General Question

Spargett's avatar

Why does Safari 3 choke with flash?

Asked by Spargett (5398points) January 27th, 2008

Anyone else having this problem? Safari 3 comes to a screaming halt when trying to load most flash. It locks up with the spinning ball as soon the flash starts loading, then as soon as its DONE it’ll release it from it’s pre-crash grips.

I downloaded the latest version of Flash from Adobe’s site and installed it just to be sure. Is there a different build I should be using?

– Safari 3.0.4
– OS 10.5.1.

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6 Answers

sndfreQ's avatar

I’m running the same with no problems; can you give an example site where this is happening?

Spargett's avatar

Seems like it’s usually with some sort of embedded content. Full flash pages do alright. I noticed a lag while viewing this page while loading it the first time:

The United States of Fat: A Map of Obesity in the USA

Additional hardware information: MacBook Pro 2Ghz 2GB RAM

Redfishvanish's avatar

I have the same problem, but it’s with all browsers. Haven’t got a clue how to remedy it. Wish I did. Will be following this question.

sferik's avatar

It’s because Adobe’s Flash plugin for OS X sucks. This is one of the reasons why there’s no Flash plugin for the iPhone.

paulc's avatar

sferik is right though it has improved a bit since the switch to intel (flash on slower ppc machines was painful). I’m sure Adobe is aware of this – many colleagues of mine have complained directly to their employees about it. The forthcoming 10 player might resolve this as it is supposed to be a significant update but keep your fingers crossed any way.

emjayess's avatar

This is killing me. Example: I go to a TEDtalk page on, and hit the back button… doesn’t matter which browser… Firefox, Camino, Safari… all choke on it. They recover eventually, but it seriously chokes for 3 to 5 minutes sometimes.

Note that all the browsers play the media just fine, but the choke point is when I leave the page by either navigating back or closing the browser… that is a guaranteed spinning beach ball for several minutes!

Same thing if I try to play a podcast in Netvibes player, etc. Youtube seems to do just fine, so I’m not sure how to pinpoint what is happening, but godam I hope it gets resolved really soon.

It is hugely aggravating and even more hugely depressing!

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