General Question

Cartman's avatar

Can capers be bad for you?

Asked by Cartman (3054points) September 28th, 2009

I have a spiralling caper-addiction. I just NEED (I know that I don’t actually need it but that’s the way if feels) to have capers with every meal. I up to a jar a day and start wondering if this good.

Since almost everything in the world seems to be dangerous nowadays I start to wonder if capers are as well. I have google’d it but to no avail. Does anyone know a valid reason to curb my caper consumption?

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4 Answers

MissAnthrope's avatar

High salt intake is my first thought.. capers are often salted or kept in brine. So, obviously not good if you have a family history of high blood pressure.

Harp's avatar

Good news! Capers contain rutin, a powerful anti-oxidant, in large quantities. It has no known toxicity.

They also contain a bit of mustard oil, which contains erucic acid. This is thought to have benefits for cardiac health.

ubersiren's avatar

Thanks for that @Harp. I was wondering myself after this question was posed. I, too, have a rabid lust for capers.

@Cartman: If you don’t know already, you can get a quart sized jar at Costco for like $6.

Cartman's avatar

@ubersiren OMG!!! My new pusher! Thank you!

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