What was the best beatles album?
Asked by
rickbehl (
September 27th, 2009
What was the best album ever made by The Beatles? and why? in terms of a collective whole
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36 Answers
They were probably the only band that when you bought a 45 you got a great song on each side! Most bands put a flop on the flip side.
How could you choose just one???
The White Album. Incredible.
The White Album. Hands down. But I love them all.
If I have to choose just one, Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
But also 1, because I’m being facetious. :P
LOVE is my favorite.
Why? I don’t know I just love it.
Are “greatest hits” collections really considered “albums”?
When all of those “greatest hits” are put into one CD, to me they are. :)
@Tink1113 – Yeah, but the whole point of “what’s the best album…” is to pick something that the band compiled together themselves. They are the artists, they made the choices of what songs to put where; what songs sound good next to one another. That is part of the art, too. Beatles 1 and Love are great, but they’re just compilation albums. Of course all those songs sound good; they are the hits. But the little gems of an album make the album. I love the way “Piggies” follows “Blackbird” on the White Album. And then “Piggies” leads into “Rocky Raccoon”. That is art.
Similarly, artists like Pink Floyd nearly require that their entire albums be played straight through. Otherwise, you don’t get the same feeling from the music.
I think it depends on what Beatles-album-phase I’m in.
The Beatles Rarities album is perhaps my most recent playitallthetime Fab Four record. Across The Universe has to be one of the best songs ever.
I honestly can’t choose between Magical Mystery Tour and Rubber Soul
Please Please Me has some very addictive songs.
Actually @Tink1113 is thinking along the same lines I was when I came up with the question… I myself would exclude any Compilations, Greatest Hits, etc and just allow choices from the albums released by The Beatles themselves… Probably should have made that clearer in the question :-)
The greatest hits? Never did like every single song.
Though the White Album comes in at a close second and arguably has more songs on it I genuinely like, I feel at times it lacked the coherence that made Abbey Road my personal favorite. In other words, if I looked at an album as a collection of songs and ran down the list of songs I like on every album, well the White Album has more songs I like than does Abbey Road, but as a work of art in an of itself, there is a dimension to Abbey Road that the White Album simply lacks in my opinion. The White Album is probably the best collection of songs ever, Abbey Road on the other hand is the best album ever. Just my opinion.
Oh, and by the way, regarding @Les’ answer, yes, I do agree, the Beatles did put a lot of artistic development into positioning the songs on the White Album, I’m not trying to sell it short by writing it off as a collection of songs, and I agree with you, there are spots of sheer brilliance in how the album flows, but I think there are also a couple of missteps that just aren’t there on Abbey Road.
I love their very first album. I heard them sing all the songs from it when they first came to the USA in 63 or early 64 I forget, I am old. They played in DC, I think it was at the coliseum, I forget, I am old heheheh. But it was great!!! I remember that much!!!
None, don’t like them and their hidden subliminal messages on the cd cover and recording, I think it’s evil.
It would have to be Revolver for me
I can’t decide, they are all amazing. I guess I could narrow it down to The White Album and Let it Be.
I’m going with Abbey Road. The second half especially is genius. I think it was the first time songs just flowed one into the other like that on a pop record.
The critics usually pick Sgt. Pepper as the best album of all time, but the Beatles themselves liked the White Album better.
Abbey Road is terrific, too, but I gotta go with the White Album here. Side 3 is insanely good.
Oh, I love Abbey Road too! I don’t think it’s possible to really choose what their best album is, each one was completely revolutionary.
Yes, the White Album.
But I do have a special place for Rubber soul.
Obviously, any answer I give would be subjective but, IMO, there is no better album anywhere than Abbey Road. I’m not just talking about The Beatles but of any artist. To me Abbey Road is the perfect album. Paul lobbied to do a studio album after the fiasco that was the Let It Be sessions. I believe that the Beatles knew this was going to be their swan song. Tensions had never been worse between the Fab Four and they could go out on a high note.
From the opening lines of Come Together (Here comes ol’ flat-top ~ a line that Chuck Berry’s publisher would later sue John Lennon over) I’m hooked. Then along comes George Harrison’s greatest composition, Something; possibly the best song on the album (also the second most covered Beatles song, Yesterday being number one). Ringo has his best composition on the album with Octopus’s Garden (of course he only wrote the two songs while with the band) and shines later on The End, with the only drum solo he ever did. Because has some of the best three-part harmony you’re likely to hear. Everything culminates with the Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/ The End medly. I feel this was their way of saying goodbye to the fans. With Golden Slumbers Paul is telling everyone, “Settle down. Don’t cry. Things will be alright.” Carry That Weight* tells us about the burden the Beatles carry around. And The End gives us a final song with everyone giving us something special – the guitar battle of John, Paul, & George, as well as Ringo’s only drum solo. Then the simple, philosophical line, _“And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.” finishes everything up. Or at least that’s what we think until after several seconds of silence Her Majesty, a twenty-three second ditty pulls the rug out from under us.
Abbey Road was the Beatles’ grand finale. A fitting end to the greatest rock and roll group that ever existed (in my own humble opinion).
I don’t know how to choose just one without my brain shorting out. I love The White Album, Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road, MMT, Help! and Rubber Soul. I love to listen to greatest hits compilations to mix it up. I really enjoyed the Live at the BBC recordings as well. “Here, Ringo, have a banana.”
Toss between The White Album and Abbey Road. If I had to choose just one to listen to for the rest of my life I would go with The White Album it has so much variety in it and I couldn’t stand to be without Rocky Raccoon that song always brings a smile to my face.
right now i’d say white album, mostly because rocky raccoon, the continuing story of bungalow bill, blackbirds, and piggies are on it, and those are my 4 favourite beatles songs.
I’m torn between 5 and my absolute favourite of those changes like the wind, so I’m not really the kind of person to answer this. However, I’m always surprised that Magical Mystery Tour never gets a mention in these kind of polls, even though the album contains classics such as…
... Magical Mystery Tour, The Fool On The Hill, I Am The Walrus, Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields Forever, Hello, Goodbye & All You Need Is Love.
My guess is that the relative failure of the film seems to have tarnished peoples perception of anything bearing the name “Magical Mystery Tour”, but the quality of the record is astounding.
@JONESGH finally another Revolver fan :-)
@RareDenver woot! listen to it every morning on the way to school.
@JONESGH I don’t go to school but if I did I would
I must admit though, the only thing that pisses me off about that album is Yellow Submarine, what a bollocks song, it’s like When I’m Sixty-Four but worse !!
@RareDenver completely agree. how come the most popular songs are the worst ones?
Below are the original working lyrics for Yesterday by Paul McCartney, taken from the lyric notebook of Paul’s kept by his then-girlfriend, Jane Asher (Scroll down to the bottom of the linked page to find the citation):
Scrambled eggs
Have an omelet with some muenster cheese.
Put your dishes in the washbin please
so I can clean the scrambled eggs.
Join me, do
There are lots of eggs for me and you
I’ve got ham and cheese and bacon too
so go get two and join me, do.
Fried or sunny-side
just aren’t right. The mix-bowl begs.
Quick – go get a pan
and we’ll scram-ble up some eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs.
Scrambled eggs
Good for breakfast, dinnertime or brunch
Don’t buy six or twelve – buy a bunch
and we’ll have lunch
on scrambled eggs.
All of them in their own right are the greatest.
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