Does anyone want to talk about not paying income taxes?
I’ve heard stories of people not paying for years because they say it’s unconstitutional. I’ve also heard of people going to jail for it. I’ve heard that there’s no actual rule stating you have too. Can someone set me straight? Does anyone have experience with avoiding them?
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20 Answers
It is an old “populist” canard that there is no legal basis for the Income Tax. In fact it has been fully established as legal, and no one can avoid taxes without eventual prosecution.
If you drive on the roads, if you expect the police and the fire departments to help you in an emergency, if you flush your toilets into a common sewer, if you drive over bridges, if you attended a public school, if a crossing guard protects your children, pay your fuckin’ taxes. Pretty simple.
i want to talk about the frizzer.
One can legally avoid paying income taxes by taking advantage of all manner of deductions and tax shelters to reduce gross adjusted income
below the tax threshold.
If you want to explore this topic further google “tax honesty” and start reading.
It’s a long story to get there, but based on what I’ve read the federal income tax is applied more broadly than is constitutional and is perpetuated more
through obfuscation, intimidation and enforcement apparatus than fact. Does it really make sense that an average employee owes tax for the “privilege” of earning a living? The thing is, if you don’t understand the technicalities, you really don’t stand a chance of winning that battle should you have to fight it.
Here’s another clue: read the inside page of your 1040 form with the statement from the head IRS guy. Does it state that US law such and such requires Joe Citizen to pay income taxes or does it say something idealistic about Americans paying their fair share to ensure a functioning
democracy? If it doesn’t cite a law, why is that so? Why would it not cite a law while insistently scaring the shit out of everyone come tax time?
If you get popped for tax evasion (or whatever), then you have to convince 12 @pdworkin‘s of your argument and get them to return a not guitly vote despite the judges instruction to have them disregard the elements that are most favorable to your case. Good luck with that.
And lets not forget the IRS can seize your property, your bank account and all you assets.
Only to drag you through court and after you are “broke”.... broken.
They can get away with, “oops we made a mistake.”
At that point you have nothing left. And they do not owe you anything.
Basically, you pay your taxes or you get your legs broken.
Besides, gas tax, food tax and such are suppose to pay for our infrastructure.
The Income Tax has been the most progressive tax this country has ever seen, and when applied properly was responsible for the creation of a strong and durable middle class.
Since it began being misapplied during the Reagan era to transfer wealth from the middle class to the rich, we have of course seen the largest dislocations in the workplace in the history of the country, culminating in the financial disaster which is still visited upon us now.
If only Obama had the balls to produce what he promised, we could strengthen the middle and working classes in the coming years, and see a resurgence of the profoundly strong economy we enjoyed in the ‘50s and ‘60s, but he shows no inclination to grow a pair, as demonstrated by the defeat today of the health insurance “alternative option” in the Senate Finance committee.
I don’t know about not paying income taxes…but Philadephia has a huge issue with people not paying property taxes. And it seems to be all city workers, who then file bankruptcy. Such assholes.
@SuperMouse Why are all those comments removed in the thread you posted the link for? Did the conversation turn ugly or something?
@jaketheripper There’s no way to avoid them, so just pay them. The consequences are too great if you are caught.
@BBSDTfamily Thanks for pointing that out. It looks like Fluther got a bad case of the Mao Tse Tungs, and censored a whole thread. I wonder if they ever apologized or explained anywhere.
@BBSDTfamily and @pdworkin the thread was a joke – that’s why I linked it. There were no arguments or ugly statements, just a joke. Get it a thread about Fluther being a front for the CIA – having every quip moderated? Almost like the CIA was monitoring the thread? Most of the posts were just goofy quips about how the quips would be removed in hours.
I don’t mind paying taxes. I wish I could choose what my taxes go toward. I can just check the boxes.
Around here Kansas everyone gets mad because the Amish drive their buggies and tractors on public roads and highways but don’t pay taxes. I’ve looked in to it and all I can find is that they don’t pay Social Security and they don’t draw it. My grandma used to tell me that the Amish would try to not pay sales tax in stores. I’ve never seen it though.
Whoa there, what’s with the middle class love affair? They don’t put food on your table or fix your frickin road. Secondly they consume, per nuclear family unit, more than is healthy. Thirdly, don’t tell me i should pay taxes to fund wars for rescources to support suburbinites with enough cheap gasoline to power their brats to school in SUV’S… Get my my drift? Nor do i want to subsidise the banking class either… Nor do i wish to pay for a tax system that is fairly arbitary for businessmen, depending on the creativity of their accountancy but the employee get’s hit at scource…bang. So businesses are really tax collectors and tax avoiders aren’t they? Well they are in lil ol’ Britain any ways.
Apparently Senator Harry Reid believes it’s voluntary.
I’m with @tinyfaery. I wish I had more of a say on where my money goes.
With all the tax deductions, they are one of the most affordable of life’s expenses. With careful planing you can easily pay less than 1%, and a lot of times less than that.
Last year I paid .00857%
I wouldn’t have a problem with paying for social security, health care, environmental regulation and science, but I don’t wanna pay money so Obama can drop bombs on Afghani children, or give CEOs and bankers trillions. Like @mammal said, I don’t wanna pay money to keep oil profitable, I’d rather drop all oil subsidies and put them in renewables.
Not to mention or silly little drug war and our nuclear arsenal.
@DrBill I need to hire your accountant
I am my accountant, I am also a CTA and I am for hire.
But like I Said, it takes planning.
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