, she has 5. Yet, things happen by fate. Her last husband died, I was devorced and we ran into each other at the right place at the right time. Its been 15 years now, together and if We had had any brains We’de stayed together when We first met. There was an age problem but it could have been taken care of. We are very happy today. Fate comes when you least expect it.

Spargett's avatar

Fate doesn’t exist. Its a placebo humans created in their mind. Or an invention like “good” or “bad”. The closet thing to fate would what’s called the Butterfly Effect, which states that one action sets an exponential set of expanding chain reactions that lead to a specific event.

i.e. You get fired > find a new job > girls is customer > girl likes you > you > like her > you fall in love.

Poser's avatar

Doesn’t matter what I believe. What happens, happens.

Through a complex mess of good and bad (mostly bad) decisions, I ended up with the person I was “supposed” to be with. I put that word in quotes because, well, who knows, right? Each choice we make is another life we might have lived. So I don’t worry about it anymore. I do what I want. If fate is real, I’m not really making my own decisions anyway, so I’d at least like to believe I am. And if God exists, and His will shall be done, then He’d better start speaking up, because I’m just going to go my own way until He does.

Zaku's avatar

I can see fate existing in at least three non-magical ways:

* Fate in story-telling and games, where the world’s creator creates the fate.
* Fate in hindsight, about the past and expectations of the future based on the past, or based on faith, hopes, dread, etc.
* When people believe something is fated to be, that fate will exist and tend to cause them to cause things in ways they will accept as fate (aka self-fulfilling prophecy, reflection, subliminal effects, reacting to oracular maledictions, etc).

El_Cadejo's avatar

My thoughts coincide much with Spargetts. Fate to me is humans way of telling themselves everything is going to be ok. A way of reassuring themselves by just saying its going to be fine this all happened for a reason.

I like to think I’m in control of my own life and the events that happen to me are influenced by the choices I make, not some preordained path in which I am hopelessly following.

Patlutz's avatar

No, I believe in free will. “Fate” is just a comforting idea for those who fear loneliness and the fact that we can actually control our own actions.

Oz_1's avatar

Yes I do believe in fate. However I have had friends tell me that if we take control of the situation and make things happen a certain way…we control life…not fate. But then I think…maybe it’s fate that we undertake such actions… (”,)....we are meant to do things in a certain way for a reason. So in short…Yes I do believe in fate.

syz's avatar

No. Life is random.

skfinkel's avatar

Some people are just lucky to find someone they are really happy with, and it feels like fate.

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