Social Question
What would be the female and/or gender-neutral equivalents of the term 'ballsy' when applied to, apparently, brave things people do?
…in the fluther question about women shaving their heads (which in itself is an interesting look at our society’s views on what’s acceptable for women and what isn’t) many people say that it’s ballsy or ‘ballsy’ (for those who realize it’s a strange term) for a woman to do such a thing…and in general, in our society, all things that are brave (whether done by men or women) are described as ‘that took balls’ or something to that effect…which of course is problematic and sexist…language so often is…anyway, I never quite understood why having balls makes a difference in terms of courage…it’s not like men did anything to deserve balls, they’re just there, they’re hanging out, guess it hurts if you get kicked in that area, but so what?...if you’re going to talk about something that takes strength, wouldn’t you say ‘they’ve got quite the vagina’ or something because of what it takes to, let’s say, push out a baby…now that is actually an accomplishment…and I know it sounds weird but what could be our other options…if, for example, you couldn’t say ‘ballsy’ anymore