Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

If you had a chance to ask Andrew, Ben or Tim one question, what would it be?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) September 28th, 2009

I know this question was asked a few months ago but I can’t find it. Fluther also has a new partner, so maybe this question will stay?

What would you ask these three intelligent, funny, handsome webmeisters if you had the opportunity?

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62 Answers

Ivan's avatar

How is babby formed

holden's avatar

I lol’ed, Ivan.

Tink's avatar

If they would really let me crash on their couch.

casheroo's avatar

I don’t know who Tim is. I’d like to ask about that. Or maybe I missed a blog on it?

jonsblond's avatar

@casheroo There is a blog!

augustlan's avatar

Tim is our new programmer/computer genius!

YARNLADY's avatar

How can I purchase stock or ownership shares?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Where’s my damn guacamole?

J0E's avatar

Do you have… :: puts pinky to corner of lip :: one million dollars?

holden's avatar

I would ask them what their inspiration was for creating this site.

frostgiant's avatar

Does this look infected?

wundayatta's avatar


jonsblond's avatar

@frostgiant I wish I could give you more than one great answer.

aprilsimnel's avatar

What’s the secret to bouncin’ and behavin’ hair?

chicadelplaya's avatar

How many Schlitz can a Schlitz Pabst Blatz if a Schlitz Pabst Pabst Blatz Schlitz?

tinyfaery's avatar

So, what is the jinx rule?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Were those stickers awesome or what?

Sampson's avatar

Can I poop in your mouth?

Will you buy me a cheese pie?

@evelyns_pet_zebra I still have the one you sent to me… I don’t know what to put it on!

filmfann's avatar

I was promised pancakes. I looked in the CD-ROM.

jonsblond's avatar

@Sampson Mine is on my snowboard…and mini-van. (I received two thanks to my husband) Methinks you don’t have a mini-van but it’s possible you have a snowboard?

Sampson's avatar

@jonsblond Not for many years… I was thinking it’d look perfect on a laptop, but I don’t have one!

eponymoushipster's avatar

Which do you prefer: Yahoo! Answers or Askville?~

jonsblond's avatar

@eponymoushipster Mahalo…duh!

@Sampson Just put it on your ass then and take a picture. Evelyn will be proud!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@YARNLADY thanks for that link, that was indeed awesome. Makes me value my new pet, even though it is a hunter, not an orb weaver.

cyn's avatar

He’s a V.I.P.
As to the question: Are you married?

jonsblond's avatar

@cyndihugs Good question! Do they have SO’s. nice!

Sampson's avatar

@jonsblond Yeah, I’d have to go ahead and (sips coffee) and disagree with you there, mkay?

cyn's avatar

@jonsblond apparently they don’t talk about their SO on here…. (:

Tink's avatar

Oo and Ben, yummy ;) j/k

jonsblond's avatar

@Tink1113 yeah…right! ;)

shilolo's avatar

How much of a raise are the moderators getting?

jonsblond's avatar

@Tink1113 That nappy bed hair does it every time!

@shilolo You got a t-shirt dammit! Isn’t that enough?

Tink's avatar

@jonsblond Im a sucker for that kind of hair! Sometimes I click on users that are no longer here just to see that message. Oye!

shilolo's avatar

@jonsblond The shirt doesn’t fit anymore since I sit on my ass all day moderating. I’m ashamed to admit that this is what I have become.

timtrueman's avatar

@Ivan Babby is formed in frizzer shell

@Tink1113 I’d have to check with my roommate but that depends on whether you can pass a CIA backround check

@casheroo There was a minor footnote on the last blog post

@YARNLADY Since they’re not for sale perhaps Bernie Madoff can sell you something.

@La_chica_gomela If you bring some tortilla chips to the Fluther HQ I think we can dig up your damn guacamole. Just don’t do it every four months.

@J0E Not that the IRS is aware of…

@frostgiant Unless you’re a Hut I think you’ve got something fierce of an infection. See a doctor yesterday.

@aprilsimnel Short.

@chicadelplaya Gesundheit.

@filmfann Orgasm pancakes are out of stock.

@eponymoushipster Carrier pigeon.

@cyndihugs I was a VIP until I pushed the newly create staff badge this afternoon. If you’re asking if I’m married, well, as far as I know I’m not. Bendrew on the other hand…

@shilolo 100%

Is that all you guys got? :P

eponymoushipster's avatar

What do Dr. J’s farts smell like?

cyn's avatar

Oh damn! He’s a STAFF!
[edit] (:

timtrueman's avatar

@eponymoushipster You got me on that one. I have no clue. Fish tacos perhaps?

iwamoto's avatar

i’d ask andrew “hey drew, when are you gonna make me mod ? it’s about time don’t you think ?” and i guess he’d nod with a smile.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Seriously…when are you going to make the PM’s visible on a reply post? Every other site has that. It’s a pain in the ass not being able to see what you’re writing back about. Get Tim to work on that little project.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@timtrueman wrong answer. it’s “roses, with a hint of sassy”.

CMaz's avatar

Why do people think your so handsome?

I don’t see it.

Dr_C's avatar

What was your original vision for fluther?

Also Tim.. is it awkward being caught in the middle of a Bendrew love stare?

aprilsimnel's avatar

Do you happen to have my my stapler? You know, my red Swingline stapler?

jonsblond's avatar

I asked for a mai tai, and they brought me a pina colada, and I said no salt, NO salt for the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the glass…

eponymoushipster's avatar

and i could see the squirrels, and they were merry

jonsblond's avatar

I could set the building on fire.

jonsblond's avatar

@all I asked this question before my husband Blondesjon announced that Andrew would be a guest on his radio show (Random Ass Radio). The show will be this Wednesday. Is there anything that you would really like to ask Andrew? If we use your question we will gladly give you props!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jonsblond i’d ask him what @Ivan asked in the very first answer.

augustlan's avatar

What gave them the idea for the CIA thread?

eponymoushipster's avatar

Ask them what it’s like to have someone of my genius and sex appeal using their site.

Tink's avatar

I want to ask them what do they think of Tink1113?

Dr_C's avatar

@jonsblond i had no idea it was @Blondesjohn that did Random Ass Radio!
See if he would consider asking Andrew his thoughts on the now famous name “Bendrew”
btw i’m a fan or RAR

jonsblond's avatar

@Dr_C The other half of RAR is Sakata from fluther. Happy to hear you are a fan of the show!

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