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ruanua's avatar

Why is masturbation taboo?

Asked by ruanua (172points) September 30th, 2009

Since everyone masturbates, isn’t it strange that we don’t talk about it more? Even poop and pee jokes are more acceptable than masturbation jokes. Why does it make people so uncomfortable?

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26 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

I blame misguided people using religion as an excuse to vilify masturbation.

Also, I don’t masturbate and I don’t want to talk about it.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Life without bob?

DominicX's avatar

Well, not everyone masturbates, but I’m sure it’s a large percentage.

It’s just a private thing. I wouldn’t want to talk about it. Bathroom functions fit in with the same category.

But in terms of people thinking it’s wrong and such, I do think that a lot of that comes from religious or cultural practices that condemn it and thus that only contributes to the taboo nature of it.

mrentropy's avatar

While we’re on the subject, I think it’s unfair that for women there’s not much mess involved. For guys, though, we need to make sure we have something to catch it in or risk someone slipping on the hardwood floors.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I think it’s just manners. How many people talk in detail about their poop with you?

As a joke? Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, George Lopez…those are just 3 comedians I could think of off the top of my head that joke about whacking & Bob’s in their acts.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@mrentropy Like a sock? or a tissue? How difficult is it really? In the shower?

Facade's avatar

who is Bob?

ragingloli's avatar

remnant of the more powerful reign over moral matters by religion.

mrentropy's avatar

@SpatzieLover I don’t know why anyone would ever masturbate into a sock. It seems that would be a recipe for disaster if one was short on clean laundry and forgot what they did in it. A tissue is all right if you’re using one of the ones with lotion. Um. So I hear.

In the shower isn’t a bad idea except for the cost of water and people banging on the door wanting to use the can. That ruins the mood.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Facade Bob Sorry I thought everyone knew this one

Facade's avatar

@SpatzieLover That is hilarious! LOL!

JLeslie's avatar

It’s just dumb for it to be a taboo. Sherri on The View talked about one day while at her singles church group the minister advised not to masterbate. WTF kind of crazy is that? How does that come up in a church group?

I didn’t grow up with it being a taboo.

drdoombot's avatar

In many cultures, masturbation is seen as a sexual illness: either you are so sex-crazed that you need to masturbate, or you are incapable of attracting the other sex and are forced to pleasure yourself.

The only thing I ever needed to know is that men who ejaculate four or more times per week have a significantly lower chance of getting prostate cancer. When my health is at stake, most taboos disappear.

laureth's avatar

If I tell you that I poop or pee, you may think I’m sharing too much, but you probably don’t think I’m creepy for wanting to do you. If I tell you about touching myself, it gets a little more… socially personal somehow, like I might be a dangerous freak. better to have the pepper spray around, ya know?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

because apparently your body and its sexual organs are not there for your enjoyment but are rather there for procreation purposes only – just your typical puritanical crap

Sarcasm's avatar

Because I don’t want to hear my friends talk about what they do with their cocks in their spare time, and as they say, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
My friends don’t talk about pee or bowel movements, for the record.

Actually, a few weeks ago we did have an awkward chat about wanking.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Sarcasm why is peeing, pooping and ejaculating always mentioned together? because we, as a society, are very uncomfortable at being reminded that our bodies are just like those of animals and that they have excretions reminding us of our impending deaths – I took a lot of philosophy in college, lol

JLeslie's avatar

I understand some women have parties about it. They buy sex toys there like tupperware parties. I have never been to one though.

Sarcasm's avatar

@JLeslie I remember seeing one of those on CSI. But some lady ended up dead in a fountain outside, and the dishwasher had a whole bunch of dildos in it.

JLeslie's avatar

Hell, they talk about masterbating on The View as I noted above. I don’t think it is taboo in mainstream America anymore. Although, I will contradict myself and remind everyone that Joycelyn Elders was fired because she advised teens to do it. Also, the UK is advising to masturbate if you believe what you read

SpatzieLover's avatar

@JLeslie In reference to that study: I know if my husband doesn’t have a talk with our son, I will. If we had a girl, I definitely would.

ratboy's avatar

The taboo would disappear if families would just set aside half an hour daily to masturbate together.

rooeytoo's avatar

ratboy wins again!!! GA

markyy's avatar

I always thought the taboo was talking about your own masturbation experiences, not masturbation in general.

DarkScribe's avatar

Masturbation is taboo?

Are you sure?

Ah! That explains it. I wondered why all the other passengers on the bus… Never mind.

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