Social Question

lloydbird's avatar

How do you feel/deal with the fact of your individuality?

Asked by lloydbird (8740points) September 27th, 2009

Have you sussed it? Are you dealing with it? Are you at one with it?
Are you unmoved by it? Are you done in by it? Where are you on this? Are you just flowing with the going?

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27 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Huh? Did you mean your?

I am thrilled to be an individual. I tend to stand outside observing (comes from moving around a lot as a kid).

lloydbird's avatar

@Marina Yep ,I did, thanks.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

I’m proud of it. I am proud that I am not a sheep and I’m not following anything trendy.

DominicX's avatar

I don’t think of being an individual as something to “deal with”. I guess you could say I’m one with it as I’m perfectly fine with the situation.


I tend to think going out of you way to avoid something “trendy” is just as bad as trying to follow trendy things because they’re trendy. Personally, I just do what I like without regard to how popular it is.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Perhaps you could clarify what you mean a bit. In America and other similar countries Individuality is so highly esteemed that many people would not consider it something to “deal with” but rather something they cherish. In other cultures this may not be the case, especially collectivist cultures.

DarkScribe's avatar

@PretentiousArtist OH SNAP

Did something break?

ratboy's avatar

With the help of highly trained professionals, I was able rid myself of it. Now I’m totally generic—I have only those traits shared by everyone.

Harp's avatar

I don’t take it very seriously. Focusing on it and tending to it gets in the way of much more interesting and valuable perspectives. Life is better when I forget individuality and only haul it out when needed.

wildflower's avatar

Individuality is, whether you stop to think about it or not. Personally I’m more interested in the experiences that are unique to ‘life according to me’, than the concept of the uniqueness of ‘life according to me’.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

@DarkScribe My dignity
He just proved how trendy I was for not following trendy things

DarkScribe's avatar

@PretentiousArtist DarkScribe My dignity

Well if it any comfort, I also avoid trends. I don’t go out of my way to avoid them, I just don’t bother following them. About every couple of decades I am fashionable for a few months – as the old trends get recycled. I have been wearing blue jeans, boots, and tweed jackets as business attire for thirty years. It must be about time for them to come back into fashion. What is amusing – if I attend a conference, after the second day a lot of the suits disappear and attendees appear dressed similar to me.

I do startle a few people by constantly using an iPod – I have had near white hair since my twenties and some people find it incongruous. I love my music.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m a individual, just like everybody else.

I think perhaps we focus too much on our individuality, considering I think it’s a theory that does not play out in reality. We are interconnected. Individuality is a false sense of being independent of the world around us.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’m trying to transcend thinking of a me. Focusing on my individuality has caused a lot of problem, egoic mind and all that. It’s not easy.

stratman37's avatar

My Grandmother used to tell me “You’re unique and special, just like everyone else”

mponochie's avatar

I often say I know I am weird and I’m learning to embrace it…I guess this sums up how I am dealing with my individuality.

Sampson's avatar

Being an individual is utterly amazing. I love and enjoy my sentience. I’m greatful(sp?) that I won the race against my sperm brethren.

It’s important to claim your individuality. Realizing that you’re separate from friends and family is a good thing. You are free to be you.

“If you want a pizza, order a pizza.”

wundayatta's avatar

Personally, I enjoy experiences where I feel connected with others; where I transcend the boundaries of my individuality. Dance does that most reliably for me, at least in the sense of getting away from my mind and into that other reality. Music making does it, too, but in a different, more intellectual way. And sex. Can’t forget sex. Best way to merge, both literally and figuratively.

Other than that, it’s a joy to be an individual. Sometimes it’s even a joy to be me—and that’s saying a lot, given what I’ve been through in the last couple of years. I wouldn’t want to lose my individual consciousness. I don’t think I would exist then.

It’s a nice thing, though, as long as, like @Harp said, I don’t take it too seriously.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t generally think about my individuality because I know I’m an individual, everyone is…it’s nothing, for me, to deal with or be proud about…I like my personality and I think it’s not for everyone but so what

DarkScribe's avatar

I notice that no Borgs have answered yet. (The question might irritate them.)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I take great delight in it, for no one comes close to being as oddly bizarre as I am.

ShanEnri's avatar

I love being different! My motto is: “Dare to be different!” It is our differences that make us individuals! If no one likes me the way I am, go away!

Garebo's avatar

It can get lonesome at times, but quiet, and simplicity is the reward. I use to be very social with lots of friends always demanding attention when I was younger, to the point where it got way too annoying, Now, I got what I wanted, peace and quiet, with a few very close friends I still enjoy.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i just like what i like. i don’t worry how individual i am. trying too hard to not conform is stupid.

majorrich's avatar

There is a saying in Japan ’ The nail that sticks up gets hammered down’. On the other hand The view is better from the front of the stampede.

saraaaaaa's avatar

Haven’t got quite got there yet, I don’t believe that it is possible at this stage of my life, true acceptance of who you are in my opinion come from the reflection and wisdom of age.

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