Im curious what do you feel about about situation of a pregnant girl I know.
Asked by
buster (
September 29th, 2009
O.K. So im working for a my friend that grew up across the street from me since he was 3 and I was 5. He is 25 has a 2 year old daughter and an 8 month pregnant wife. This guy and I partied and did a lot of drugs together when we where younger. Well he recently bought a house. I remodel homes for a living and Im working there currently. My friend bust out a bottle of pills and he has an Opana which is oxymorphone. This stuff is a lot stronger than morphine, oxycontins, hydromorphone. Anyways I see him smashing an Opana up in dollar bill and his 8 month pregnant wife and him both hit a line. Then she smoked a cigarette. I don’t like what happened. I don’t want to start a stink. How would you guys react?
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20 Answers
If she’s using narcotics on any kind of regular basis, the baby will have to go through withdrawal after he/she is born. The best thing for mom and baby would be for her to go into treatment ASAP.
Someone needs to step up and advocate for that baby.
[edit] Wait, wait, I have a better answer. Tell your dumb fuck friend and his wife to cut that bullshit out. They have babies now. Time to grow up.
I work as a nurse midwife/nurse practitioner. Occasionally, we get a phone call from a concerned family member or friend to tell us that one of our pregnant patients is using. When that happens, at the next prenatal visit, we tell the woman that we have been contacted by an anonymous person about possible drug use, and ask her to do a drug screen to lay those concerns to rest. Sometimes, she discloses at that point. If she admits drug use or tests positive, then we have leverage to get her into treatment. In our state, women do not automatically lose their babies for testing positive during pregnancy. If they test positive when they come in to deliver and the baby tests positive too, the baby usually goes into foster care and the parents have to get treatment and get sober and jump through additional hoops with protective services to regain custody.
Call her doctor’s office if you know who they are, or better yet, call CPS and report your observations. CPS will keep you anonymous and will work to keep the baby safe.
Wow. That is really sad and someone really needs to step up and let them know how it is. If you are worried about causing a stink, then do what @MagsRags suggested and leave an anonymous tip.
My oldest half sister was using meth, not to mention everything else, when she was pregnant with her daughter. By some miracle her baby did not have any complications and was and still is completely healthy. She didn’t want to change her lifestyle and now my parents are raising her daughter and she is now a happy, healthy six year old. My sister has recently had another child, whom she does not seem to want to give up. She also doesn’t want to give up the drugs. Unfortunately, she still doesn’t want to give up the drugs, alcohol and sex. I’m praying that this baby gets a second chance, like her fist child did! It makes me sick to think about how selfish and careless she is being. =(
Time for serious intervention. Notify the Police – any cop who is a parent will be happy to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure the child’s welfare. (As will most who are not parents.)
I think this is really sad & I know it’s a tricky situation, but this baby deserves to be brought into this world in a healthy & loving way. If it was me in that situation, I’d make the necessary calls. Not only is the unborn child at risk, the 2 year old is in a very negative situation. The family needs help.
My gut reaction was that you should call CPS.
I could not be friends with someone like that.
It’s harsh, but I would have no respect for someone who did that.
Going to CPS or cops will be pointless. Cops get anonymous tips all day long, half the time they don’t even bother writing it down. They would be more interested in making a traffic stop catching these people with the drugs on them. Most cops don’t care about that baby, only the bust. (I work for the cops… trust me. All they want is glory.) As for CPS, I deal with them a little bit too and they tend to be more helpful, but they have a long process they have to go through and your one anonymous tip isn’t enough to do anything at all. I don’t really work with hospitals or anything like that but what magsrags says sounds like a very good idea. I think that would be the quickest and most effective way to get something done.
Good luck, and thanks for caring.
@identity Going to CPS or cops will be pointless. Cops get anonymous tips all day long, half the time they don’t even bother writing it down. They would be more interested in making a traffic stop catching these people with the drugs on them. Most cops don’t care about that baby, only the bust. (I work for the cops… trust me. All they want is glory.)
Nonsense. Clueless generalising nonsense.
@identity I’m pretty sure cops are required to investigate anonymous tips.
Going to CPS or cops will be pointless.
Not at all. CPS will respond for certain.
I so SO sorry for that child. They should not parent it.
Im not going to do shit but mind my own business I guess. I can’t rat this guy or his girl out. The thing if I did rat them out well it would all disappear. This guys family is loaded his grandma own’s like 20 Macdonalds. Both my friend and his older brother are spoiled kids 25 and 30. They been arrested for d.u.i.s , drugs other shit. Grandma is in ducks unlimited and the lawyers and shakers that are democrats in our town. Anyways they get off of everything. Small towns in the town are corrupt. I don’t know that anyone here would do shit because of the pecking order.
Ducks unlimited?? The Oregon Ducks?
I would immediately call Child Protective Services (you can report anonymously if you’d like). I would think it irresponsible not to call. Things can disappear if you call the local police. However if you call the National CPS then it won’t go away without an investigation at least.
Good idea. Let it slide. I’m sure those kids will turn out a-ok!
I’ve seen this happen on way way too many occasions. Although drugs/alcohol may not affect the baby, the parents lifestyles WILL.
It is a tough decision when its a best friend, but if you care enough about your friends, I would call CPS. Unlike calling the cops, they are required by law to investigate. They’ll show up at the house on a random day to interview the parents and the parents will have to let them in AND have their house “inspected”... nothing evasive, just a walk through of where the child eats, sleeps and plays. Occaisionally its not on-the-spot and the parents will be given an apointment to let the CPS Agent into their home.
This doesn’t automatically mean that their children will be taken away from them. They might be forced to go to rehab or something of the like, but it would be better for the children.
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