How do you feel about shaved heads on women?
Asked by
deni (
September 28th, 2009
Not something any of us see on a day to day basis, obviously. But its something I have always wanted to do, and I feel like if I don’t shave my head when I’m young I probably never will. It would be so nice to not have to worry about hair ever. But I’m afraid I have a super lumpy head and my hair is finally just getting pretty long and it is so soft and nice but sometimes I just get sick of it and I almost put it in a ponytail and chop it off.
If you saw a woman with a shaved head strolling down the street, would you stare? I probably would but out of admiration, lol.
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59 Answers
I think immediately .. cancer patient.
As a guy, hair is one of the beautiful things about women. If you shave it off it’s one less trait to be attracted to imho. That said, lots of guys just might dig it.. who knows?
We have a family member that does this. It makes her look like a wee lad…And, she’s a 30 something mom of 7.
My husband out & out HATES it. I just find it unattractive.
If you’d like it then do it. But if you have a significant other, you may want to check & see if it would completely turn him off sexually.
I disagree with @NaturalMineralWater . I do think it requires very good, classical bone structure, but a truly beautiful face can look even more startlingly beautiful with a shaven head.
No staring here. I live in a very liberal town with lots of “hippies”. There are all styles here. Plenty of women have shaved heads. Some out of medical necessity but many for style. I think on many women it looks very nice, beautiful even. I would suggest that this is just like any other style, looks great on some and probably not on others (although I haven’t yet saw a woman it looked “bad” on).
I would definitely stare. Out of curiousity. Usually bald women have gone through treatment for chemo or something pretty traumatic to end up with a bald head. So I usually feel sorry for hairless chicks. I donate my hair to locks of love in hopes of helping a hairless victim. To purposely do this to yourself…I’m not a supporter. You will absolutely get a lot of stares and questions so just be prepared.
It can look good if the woman has an exceptionally beautiful face and nice-shaped head.
Just about anything carried with confidence is attractive. I could easily accept that style.
I agree with @pdworkin The bone structure of your face matters so much. Natalie Portman? Hells yes. Now imagine someone with more unusual/pronounced bone structure without hair. Not so good.
I’ve seen some gorgeous bald women, and I look at them because they’re stunning and balsy.
Yes, I agree that bone structure matters. I’m staring at myself in the mirror thinking about me minus hair, and I’m starting to think I don’t have the face for it. My face is shaped weird. I think. It’s kind of upsetting.
@RedPowerLady Where do you live? If you don’t mind sharing
I would echo both sides here. Some women I could imagine looking ok with a shaved head, but for me it would be a detraction in beauty. I always think they look better with longer hair.
Bone structure of the face is important, but so are the curves of the body…Sorry, it’s just NOT attractive if you’re body shape is the same as a 14yr old boy’s.
i.e. if you are flat as a pancake in the front and lack any hips or booty, shaving your head will make people question your gender, even if you regularly wear skirts
@SpatzieLover Reminds me of when I was in 2nd grade and got a very short haircut and everyone mistaked me as a boy for a year. It was bad. But then again, in 2nd grade, how much different do boys and girls look aside from hair? I dunno. But now it would fairly clear, without wearing skirts, that I’m a girl, or at least I think my butt and boobs would give it away. Hopefully?
I know several women with shaved heads. There were two at a dance I was at last Friday. I think it looks off-putting. Both looked fairly masculine with that hair style. I had the sense, true or not, that they were trying not to look attractive, the way some women get fat when they’ve been sexually abused and they want to deflect male attention. I also know of one lesbian (yet another dancer) who shaves her head.
So I guess a shaved head on a woman suggests cancer (if they have a scarf over their head), or lesbianism (if they look manish, but seem otherwise to be well). I hope I haven’t offended anyone. It’s just been my experience.
I would think most likely cancer patient, but I don’t think it looks bad. If you want to keep it bald though, you have to constantly shave it to keep it smooth.
@deni I hope so…I dunno how you look in real life, though. From a far, you’d not have clue if my SIL was a woman or a man, even with a skirt on. ;(
There is always a middle ground. You could always do a couple of inches and keep it messy. I like that look. Easy to maintain and hides your lumpy head.
@deni Also, consider this, the shorter you go the more often you need to get a touch up hair cut. SIL goes every 2 weeks. If she waits til the 3rd week, it looks even crappier. BTW~she WAS attractive with a bob or just a little longer
If she owns it, it’s hot. Nothing’s worse than when someone doesn’t “own” the style and they exude this “poser” “what do you think of this, this is cool right” stench
I suppose after reading a few of these I should mention that I want to shave it and then let it grow again. I like my hair too much to not have it forever, but a change would be nice. Also, this way, I figure I could see my hair at every possible length then I’d really know what I like the most and what I think looks best.
I feel it’s great! and I want to shave my head but I work with cancer patients that have bald heads involuntarily and it would be inappropriate – and I don’t think women are less attractive for not having hair, that’s just baloney
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Why don’t you ask them? My blind friends and my crippled friends (who would laugh their asses off if I tried to call them “Differently Abled” or some such nonsense) have never minded being asked a sincere question, even if they have had to answer it over and over.
@deni try one of those bald caps first to get an idea…
I think it is ballsy and cool!
I know many men do not even like moderately short hair on women for some reason and I know many women with very short hair get rude remarks and insults. But then again some people are just simple minded….
I think shaved heads or cute pixie cuts are very attractive and can also be very feminine.
I think you should go for it! Hair grows back and if you do not like it, in just a month or two you will have enough for a nice short do.
Also, isn’t it great to be a wee bit different? E’Ot seems like every single girl has got bouncy ponytail hair and the older I get the more similar they all look. Why would one want to look like everyone else?
@bumwithablackberry I suppose but it wouldn’t really be because I always wanted to shave my head, regardless of cancer patients, you know and it wouldn’t feel right to shave my head and say ‘oh it’s to show solidarity’
Anything she (or he) wants to do with her (or his) hair is fine. Some women look magnificent with shaved heads. I don’t think I’d have to stare. I’ve seen a shaved scalp before.
A cancer patient looks like a cancer patient, hair or no hair. A healthy woman with a shaved head does not look like someone who’s been on chemotherapy to me. Chemo takes more out of you than hair growth.
I think some women look absolutely stunning with no hair. However, it requires a certain natural beauty that not all of us are blessed with. I, for example, would look like a bowling pin (tiny head, giant ass). I once worked with a gorgeous woman who had a shaved head. I mean, she was beautiful.
I think it’s really cool, and the key to pulling it off is confidence and style, not necessarily being “beautiful”. It also depends on how short. If you are shaving with a razor or otherwise going right to the skin some might think of cancer, but if you just clip it really short (ala Demi Moore in G.I. Jane) then people are less likely to think that. I saw a woman at my wife’s high school reunion, she is a major international executive and her hair is shaved down with a very short clipper. She walks with total confidence and was wearing an awesome outfit. She looked totally cool. My wife said: “I wish I could get away with that”. Of course, I told her she could.
@deni You stated that “It would be so nice to not have to worry about hair ever.” I’m sorry to disappoint you but a clean shaven head is a lot of work. Razors and creams to keep it from breaking out. Talk to someone who shaves their head before you do this. It is a lot of work to keep it clean.
I like it, and I’ve always wanted to do it. My hairdresser said she thinks I can pull it off, but it’s such a commitment. The in between phases are just not attractive.
Missingbite is right, it is a lot of work. I found it easier to go with a really short clipper cut, as far as maintenance goes. Which makes it sound like I’m really pushing the short clipper cut when combined with my previous post.
For those who like the short clipper cut, Remington makes a very easy to use rechargeable electric shaver that will clip you to very near bald, but is adjustable for longer cuts. I shave my head, so I use it first to get as short as I can before I use my razor.The cool thing about it is that you don’t need help to use it.
They’ve got “balls.” I just chopped off all my hair and have considered the shaved head but I would be too fucking cold all the time. I don’t stare or find it unordinary at all. My cousin shaved all her hair off a few years back, still has it suites her better than long hair actually.
I think it’s hot. :)
I’d go for a really short haircut, then if you still want to shave it after a few weeks… go for it!
I think only truly beautiful women can pull this off. If your features are not perfectly symmetrical it probably wont look good.
But, if you’ve always wanted to do it I say GO FOR IT! It’s only hair and it will grow back!! (I sure hope my grown kids aren’t stalking me on fluther. I was the mom who wouldn’t let her daughter color her hair.)
Hey if you can sport it, go for it! I would NOT look good with a bald head so I wouldn’t do it!!
I would feel that it would be a good idea for them to either wear hats or use sunscreen outdoors. A sun-burned head is no joke.
Seriously, though, I met a woman in a wheelchair today at my physical therapist’s office who had very limited use of her hands, so she wears her hair in a short crew cut. That way she doesn’t have have someone to brush or comb it.
@missingbite I don’t want it shaved down to the skin, I’m 100% positive I would look awful with absolutely no hair. I just want it buzzed, and then like I said above I would let it grow back. It wouldn’t be a hairstyle I would keep, just something to do once. Or if I liked it, maybe a few more times throughout my life.
@deni Check out the Remington scalp shaver I mentioned above.
@deni Go for it then. And if you have a s/o that gets worked up about it, it will show what he will be like later. It’s just hair!
I’m a little jealous. :) Sometimes I think about cutting my hair real short, too. It’s not that long, shoulder-length, but I think it’s strangely textured for a very short cut… very fine and not very thick, but curly. As in, ringlets like Shirley Temple. :) I have trouble imagining what it’d look like in a very short cut other than… Shirley Temple! Especially with my round baby-face. :) So if you have straight hair in particular it’ll be very forgiving. You should post pictures for us!
Natalie Portman, Persis Khambatta, Sigourney Weaver, YES!
Brittany Spears? NO! that chick is crazy
I wear my hair very, very short. I would totally shave my head if I thought I could pull it off, but I don’t think I could.
I would look in the same way I look at tattoos and unusual clothes.
I’ve shaved my head before to shave off hair color instead of futzing with it. It’s still soft when it comes in. It looks alright, too. I just wouldn’t do it in the summer in Tucson. (The first few days in the sun are not good.) And I wouldn’t do it in the middle of a mid-western winter. Cheers!
I’ve seen lots of bald women, mostly a chosen look rather than hair loss or disease and it’s no big deal for me.
I’m indifferent. I don’t think hair makes any difference in the person I’m dating.
Most of my hair fell out all by itself, but I have never had any opinion about the amount of hair that is or isn’t on some one’s head.
Personally I don’t like it at all. In fact, I don’t even like women with short hair. I love long hair, even though I can understand that for some it’s quite a nuisance and maybe keeping ti shoulder-length or even shorter is more practical.
Would I stare at you? Perhaps not, but I’d notice. And if your face is beautiful I’d be thinking “wow, poor girl, such a beautiful face, but what a shame about the hair! Why doesn’t she get a wig?”.
But hey, it’s all a matter of taste, so if you feel like shaving your head, go ahead. As you said, it’s now or never :)
@cyndyh Like you said about the problems a shaved head could pose during certain weather….thats my problem now. I wanna shave my head soon, I’m in this motivated mood to just DO IT but winter is fast approaching in western pennsylvania and it is already cold and I can’t imagine a bare head! But maybe I’m just being a pansy.
@Jack79 lol, i like your answer, i feel like thats what most people think but dont say.
I have seen some black girls who look stunning without any hair. For some reason (bone structure, head shape, I don’t know), from what I have seen, black girls can generally work the bald look far better than white girls.
I hate to say it but when I see a bald white girl I always wonder if she is going through cancer treatment, if I see a bald black girl I don’t
@deni – Get yourself some warm, stylin hats and go for it.
@Leanne1986 YES black girls do look good with shaved heads! That is so true, it looks so much more natural on them. You never think “cancer patient” when you see them.
@Leanne1986 : I’ve heard people say that about guys, too. While in general I think it may be true, there are white folks who can pull it off without looking like skinheads or cancer survivors. Cheers!
just as i do about shaved heads on guys – looks good on some, doesn’t look good on others. though i personally tend to think it looks better on guys.
erykah badu looked great (it isn’t a close shave here, but i know she has had it a lot closer) and i thought natalie portman looked gorgeous as usual with her head shaved. apparently i’m not the only one, since there is a band called “natalie portman’s shaved head” hahahha.
i think a lot of it depends on a combination of confidence and facial structure.
I, personally, find beautiful hair attractive. But if you do it, I’ll give you luvre. I am a guy and have wanted to shave my own head, but always chicken out. I thought Sinead was pretty. I also agree with the others about how you carry yourself. If you can sport the bald-look with confidence and a sweet personality – you WILL be attractive.
I know that every time I have joked about shaving my head around a guy, they immediately cringe. The last time I saw a girl with a buzzed haircut, it was at a swim meet, and the other girls in the locker room only had bad things to say about it. Not that you shouldn’t do something because other people might judge you, but really it will take soo long for it to grow out again! I would think this one over more than one night.
I just shaved my head. I love it and so do my friends. They all say I have a face for it but I have had short hair for years too.
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