What's the most controversial opinion you have and why do you believe it?
Asked by
ruanua (
September 29th, 2009
Please explain the opinion and the reason you believe in your position.
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97 Answers
I. Don’t. Like. The. Beatles.
There I have said it. I think they are like the Jonas Brothers of the 60’s, and they are extremely overrated, while bands in the same era like Velvet Underground are under-appreciated and often ignored.
@PretentiousArtist You crazy-person. Thanks for getting the thread off to the blandest possible start. You rebel.
These days, seems like my most controversial opinion is “I’m not afraid of Obama”.
I guess controversy is dead. Sigh.
I don’t believe in making things easy for people. I think soundbite mentality is disturbing, and that more people should use their noodle more often. If they don’t, I have a low opinion of them. Things are complex (there, I said it!) and no political party, “news” outlet, guru, or church has all the answers – people need to think for their gorram selves!
@laureth “People should think for themselves” – That’s controversial?
All right, I’ll be ballsy here to an extent. There is a particular ethnicity that I can’t stand. I don’t hate them, I just can’t stand them. And I know its wrong, and I know I’m evil for thinking this way, and it isn’t fair to group one group of people together, but I just can’t help it. And no. I’m not telling you who this group is or why I can’t stand them, I think I took a big enough step with that. Just want to add that I would never do or say anything to a person of this ethnicity that was derogatory or inflammatory, it is just a mental state in my head that I can’t stand them. There.
The most controversial opinion I have is hard to say.
My most controversial is probably that I don’t believe there is anything wrong with incestuous relationships between consenting adults that don’t produce children. If it doesn’t harm a person, an animal, or the environment, why should I care what two adults do sexually/romantically? Who gives a crap if they’re related?
I don’t believe lying is always wrong and I don’t believe revenge is always wrong.
Ludwig van Beethoven is overrated. Doesn’t mean he isn’t good, but he’s not as good as people say.
There is a difference between a “pedophile” and a “child molester”. A child molester is a pedophile who acts on their desires. Pedophiles can simply never act on their desires but still be attracted to children. That doesn’t make them a child molester.
Offensive terms, like racist and sexist terms are not always offensive. It depends on the context of their usage, who’s using them, and for what purpose.
The most important one of all to me: “It’s gross”, “it’s different”, and “it’s uncommon” are NOT reasons for things to be considered wrong.
Les is a racist. Now we’re getting somewhere.
Just because it’s not offensive or not taboo doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not controversial
DominicX is ok with incest. Things are picking up.
Yeah, yeah. I think everyone is. To an extent. And really, what is the problem? I’ll never do anything bad to these people, or taunt them, or anything like that, it is just in my mind. If I had a boss of this ethnicity, whatever. It wouldn’t bother me. I don’t think there is anyone who can honestly say that they never get annoyed with another ethnicity. Im Polish. Sheesh, that’s a target right there.
@ruanua – it appears to be nowadays. Everything is so dumbed down so that even the students who couldn’t be left behind can “get” it – but that simplification is detrimental to any kind of real understanding of the world.
A blanket opinion I have is that people who take things for granted don’t deserve them. It becomes controversial I guess when I apply that to pregnancy, b/c I believe people who have abortions don’t deserve to have children when the timing is convenient for them.
Everyone interested in being parents should at least consider adoption as an option.
To not do so is selfish.
If, after reviewing all the available information, you decide adoption is not for you, then – by all means – breed away.
Just don’t dismiss it out of hand as an option.
/ˈkɒntrəˌvɜrsi; Brit. also kənˈtrɒvərsi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kon-truh-vur-see; Brit. also kuhn-trov-er-see]
1. a prolonged public dispute, debate, or contention; disputation concerning a matter of opinion.
2. contention, strife, or argument.
@BBSDTfamily You seriously believe anyone that has an abortion doesn’t deserve to have child later in life? Do you pick and choose who is allowed to have abortions? Like teens or whatever.
I think the most controversial opinion I hold is regarding state aid, or as people like to call “welfare.”
I believe lying to the government is perfectly okay. I believe people should do whatever they want to provide for their family and for themselves. If this means lying about income, or working under the table, then so be it. The requirements for state aid such as supplemental food (aka food stamps..they don’t call it that anymore though) and cash assistance have barely changed. People cannot survive on a dollar over the limit for supplemental food! They need to change the poverty line, because that’s the only way they can fix people lying to them, because then they won’t have to.
I’m not opposed to the death penalty.
I’m not saying it never fails and that innocent people are never executed, some are. I think that, most of the time, the people who committed the crime are the ones who are executed and if someone had killed a member of my family I would want them punished.
Religion, as comforting as it is for some, is the biggest cause of unnatural death and is inherently evil.
I sorta agree with The Church of Euthanasia on some points.
Western culture is designed to make you stupid and not question authority or ask the wrong questions.
Film is an art form. (Not sure how controversial that one is, but I’ve definitely gotten into arguments about it.)
People should have the right to death.
watching football and baseball is pointless and a major waste of time, for me at least.
I know, go ahead and kindly remove my nutsack. Seriously though, unless I have money riding on a team, who cares if Wade Boggs scores a touchdown or if Ickey Woods hits a homer. In neither case will I get a check in the mail, become any more enlightened, or gain knowledge that will help me survive in my day-to-day life. If I keep up with any stats, it’s only for the sake of crossword puzzles. On that note, I think the NY times should exclude sports from the puzzles.
There are some sports that are at least mildly interesting, to watch. Basketball, soccer, hockey, and ‘extreme’ sports can be entertaining every now and then.
I grew up surfing and skateboarding. My father owned a surfboard company, coached a surf team, and judged contests. Even so, I never watched surfing contests ‘religiously.’ Playing a sport or taking part in an athletic activity is a different story, but I find little redeeming value in watching a ball being tossed around by people I have no affiliation with.
@casheroo – the poverty line is where it is because of two studies. In the 50’s, there was a study finding that poor people pay a certain percentage of their income on food. In the 60’s, there was a study to learn what was the minimal cost diet that people could subsist on. Do the math with those two numbers and you get the “poverty line,” which, yes, BADLY needs an overhaul.
@laureth That’s disturbing that they go by studies from the 50s and 60s.
@peedub: Not controversial with me. I agree; watching sports is a major waste of time.
I think it’s a deeply ingrained part of our psyche for a reason. It weakens the gene pool and regardless if it’s not done for procreation, incest will sooner or later accidentally birth children. Royalty for centuries suffered from inbreeding and it’s a good thing to have it as a taboo. The role of family members serves a deeper purpose of support and stability as well. Family members create other families and add to the healthy population.
And it’s most often a violation of trust and a power thing from generation to generation. Perpetuated to such a degree to where it almost feels normal..but it’s not.
I don’t think children are all giggles and smiles. They can be vile little brats, mean to the bone, and careless about others.
They need to be taught empathy.
Oh, I just thought of a few more, so bear with me. I know you love reading these as much as I do:
There is always an alternative to corporal punishment.
Tattoos and piercing are unattractive (to me). I guess that’s more a controversial preference than an opinion.
Drinking to get drunk is not wrong if you know your limits and don’t do anything dangerous.
There is a such thing as “too much therapy” and I think that in some ways, we are overtherapized as a nation.
@SeventhSense I am pretty sure I read that naturally, we are unattracted to our family members, at least siblings (I know I read that somewhere). I don’t think it will ever become common. But there is no guarantee that an incestuous relationship will produce children. Some simply don’t and that’s that.
@cprevite “Just don’t dismiss it out of hand as an option.” Brain fart, but what do you mean by that? What does “out of hand” mean?
I secretly think everyone I know who got married before 25 is an idiot.
@nikipedia Even people our parents age? (I’m assuming your parents are close to my parents age, since we’re similar in age) My parents got married at either 20 or 21, and have been together for almost 30 years! Although, I will admit..when I have issues with my husband, my mother tells me how she and my father basically had to grow up together. You do a lot of growing up in your twenties, as I’m sure you know. So, I can see why you think people are idiots for it.
@casheroo: Sorry, old phrase of my grandmother’s. What I mean is, without researching it as an option.
@nikipedia: I can get behind that.
I don’t believe that there is a self at all and that we are all just imaginations.
@casheroo I’m with you. I’d better be married before I’m 25!
People who don’t like cats have a mental illness.
@casheroo: Yes. My parents are idiots, but for unrelated reasons. I don’t see why that makes any difference.
I like cats but any animals that shits in a box in the kitchen…well… outside cat please.
@nikipedia Well, I guess I just assume anyone that’s been married since their early twenties, for that long actually love each other and view each other as best friends in life. I don’t know why anyone would look down upon that. I also don’t know what’s so magical about one more year. A 26 year old doesn’t get judgement, but a 25 or 24 year old would? Just doesn’t make sense to me.
Could someone order my meds; I don’t like cats.
ok, in truth, I’m violently allergic. I might like them if I could get near them.
@casheroo – She stated her “controversial” opinion. Its controversial for a reason. Lay off her. :-)
Man’s best friend-die for master, gets slippers, pulls sleighs, guards home, rescues lost children, tracks criminals, hunts for food, wags tail and licks face
Cat- Run and hide when visitors come, shit in box and make you clean it up…leave the occasional mouse or bird where you can trip over it on the way to the garage or driveway
@Les I didn’t think I was attacking her. I asked others questions as well. I didn’t realize we weren’t allowed to want further info.
lol @cprevite you need happy meds and a good inhaler ;)
Controversial: Boobs are awesome.
My support of capital punishment for those who can’t be rehabilitated such as:
child molesters
serial murderers < < < < no folks, I wouldn’t fry Dexter
I believe in capital punishment not because of some “eye for eye” thing or that I feel it’s a punishment. I’m not concerned with punishment, I’m concerned with keeping those people away from the rest of society and I don’t believe in supporting them behind bars somewhere out of sight and out of mind. In fact, I think keeping them penned up is cruel and would rather they be put out of their inescapable misery.
@SeventhSense Strictly speaking, it can’t be controversial if there’s no one to disagree
Here’s one I feel very strongly about. I believe gay people should (and eventually will) have the right to get married. They’re people just like everybody else and should not be excluded from this right.
I believe there’s a grain of truth in Christianity – both believers and nonbelievers will find this controversial.
Also, I don’t believe in folding socks. It’s a waste of time – most socks are white, for crying out loud, and who looks at socks anyway?
I believe an excellent colon/liver/kidney cleansing regimen can make a huge difference in a person’s health.
@efritz: I don’t mean to hijack this thread, but you have to know that your avatar is spectacular.
@Les – thank you. they were delicious :)
I think that squirtle is the best starter for the first generation pokemon games.
I think that convicted child molesters should be castrated. If you cannot control your base urges and you hurt someone who can’t even fight back and doesn’t know what’s going on, I think you lose all sex/breeding privileges.
I also think that bestiality is okay as long as the beast in question can get away if it so chooses. Example: Horses are so damn big and strong that if it doesn’t want to be fucked, it can damn well kick the offender in the crotch and trot off.
I agree with @DominicX on this: There is a difference between a “pedophile” and a “child molester”. A child molester is a pedophile who acts on their desires. Pedophiles can simply never act on their desires but still be attracted to children. That doesn’t make them a child molester.
On a similar note, I don’t think that someone who is sexually attracted to animals is wrong, or is harming the animal in the same way that having sex with children harms children. Animals are NOT children, and if an animal does not like what someone is doing with it, the animal will let them know. I don’t think that zoophiles are very common, but there are some people with that preference out there. Other people might find it disgusting or gross, but then, I think sushi is gross. It all comes down to a matter of likes and dislikes.
Life is about choices, your results may vary.
I think that people should abide by the logical conclusions of their beliefs which sounds innocuous but when the rubber meets the road most people will get upset
Here’s another controversial opinion for you:
No one has the right to tell you what you believe is wrong. They might find your spiritual or religious beliefs disagreeable to them personally, but to tell you that what you believe is wrong, well, that’s just BS. Believe in what works best for you, and if other people don’t like it, well that’s just too bad.
@casheroo It’s just that I see pregnancy as a something so special, I guess because I have been close to not being able to even become pregnant myself so maybe I’m more sensitive about it now, and even more so now that I am pregnant. I think people who choose abortions are taking the abilty to become pregnant for granted, so it goes along w/ my blanket opinion… I told you guys it is controversial! No I don’t pick and choose who can have abortions, I just don’t think anyone should unless their own life is in danger if the pregnancy continued. Like I said, I just think life is too precious to waste that way.
@nikipedia I think maturity level- not age- should be the deciding factor of whether or not those people jumped the gun.
It’s seriously disturbing that anyone would get props for promoting perhaps the most damaging act to the integrity of the developing child(incest) and call it a lifestyle choice. It’s amoral. Incest has nothing to do with love but simply misplaced affections and an inability to grow beyond infantile attachments. Fantasy is one thing, but reality has boundaries.
That’s called anarchy and with such attitudes there is no society. The judicial system is built upon ideals of acceptable behavior for a reason. Without it there is an erosion of the likes DominicX proposes. The fall of Rome was predicated by unbelievable and horrific acts against humanity in the name of whatever. I have every right to tell you what you are doing is wrong when it infringes upon my rights or the rights and welfare of the collective. You can hole up in a cave with a gun if you so choose.
And personally I don’t care if one fucks watermelons, but leave innocent sentient beings out of it.
What does incest have to do with a child? I’m talking about two 30 year olds who are siblings and form a relationship. What does that have to do with children?
It starts in childhood and is passed on from generation to generation. Healthy developed individuals are not attracted to such relationships. It’s a type of psychological trauma and comes from a failure to pass through developmental stages of attachment and separation of family members.
Good night.
@DominicX I think it’s under the assumption that birth control is not 100% effective. So you know, if you fuck 1,000 times, chances are she’ll get pregnant at least once.
Anyhow, having one generation of inbreeding (however weird it my be) will not automatically make your child succeptible to every disease known to man. You’ve got to have quite a few generations of thinning the gene pool before you notice something wrong.
I believe animals are here for our personal use. It doesn’t mean we should be needlessly cruel to them, but I have no problem sacrificing them humanely for our benefit.
Part of me feels, despite the strongly racist overtones of this thought, that there may be no dealing with Arabs. They are so backwards in many of their beliefs that I don’t think any peace can be had with them.
Hmmm, I can only think of those two. I would have thought I have more controversial opinions.
@drdoombot I agree they can be sacrificed humanely… what I don’t agree with is the way the US views the word “humane”. Slaughterhouses as we know them today are not humane by my definition whatsoever. It’s very disturbing that they’re legally allowed to do some of the things they do!! That’s why I oppose factory farming and don’t eat animals slaughtered that way- not b/c I think animals deserve human rights, but b/c I disagree with the cruelty that occurs.
My boyfriend is ¼ Arab :(
I think that in many ways, Islamic/Musim beliefs are backwards, at least the ones that show up in Muslim societies such as in Saudi Arabia where women aren’t allowed to drive and such. I just refuse to think that it can’t change. The problem is that they’re so far into it that it’s difficult to reverse it. Think of North Korea. They’re a cult country. How can one just reverse something like that?
People tell me to be “cultured” and such but any culture that supports honor killings and public executions of homosexuals is not a culture I can just accept.
And I also agree that I think humans can kill animals for food. I don’t think that they should be treated as badly as they are treated often nowadays, but I don’t think it’s wrong for humans to kill animals for meat.
I don’t believe that it is ever right to hit someone, especially a child.
I believe it is always wrong to lie.
I don’t know whether this is contraversial but I don’t believe in marriage. I don’t believe in standing in front of someone, making a promise that you don’t know for certain that you will be able to keep forever ie: I promise to love you forever all for a piece of paper to prove that you love someone now.
I love my partner very very much and I hope I love him forever (as far as I am convcerned he is the one and I’m certainly not on the look out for someone else) but despite how you might feel now, no one really knows how they will feel about another person ten or twenty years down the line.
@evelyns_pet_zebra: Virtual high five! I almost wrote that I think pedophiles should be castrated until I thought about it and came to the same conclusion. A pedophile may be able to keep his/her feelings in check. A molester does not. Oh, also, to be clear, I think that should extend to people who look at child pornography. That is most certainly not keeping one’s pedophilia in check.
I believe all newborns (especially those born premature) have the right to receive breast milk. If you don’t want to breastfeed, pump and bottle feed. If you can’t breastfeed, don’t.
I don’t believe in rape being an automatic justification for abortion.
I believe certain people should be sterilized/castrated, but I don’t trust the government to manage such a program. The same goes for the death penalty – I believe in it (in certain situations), but I don’t trust the government/criminal justice system.
I don’t believe in the “war on drugs”, and don’t believe that people who are arrested for drug offenses should go to jail with criminals.
I believe people should follow the CDC recommendations for vaccination and not pick and choose what vaccinations to receive (both for adults and children).
@SeventhSense I choose to disagree, animals are not innocent, and if someone is having consentual sex with their pony, or goat, or dog or whatever, then what’s the harm? If an animal, even a pet, is in a situation that it feels is unacceptable, it will kick bite, or run away. That said, I have a problem with people who have to bind and confine an animal for zoophile tendencies, as that is WRONG. But if it is consentual, and animals can consent despite people who say otherwise, then I don’t see a problem with it. We choose to disagree, and if your only experience with zoophilia is the disgusting porn that passes for zoophilia on the Internet, then you are misled by something created so sick fuckers can get their jollies.
@Cupcake GA! I agree 100% with everything except the last one… still not sure where I stand on trusting recommended vaccinations b/c there have been things in the past that were medically recommended then later proven to be bad for us.
@PretentiousArtist if we are going to go that way, here is a list of musicians I despise: Eric Clapton, David Bowie, and pretty much every modern country singer alive.
@BBSDTfamily I know what you mean about medical recommendations. They change. But from a societal perspective, I still think we’re better off following what physicians, researchers, biostaticians and institutions of oversight recommend rather than our own anecdotal beliefs.
It’s still hard to trust institutions, though, and especially medical ones when medical advice changes frequently. Only time will tell.
@Cupcake For your last thing, do you believe there should be a punishment, or enforcement of the CDC recommendation?? I’m just curious.
@casheroo No, of course not. I don’t trust the government enough for that (in case you couldn’t tell). I just think people should be in the practice of following sound medical advice. Certainly second opinions are valuable (and sometimes very necessary), so personal judgment has a role to be played. But I am concerned about people not following broad medical advice without the training to understand both the personal/family implications, as well as the community/societal/global implications. Immunizations were not only created for the individual – their global benefit relies on a large percentage of compliance among populations. And, at this point, their detriment is largely scientifically unfounded.
@Cupcake I can see where you are coming from. But as a person who delays and selective vaxes, I disagree. People are quite capable of weighing the risks vs. benefits for themselves, and I would hope they’d discuss it with a doctor.
okay I’ll stop hijacking lol
I think religious people are ignorant. I think people who ‘believe’ in alternative medicine such as homeopathy, crystal healing, energy field treatments and other such baloney are stupid. I have absolutely no respect for people who put their ‘beliefs’ before science. I also have no regard for people who wish to enforce their opinions on others without any regard for how this might affect others – such as people who want to outlaw abortions. I despise people who put their own selfish interests and pleasures before others – such as people who drink and drive and risk others lives. I don’t give a shit what people do in their privacy as long as they don’t negatively impact others but unfortunately many people seem to believe that their own freedom to do what they want is more important than other peoples right to not be hurt.
I think it’s foolish to say that one should keep their beliefs (religious mostly) in a tiny little box that they only open when no ones around. I think it’s dumb to act like no one can make a claim as to whether another person is wrong or make a policy upon such a claim.
@evelyns_pet_zebra I understand the country singers and Eric Clapton part, but why David Bowie? I like his early stuff and I especially love Ziggy Stardust
@johanna You pretty much said it all. Exxxxxcceellent answer!!!
@deni @cartman
Ahhh, you guys!
@PretentiousArtist I just find his voice really grating. Another one I forgot to add is Led Zeppelin.
I don’t think children owe anything to their parents.
@casheroo Yes, yes, I know. I might have a different opinion if I wasn’t being smothered and suffocated.
@Facade I think you would, because I totally know how you feel. Once you move out and are a separate being, the relationship with your parents will be less strained. we’ve been moved in a few months now and residual problems are starting to rise up again :( I am not a teenager and I’m starting to feel like one lol
Yea, it can be pretty horrible. Especially with other issues on top of it. I am PRAYING that something good happens soon. I also pray that your family and you parents can mesh :)
@Facade If their parents raised them well, then they at least owe them respect.
I can agree with that. I didn’t really mean “anything” when I said “anything.”
@evelyns_pet_zebra Ah, well, les chiens aboient, la caravane passe, to each his own. Not to mention, Led Zeppelin also ripped off many blues/folk artists
It must be nice to be so sure of yourself. I suppose the scientific heretics of the past would have been dismissed by you as well-i.e.-man can fly, man can transmit his thoughts on paper, man can send his words across the world. General and oversimplified stereotypes like religious people is just wrong and only point out your arrogance…and dare I say ignorance
Animals are not innocent? What do they have original sin? Who said that they deserve to be fucked? I can’t believe I’m arguing bestiality
And…Led Zeppelin is like the text of rock and roll…are u effing high?
@SeventhSense What? Are we supposed to be arguing with the answers? I thought it was just a question to state our opinions, not argue about them
@YARNLADY That’s what it’s supposed to be, yes, but some people don’t seem to be able to see a conflicting opinion without arguing it. I don’t agree with plenty of the things said here in this thread, but I’m not arguing them. This thread wasn’t supposed to be for that.
I’m just frightened by some of these answers
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